This is the complete list of members for PortReplay, including all inherited members.
CacheChunkData() const | PortNode | virtual |
DeregisterCallback(CallbackHandleType hCallback) | Node | virtual |
GetAccessMode() const | PortReplay | inlinevirtual |
GetAlias() const | Node | virtual |
GetCachingMode() const | Node | virtual |
GetCastAlias() const | Node | virtual |
GetChildren(GenApi::NodeList_t &Children, ELinkType LinkType=ctReadingChildren) const | Node | virtual |
GetChunkID() const | PortNode | virtual |
GetDescription() const | Node | virtual |
GetDeviceName() const | Node | virtual |
GetDisplayName() const | Node | virtual |
GetDocuURL() const | Node | virtual |
GetEventID() const | Node | virtual |
GetLockNodes(GenApi::NodeList_t &LockNodes) const | Node | virtual |
GetName(bool FullQualified=false) const | Node | virtual |
GetNameSpace() const | Node | virtual |
GetNodeHandle() const | Node | |
GetNodeMap() const | Node | virtual |
GetParents(GenApi::NodeList_t &Parents) const | Node | virtual |
GetPollingTime() const | Node | virtual |
GetPortHandle() | PortNode | inline |
GetPortReplayHandle() | PortReplay | |
GetPrincipalInterfaceType() const | Node | virtual |
GetProperty(const GenICam::gcstring &PropertyName, GenICam::gcstring &ValueStr, GenICam::gcstring &AttributeStr) | Node | virtual |
GetPropertyNames(GenICam::gcstring_vector &PropertyNames) const | Node | virtual |
GetSelectedFeatures(FeatureList_t &) const | Node | virtual |
GetSelectingFeatures(FeatureList_t &) const | Node | virtual |
GetSwapEndianess() | PortNode | virtual |
GetToolTip() const | Node | virtual |
GetVisibility() const | Node | virtual |
ImposeAccessMode(EAccessMode ImposedAccessMode) | Node | virtual |
ImposeVisibility(EVisibility ImposedVisibility) | Node | virtual |
InvalidateNode() | Node | virtual |
IsAccessModeCacheable() const | Node | virtual |
IsCachable() const | Node | virtual |
IsDeprecated() const | Node | virtual |
IsFeature() const | Node | virtual |
IsSelector() const | Node | virtual |
IsStreamable() const | Node | virtual |
m_Callbacks | Node | protected |
m_pNodeData | Node | protected |
m_pNodeMap | Node | protected |
Node() | Node | |
Node(std::shared_ptr< Node::NodeImpl > pNodeHandle) | Node | |
operator!=(int nullPtr) const | Node | virtual |
operator==(int nullPtr) const | Node | virtual |
PortNode() | PortNode | |
PortNode(std::shared_ptr< Node::NodeImpl > pValue) | PortNode | |
PortReplay() | PortReplay | |
Read(void *pBuffer, int64_t Address, int64_t Length) | PortReplay | inlinevirtual |
RegisterCallback(CNodeCallback *pCallback) | Node | virtual |
Replay(IPortWriteList *pPortRecorder, bool Invalidate=true) | PortReplay | virtual |
SetNodeHandle(std::shared_ptr< Node::NodeImpl > pNodeHandle) | Node | |
SetNodeMap(INodeMap *pNodeMap) | Node | |
SetPortImpl(IPort *pPort) | PortNode | |
SetReference(IPort *pBase) | PortReplay | virtual |
Spinnaker::GenApi::PortNode::SetReference(INode *pBase) | PortNode | virtual |
Spinnaker::GenApi::PortNode::SetReference(IChunkPort *pBase) | PortNode | virtual |
Spinnaker::GenApi::PortNode::SetReference(ISelector *pBase) | PortNode | virtual |
StartRecording(IPortWriteList *pPortRecorder) | PortNode | virtual |
StopRecording() | PortNode | virtual |
Write(const void *pBuffer, int64_t Address, int64_t Length) | PortReplay | inlinevirtual |
~Node() | Node | |
~PortNode() | PortNode | |
~PortReplay() | PortReplay | virtual |