Inference Control

Summary Table

Name Interface Access Visibility Description
Inference Enable IBoolean RW Expert Enable on-camera inference processing.
Network Type IEnumeration RW Beginner Type of network currently loaded on camera. This is used to determine the output data format when sending results to the host.
Bounding Box Format IEnumeration RW Beginner Data format of the bounding boxes output by the network. This format will be converted to a generic type when transmitted to the host.
Bounding Box Threshold IFloat RW Beginner Confidence threshold for bounding boxes to be sent to the host. Any bounding boxes below this threshold will not be sent.
Scaling Time IFloat Beginner Total time it takes for the bilinear scaler to scale a frame for use by the inference module.
Preprocessing Time IFloat Beginner
Inference Time IFloat Beginner Total time it takes for the last inference in milliseconds. This includes time for preprocessing.
Inference Preprocessing ICategory RW Beginner
Inference Properties ICategory RO Beginner
Inference Network Name IStringReg Beginner User-defined name of the network currently on the device.
Inference Network Status IEnumeration RO Guru Represents the inference network loading and inspecting status.
Max Network Size IInteger RO Expert The maximum network size that can be loaded to the camera.

Inference Control Features

Inference Enable

Enable on-camera inference processing.

Property Value
Name InferenceEnable
Interface IBoolean
Access RW
Visibility Expert

Network Type

Type of network currently loaded on camera. This is used to determine the output data format when sending results to the host.

Property Value
Name InferenceNetworkTypeSelector
Interface IEnumeration
Access RW
Visibility Beginner

Enumeration Values

Bounding Box Format

Data format of the bounding boxes output by the network. This format will be converted to a generic type when transmitted to the host.

Property Value
Name InferenceNetworkOutputFormatSelector
Interface IEnumeration
Access RW
Visibility Beginner

Enumeration Values

Bounding Box Threshold

Confidence threshold for bounding boxes to be sent to the host. Any bounding boxes below this threshold will not be sent.

Property Value
Name InferenceBoundingBoxThreshold
Interface IFloat
Access RW
Visibility Beginner

Scaling Time

Total time it takes for the bilinear scaler to scale a frame for use by the inference module.

Property Value
Name InferenceScalerTime
Interface IFloat
Unit ms
Visibility Beginner

Preprocessing Time

Property Value
Name InferencePreprocessTime
Interface IFloat
Unit ms
Visibility Beginner

Inference Time

Total time it takes for the last inference in milliseconds. This includes time for preprocessing.

Property Value
Name InferenceTime
Interface IFloat
Unit ms
Visibility Beginner

Inference Preprocessing

Property Value
Name InferencePreprocessing
Interface ICategory
Access RW
Visibility Beginner

Inference Properties

Property Value
Name InferenceProperties
Interface ICategory
Access RO
Visibility Beginner

Inference Network Name

User-defined name of the network currently on the device.

Property Value
Name InferenceNetworkName
Interface IStringReg
Visibility Beginner

Inference Network Status

Represents the inference network loading and inspecting status.

Property Value
Name InferenceNetworkStatus
Interface IEnumeration
Access RO
Visibility Guru

Enumeration Values

Max Network Size

The maximum network size that can be loaded to the camera.

Property Value
Name MaxNetworkSize
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Unit Bytes
Visibility Expert