Spinnaker SDK C++

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Benefits of Spinnaker
Benefits of Spinnaker

Benefits of Spinnaker

The Spinnaker SDK is developed based on GenICam. GenICam provides a unified application programming interface to users of machine vision cameras. An introduction to GenICam can be found on EMVA’s website.

Some of the key benefits of using the Spinnaker SDK include:

Forward Compatibility

  • Features are loaded dynamically from the camera. Take advantage of future camera features without having to recompile your application.
  • New machine vision standards are following GenICam (USB3 Vision, GigE Vision). Spinnaker allows you to write more generic code that can be easily migrated to future standards.
  • Follows SFNC (standard feature naming convention).

New Graphical User Interface

  • There is a new class of GUI controls that allows you to add individual GUI elements to your applications

Backwards Compatibility

  • Source compatibility—Newer versions of Spinnaker will not require developers to change their existing code. You can simply recompile your application with a newer version of Spinnaker.
  • Functional compatibility—Newer versions of Spinnaker will not remove any functional requirements.
  • Binary compatibility—You can run C++ or C based applications by swapping new Spinnaker binaries (DLL) with the old binaries. (This only applies to Spinnaker binaries which have the same major and minor version.)

Differences between Spinnaker and FlyCapture2 Support

The Spinnaker SDK is recommended for users developing new vision applications. Spinnaker provides users with many powerful features to streamline their development process. Users of USB 2.0 and IEEE1394 cameras, or users looking for certain GPIO features, may still require FlyCapture2. The following table summarizes the differences between the features, cameras and platforms supported by Spinnaker and FlyCapture2.

    Spinnaker FlyCapture2
Feature Support Feature Search Yes No
GenICam Compliant Yes No
Dynamic Feature Loading Yes No
Standard Feature Naming Convention Yes No
Serial on GPIO Yes Yes
PWM via GPIO Yes Yes
Camera Support Blackfly S Yes No
Oryx Yes No
USB 3.1 Cameras
GS3-U3, BFLY-U3, CM3-U3, FL3-U3
Yes Yes
GigE Cameras
Yes Yes
USB 2.0 Cameras No Yes
IEEE 1394 Cameras No Yes
Ladybug (use the Ladybug SDK) No Yes
Bumblebee (use the Triclops SDK) No Yes
Platform Support Windows Yes Yes
Linux Yes Yes
ARM Yes Yes
MacOS Yes No

Please see (http://softwareservices.flir.com/Spinnaker/latest/index.html) for the latest version of this document