Device Control

Device Control provides you with device information and allows you to control some device parameters.

General Information

Use Device User ID to enter a unique device name. This information is retained over power cycles.

Use Device Indicator Mode to control the status LED. The LED can be active, inactive, or in error mode.


Information about the bandwidth usage and link speed is provided.

Use Device Link Throughput Limit to specify what bandwidth is used for the streaming of data. This affects the maximum frame rate. This must be less that the Device Max Throughput.


Use Timestamp Latch to capture the current timestamp of the device.

Power Supply

Use the Device Power Supply Selector to choose a power supply, either External or Sensor (Internal). External power is either through the device interface or through GPIO.

Device Reset

Use Device Reset to soft reboot the camera. Use Factory Reset to clear any user tables loaded and perform a soft reboot of the camera.

Summary Table

Name Interface Access Visibility Description
Device Temperature Selector IEnumeration Expert Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.
Device Scan Type IEnumeration RO Expert Scan type of the sensor of the device.
Device Vendor Name IStringReg Beginner Name of the manufacturer of the device.
Device Model Name IStringReg Beginner Model of the device.
Sensor Description IStringReg Guru Returns Sensor Description
Device Manufacturer Info IStringReg Beginner Manufacturer information about the device.
Firmware Version IStringReg Beginner Version of the firmware on the device.
Serial Number IStringReg Expert Device's serial number. This string is a unique identifier of the device.
User ID IStringReg Beginner User-programmable device identifier.
Device TL Type IEnumeration RO Beginner Transport Layer type of the device.
TL Version Major IInteger RO Beginner Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.
TL Version Minor IInteger RO Beginner Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
Device Max Throughput IInteger RO Expert Maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that can be streamed out of the device. This can be used to estimate if the physical connection(s) can sustain transfer of free-running images from the camera at its maximum speed.
Link Speed IInteger RO Expert Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link. (Bps)
Device Link Throughput Limit IInteger RW Expert Limits the maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link. If necessary, delays will be uniformly inserted between transport layer packets in order to control the peak bandwidth.
Device Link Bandwidth Reserve IFloat RW Expert Percentage of streamed data bandwidth reserved for packet resend.
Device Link Current Throughput IInteger RO Expert Current bandwidth(in bps) of streamed data.
Stream Channel Count IInteger RO Expert Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.
Event Channel Count IInteger RO Expert Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.
Character Set IEnumeration RO Guru Character set used by the strings of the device`s bootstrap registers.
Device Reset ICommand WO Guru This is a command that immediately resets and reboots the device.
Device Indicator Mode IEnumeration Expert Controls the LED behaviour: Inactive (off), Active (current status), or Error Status (off unless an error occurs).
Registers Endianness IEnumeration RO Guru Endianess of the registers of the device.
Device Temperature [Device Temperature Selector] IFloat RO Expert Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).
Timestamp Reset ICommand WO Expert Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.
Timestamp Latch ICommand WO Expert Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.
Timestamp Latch Value IInteger RO Expert Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.
Device Power Supply Selector IEnumeration Expert Selects the power supply source to control or read.
Power Supply Voltage [Device Power Supply Selector] IFloat RO Expert Indicates the current voltage of the selected power supply (V).
Power Supply Current [Device Power Supply Selector] IFloat RO Expert Indicates the output current of the selected power supply (A).
Device Uptime IInteger RO Expert Total time since the device was powered up in seconds.
Link Uptime IInteger RO Expert Time since the last phy negotiation (enumeration).
Enumeration Count IInteger RO Expert Number of enumerations since uptime.
Factory Reset ICommand WO Guru Returns all user tables to factory default
Max Device Reset Time IInteger RO Expert Time to wait until device reset complete (ms).

Device Control Features

Device Temperature Selector

Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.

Property Value
Name DeviceTemperatureSelector
Interface IEnumeration
Visibility Expert

Enumeration Values

Device Scan Type

Scan type of the sensor of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceScanType
Interface IEnumeration
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Enumeration Values

Device Vendor Name

Name of the manufacturer of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceVendorName
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Beginner

Device Model Name

Model of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceModelName
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Beginner

Sensor Description

Returns Sensor Description

Property Value
Name SensorDescription
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Guru

Device Manufacturer Info

Manufacturer information about the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceManufacturerInfo
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Beginner

Firmware Version

Version of the firmware on the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceFirmwareVersion
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Beginner

Serial Number

Device's serial number. This string is a unique identifier of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceSerialNumber
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Expert

User ID

User-programmable device identifier.

Property Value
Name DeviceUserID
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Beginner

Device TL Type

Transport Layer type of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceTLType
Interface IEnumeration
Access RO
Visibility Beginner

Enumeration Values

TL Version Major

Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceTLVersionMajor
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Beginner

TL Version Minor

Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceTLVersionMinor
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Beginner

Device Max Throughput

Maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that can be streamed out of the device. This can be used to estimate if the physical connection(s) can sustain transfer of free-running images from the camera at its maximum speed.

Property Value
Name DeviceMaxThroughput
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit Bps
Visibility Expert

Link Speed

Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link. (Bps)

Property Value
Name DeviceLinkSpeed
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Device Link Throughput Limit

Limits the maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link. If necessary, delays will be uniformly inserted between transport layer packets in order to control the peak bandwidth.

Property Value
Name DeviceLinkThroughputLimit
Interface IInteger
Access RW
Unit Bps
Visibility Expert

Device Link Bandwidth Reserve

Percentage of streamed data bandwidth reserved for packet resend.

Property Value
Name DeviceLinkBandwidthReserve
Interface IFloat
Access RW
Unit %
Visibility Expert

Device Link Current Throughput

Current bandwidth(in bps) of streamed data.

Property Value
Name DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit Bps
Visibility Expert

Stream Channel Count

Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceStreamChannelCount
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Event Channel Count

Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceEventChannelCount
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Character Set

Character set used by the strings of the device`s bootstrap registers.

Property Value
Name DeviceCharacterSet
Interface IEnumeration
Access RO
Visibility Guru

Enumeration Values

Device Reset

This is a command that immediately resets and reboots the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceReset
Interface ICommand
Access WO
Visibility Guru

Device Indicator Mode

Controls the LED behaviour: Inactive (off), Active (current status), or Error Status (off unless an error occurs).

Property Value
Name DeviceIndicatorMode
Interface IEnumeration
Visibility Expert

Enumeration Values

Registers Endianness

Endianess of the registers of the device.

Property Value
Name DeviceRegistersEndianness
Interface IEnumeration
Access RO
Visibility Guru

Enumeration Values

Device Temperature

Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).

Property Value
Name DeviceTemperature [Device Temperature Selector]
Interface IFloat
Access RO
Unit C
Visibility Expert

Timestamp Reset

Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.

Property Value
Name TimestampReset
Interface ICommand
Access WO
Visibility Expert

Timestamp Latch

Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.

Property Value
Name TimestampLatch
Interface ICommand
Access WO
Visibility Expert

Timestamp Latch Value

Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.

Property Value
Name TimestampLatchValue
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit ns
Visibility Expert

Device Power Supply Selector

Selects the power supply source to control or read.

Property Value
Name DevicePowerSupplySelector
Interface IEnumeration
Visibility Expert

Enumeration Values

Power Supply Voltage

Indicates the current voltage of the selected power supply (V).

Property Value
Name PowerSupplyVoltage [Device Power Supply Selector]
Interface IFloat
Access RO
Unit V
Visibility Expert

Power Supply Current

Indicates the output current of the selected power supply (A).

Property Value
Name PowerSupplyCurrent [Device Power Supply Selector]
Interface IFloat
Access RO
Unit A
Visibility Expert

Device Uptime

Total time since the device was powered up in seconds.

Property Value
Name DeviceUptime
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit s
Visibility Expert

Link Uptime

Time since the last phy negotiation (enumeration).

Property Value
Name LinkUptime
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit s
Visibility Expert

Enumeration Count

Number of enumerations since uptime.

Property Value
Name EnumerationCount
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Factory Reset

Returns all user tables to factory default

Property Value
Name FactoryReset
Interface ICommand
Access WO
Visibility Guru

Max Device Reset Time

Time to wait until device reset complete (ms).

Property Value
Name MaxDeviceResetTime
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit ms
Visibility Expert