Spinnaker SDK C++

No Matches
Types.h File Reference


namespace  Spinnaker
namespace  Spinnaker::GenApi


#define interface   struct
#define _UndefindedRepresentation   _UndefinedRepresentation


typedef GenICam::gcstring_vector StringList_t
 A list of strings.


enum  ESign { Signed , Unsigned , _UndefinedSign }
 signed or unsigned integers More...
enum  EAccessMode {
  NI , NA , WO , RO ,
  RW , _UndefinedAccesMode , _CycleDetectAccesMode
 access mode of a node More...
enum  EVisibility {
  Beginner = 0 , Expert = 1 , Guru = 2 , Invisible = 3 ,
  _UndefinedVisibility = 99
 recommended visibility of a node More...
enum  ECachingMode { NoCache , WriteThrough , WriteAround , _UndefinedCachingMode }
 caching mode of a register More...
enum  ERepresentation {
  Linear , Logarithmic , Boolean , PureNumber ,
  HexNumber , IPV4Address , MACAddress , _UndefinedRepresentation
 recommended representation of a node value More...
enum  EEndianess { BigEndian , LittleEndian , _UndefinedEndian }
 Endianess of a value in a register. More...
enum  ENameSpace { Custom , Standard , _UndefinedNameSpace }
 Defines if a node name is standard or custom. More...
enum  EStandardNameSpace {
  None , GEV , IIDC , CL ,
  USB , _UndefinedStandardNameSpace
 Defines from which standard namespace a node name comes from. More...
enum  EYesNo { Yes = 1 , No = 0 , _UndefinedYesNo = 2 }
 Defines the choices of a Yes/No alternative. More...
enum  ESlope {
  Increasing , Decreasing , Varying , Automatic ,
 typedef for formula type More...
enum  EXMLValidation {
  xvLoad = 0x00000001L , xvCycles = 0x00000002L , xvSFNC = 0x00000004L , xvDefault = 0x00000000L ,
  xvAll = 0xffffffffL , _UndefinedEXMLValidation = 0x8000000L
 typedef describing the different validity checks which can be performed on an XML file More...
enum  EDisplayNotation { fnAutomatic , fnFixed , fnScientific , _UndefinedEDisplayNotation }
 typedef for float notation More...
enum  EInterfaceType {
  intfIValue , intfIBase , intfIInteger , intfIBoolean ,
  intfICommand , intfIFloat , intfIString , intfIRegister ,
  intfICategory , intfIEnumeration , intfIEnumEntry , intfIPort
 typedef for interface type More...
enum  ELinkType {
  ctParentNodes , ctReadingChildren , ctWritingChildren , ctInvalidatingChildren ,
  ctDependingNodes , ctTerminalNodes
 typedef for link type More...
enum  EIncMode { noIncrement , fixedIncrement , listIncrement }
 typedef for increment mode More...
enum  EInputDirection { idFrom , idTo , idNone }
 typedef for link type More...
enum  EGenApiSchemaVersion { v1_0 = 1 , v1_1 = 2 , _Undefined = -1 }
 GenApi schema version. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ interface

#define interface   struct