Spinnaker SDK C++

No Matches
GCUtilities.h File Reference


namespace  Spinnaker
namespace  Spinnaker::GenICam


#define GC_COUNTOF(arr)   (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr)[0])
#define GENICAM_UNUSED(unused_var)   ((void)(unused_var))
#define _TO_STRING(__stN)   #__stN
#define EXPAND_TO_STRINGISE(__stN)   _TO_STRING(__stN)
#define __LOCATION__   __FILE__ "(" __LINE_STR__ ")"
#define __OUTPUT_FORMATER__(_type)   __LOCATION__ " : " _type " : "
#define __ERR__   __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("ERROR")
#define __TODO__   __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("TBD")


template<typename Td , typename Ts >
 This verifies at runtime if there was no loss of data if an type Ts (e.g.
template<typename T >
INTEGRAL_CAST (int64_t ll)
 This verifies at runtime if there was no loss of data if an int64_t was downcast to type T (e.g.
SPINNAKER_API bool DoesEnvironmentVariableExist (const Spinnaker::GenICam::gcstring &VariableName)
 Returns true if an environment variable exists.
SPINNAKER_API gcstring GetValueOfEnvironmentVariable (const gcstring &VariableName)
 Retrieve the value of an environment variable.
SPINNAKER_API bool GetValueOfEnvironmentVariable (const gcstring &VariableName, gcstring &VariableContent)
 Retrieve the value of an environment variable.
SPINNAKER_API gcstring UrlEncode (const gcstring &Input)
 Converts \ to / and replaces all unsave characters by their xx equivalent.
SPINNAKER_API gcstring UrlDecode (const gcstring &Input)
 Replaces xx escapes by their char equivalent.
SPINNAKER_API void ReplaceEnvironmentVariables (gcstring &Buffer, bool ReplaceBlankBy20=false)
 Replaces in a string and replace ' ' with %20.
SPINNAKER_API gcstring GetGenICamCacheFolder (void)
 Retrieve the path of the GenICam cache folder The path to the cache folder can be stored by calling SetGenICamCacheFolder().
SPINNAKER_API gcstring GetGenICamLogConfig (void)
 Retrieve the path of the GenICam logging properties file.
SPINNAKER_API gcstring GetGenICamCLProtocolFolder (void)
 Retrieve the path of the CLProtocol folder The path to the CLProtocol folder can be stored by calling SetGenICamCLProtocolFolder().
SPINNAKER_API void SetGenICamCacheFolder (const gcstring &path)
 Stores the path of the GenICam cache folder.
SPINNAKER_API void SetGenICamLogConfig (const gcstring &path)
 Stores the path of the GenICam logging properties file.
SPINNAKER_API void SetGenICamCLProtocolFolder (const gcstring &path)
 Stores the path of the CLProtocol folder.
SPINNAKER_API void Tokenize (const gcstring &str, gcstring_vector &tokens, const gcstring &delimiters=" ")
 splits str input string into a list of tokens using the delimiter
SPINNAKER_API void GetFiles (const gcstring &FileTemplate, gcstring_vector &FileNames, const bool DirectoriesOnly=false)
 Gets a list of files or directories matching a given FileTemplate.
SPINNAKER_API gcstring GetModulePathFromFunction (void *pFunction)
 Gets the full path to the module (DLL/SO) containing the given pFunction; empty string if not found.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __ERR__

#define __ERR__   __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("ERROR")

◆ __LINE_STR__



#define __LOCATION__   __FILE__ "(" __LINE_STR__ ")"


#define __OUTPUT_FORMATER__ (   _type)    __LOCATION__ " : " _type " : "

◆ __TODO__

#define __TODO__   __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("TBD")

◆ __WARN__



#define _TO_STRING (   __stN)    #__stN


#define EXPAND_TO_STRINGISE (   __stN)    _TO_STRING(__stN)


#define GC_COUNTOF (   arr)    (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr)[0])




#define GENICAM_UNUSED (   unused_var)    ((void)(unused_var))