Color Transformation Control
NOTE: To access color transformation controls, ISP must be enabled. The ISP enable feature is under the Image Format control (IspEnable). Color transformation is only available on standard color models. It is not available on polarized color models.
A color transformation is a linear operation applied to input red, green, and blue values for each pixel, which are multiplied by a 3x3 matrix and then added to an offset triplet.
The equation, taking input RGB values and producing three output channels (C0, C1 and C2) is given by:

There are two available color transformations, RGB to RGB and RGB to YUV.
The RGB to RGB transform takes input in the camera's native RGB color space, which varies based on the properties of the camera and sensor. The RGB to RGB transform is usually used to convert from the camera's native color space to sRGB (standard RGB) color space. This operation is often called a Color Correction Matrix (CCM).
The RGB to RGB transform can be enabled/disabled. Select RGB to RGB with Color Transformation Selector and then set Color Transformation Enable to 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
Use the RGB Transform Light Source to select the active RGB to RGB matrix from a set of pre-calibrated matricies optimized for different lighting conditions.
To set your own RGB to RGB matrix, select Custom RGB Transform Light Source, and then use the features Color Transformation Value Selector and Color Transformation Value to set the Gain/Offset coefficients.
The RGB to YUV transform happens after the RGBtoRGB transform and after applying Gamma. It is only available for YUV or YCbCr pixel formats, and it cannot be enabled or disabled, except by changing Pixel Format.
For both RGB to RGB and RGB to YUV, the gain/offset values used can be queried by selecting a value with Color Transformation Value Selector and then reading its Color Transformation Value.
In addition to the RGB to RGB transform, the color of the image can also be adjusted with the Saturation control, when Saturation Enable is set to 1. Increasing Saturation makes the colors in the image more vivid.
Summary Table
Name | Interface | Access | Visibility | Description |
Color Transformation Selector | IEnumeration | Beginner | Selects which Color Transformation module is controlled by the various Color Transformation features | |
Color Transformation Enable [Color Transformation Selector] | IBoolean | Beginner | Enables/disables the color transform selected with ColorTransformationSelector. For RGB to YUV this is read-only. Enabling/disabling RGB to YUV can only be done by changing pixel format. | |
Color Transformation Value Selector [Color Transformation Selector] | IEnumeration | Selects the Gain factor or Offset of the Transformation matrix to access in the selected Color Transformation module | ||
Color Transformation Value [Color Transformation Selector] [Color Transformation Value Selector] | IFloat | Represents the value of the selected Gain factor or Offset inside the Transformation matrix in floating point precision. | ||
RGB Transform Light Source | IEnumeration | Expert | Used to select from a set of RGBtoRGB transform matricies calibrated for different light sources. Selecting a value also sets the white balance ratios (BalanceRatioRed and BalanceRatioBlue), but those can be overwritten through manual or auto white balance. | |
Saturation Enable | IBoolean | Beginner | Enables/disables Saturation adjustment. | |
Saturation | IFloat | Beginner | Controls the color saturation. |
Color Transformation Control Features
Color Transformation Selector
Selects which Color Transformation module is controlled by the various Color Transformation features
Property | Value |
Name | ColorTransformationSelector |
Interface | IEnumeration |
Access | |
Visibility | Beginner |
Enumeration Values |
Color Transformation Enable
Enables/disables the color transform selected with ColorTransformationSelector. For RGB to YUV this is read-only. Enabling/disabling RGB to YUV can only be done by changing pixel format.
Property | Value |
Name | ColorTransformationEnable [Color Transformation Selector] |
Interface | IBoolean |
Access | |
Visibility | Beginner |
Color Transformation Value Selector
Selects the Gain factor or Offset of the Transformation matrix to access in the selected Color Transformation module
Property | Value |
Name | ColorTransformationValueSelector [Color Transformation Selector] |
Interface | IEnumeration |
Access | |
Visibility |
Enumeration Values |
Gain00 |
Gain01 |
Gain02 |
Gain10 |
Gain11 |
Gain12 |
Gain20 |
Gain21 |
Gain22 |
Offset0 |
Offset1 |
Offset2 |
Color Transformation Value
Represents the value of the selected Gain factor or Offset inside the Transformation matrix in floating point precision.
Property | Value |
Name | ColorTransformationValue [Color Transformation Selector] [Color Transformation Value Selector] |
Interface | IFloat |
Access | |
Unit | |
Visibility |
RGB Transform Light Source
Used to select from a set of RGBtoRGB transform matricies calibrated for different light sources. Selecting a value also sets the white balance ratios (BalanceRatioRed and BalanceRatioBlue), but those can be overwritten through manual or auto white balance.
Property | Value |
Name | RgbTransformLightSource |
Interface | IEnumeration |
Access | |
Visibility | Expert |
Enumeration Values |
General |
Tungsten2800K |
WarmFluorescent3000K |
CoolFluorescent4000K |
Daylight5000K |
Cloudy6500K |
Shade8000K |
Custom |
Saturation Enable
Enables/disables Saturation adjustment.
Property | Value |
Name | SaturationEnable |
Interface | IBoolean |
Access | |
Visibility | Beginner |
Controls the color saturation.
Property | Value |
Name | Saturation |
Interface | IFloat |
Access | |
Unit | |
Visibility | Beginner |