Inference Properties

Summary Table

Name Interface Access Visibility Description
Max Input Width IInteger RO Expert Maximum supported input horizontal resolution.
Max Input Height IInteger RO Expert Maximum supported input vertical resolution.
Max Bounding Boxes IInteger RO Expert Maximum supported output bounding boxes for detection networks. If a network that supports more bounding boxes is loaded onto the camera then only the first n boxes will be sent to the host (where n is the value specified here).
Network Size IInteger RO Expert Total size of network (in bytes).
Network Total Layers IInteger RO Expert Total number of layers that uploaded network contains.
Network Input Width IInteger RO Expert Input layer horizontal resolution (in pixels).
Network Input Height IInteger RO Expert Input layer vertical resolution (in pixels).
Network Input Channels IInteger RO Expert Number of channels used in input layer (e.g colour channels).
Output Classes IInteger RO Expert Total number of output classes from the network.

Inference Properties Features

Max Input Width

Maximum supported input horizontal resolution.

Property Value
Name InferenceMaxInputSizeX
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Max Input Height

Maximum supported input vertical resolution.

Property Value
Name InferenceMaxInputSizeY
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Max Bounding Boxes

Maximum supported output bounding boxes for detection networks. If a network that supports more bounding boxes is loaded onto the camera then only the first n boxes will be sent to the host (where n is the value specified here).

Property Value
Name InferenceMaxBoundingBoxes
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Network Size

Total size of network (in bytes).

Property Value
Name InferenceNetworkSize
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Network Total Layers

Total number of layers that uploaded network contains.

Property Value
Name InferenceNetworkNumStages
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Network Input Width

Input layer horizontal resolution (in pixels).

Property Value
Name InferenceInputSizeX
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Network Input Height

Input layer vertical resolution (in pixels).

Property Value
Name InferenceInputSizeY
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Network Input Channels

Number of channels used in input layer (e.g colour channels).

Property Value
Name InferenceInputSizeChannels
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert

Output Classes

Total number of output classes from the network.

Property Value
Name InferenceOutputSizeChannels
Interface IInteger
Access RO
Visibility Expert