enum AcquisitionModeEnums |
< Sets the acquisition mode of the device. Continuous: acquires images continuously. Multi Frame: acquires a specified number of images before stopping acquisition. Single Frame: acquires 1 image before stopping acquisition.
Enumerator | |
AcquisitionMode_Continuous | |
AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame | |
AcquisitionMode_MultiFrame | |
< Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.
enum ActionSelectorEnums |
enum AdcBitDepthEnums |
< Selects whether to adjust gain or exposure first. When gain priority is selected, the camera fixes the gain to 0 dB, and the exposure is adjusted according to the target grey level. If the maximum exposure is reached before the target grey level is hit, the gain starts to change to meet the target. This mode is used to have the minimum noise. When exposure priority is selected, the camera sets the exposure to a small value (default is 5 ms). The gain is adjusted according to the target grey level. If maximum gain is reached before the target grey level is hit, the exposure starts to change to meet the target. This mode is used to capture fast motion.
Enumerator | |
AutoExposureControlPriority_Gain | |
AutoExposureControlPriority_ExposureTime | |
< Selects a lighting mode: Backlight, Frontlight or Normal (default). a. Backlight compensation: used when a strong light is coming from the back of the object. b. Frontlight compensation: used when a strong light is shining in the front of the object while the background is dark. c. Normal lighting: used when the object is not under backlight or frontlight conditions. When normal lighting is selected, metering modes are available.
Enumerator | |
AutoExposureLightingMode_AutoDetect | |
AutoExposureLightingMode_Backlight | |
AutoExposureLightingMode_Frontlight | |
AutoExposureLightingMode_Normal | |
< Selects a metering mode: average, spot, or partial metering. a. Average: Measures the light from the entire scene uniformly to determine the final exposure value. Every portion of the exposed area has the same contribution. b. Spot: Measures a small area (about 3%) in the center of the scene while the rest of the scene is ignored. This mode is used when the scene has a high contrast and the object of interest is relatively small. c. Partial: Measures the light from a larger area (about 11%) in the center of the scene. This mode is used when very dark or bright regions appear at the edge of the frame. Note: Metering mode is available only when Lighting Mode Selector is Normal.
< This indicates whether the target image grey level is automatically set by the camera or manually set by the user. Note that the target grey level is in the linear domain before gamma correction is applied.
< Selects a balance ratio to configure once a balance ratio control has been selected.
< White Balance compensates for color shifts caused by different lighting conditions. It can be automatically or manually controlled. For manual control, set to Off. For automatic control, set to Once or Continuous.
< Selects the profile used by BalanceWhiteAuto.
enum BinningSelectorEnums |
< Selects which binning engine is controlled by the BinningHorizontal and BinningVertical features.
< Controls the mode for automatic black level balancing between the sensor color channels or taps. The black level coefficients of each channel are adjusted so they are matched.
enum BlackLevelAutoEnums |
< Controls the mode for automatic black level adjustment. The exact algorithm used to implement this adjustment is device-specific.
< Sets the auto BSI flat field correction mode. Set to Off to manually set the correction gains. Set to Continuous to automaticaly adjust the gains continually based on the current image content. Set to Once for a one-time admatic adjustment of the gains.
Enumerator | |
BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto_Off | |
BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto_Once | |
BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto_Continuous | |
< Selects which pixel position has its correction gain controlled by the BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain feature.
< Returns the motion status of the selected encoder.
< Selects which exposure time is read by the ChunkExposureTime feature.
< Returns the component of the payload image. This can be used to identify the image component of a generic part in a multipart transfer.
< Format of the pixel provided by the camera
enum ChunkRegionIDEnums |
< Selector to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from one system to the other.
< Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.
< Returns the Coordinate System of the image included in the payload.
< Returns the Coordinate System Position of the image included in the payload.
< Selector for transform values.
< Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.
enum ChunkSelectorEnums |
< Selects which chunk data to enable or disable.
enum ChunkSourceIDEnums |
< Returns identifier of the stream that generated this block.
enum ClConfigurationEnums |
< This Camera Link specific feature describes the configuration used by the camera. It helps especially when a camera is capable of operation in a non-standard configuration, and when the features PixelSize, SensorDigitizationTaps, and DeviceTapGeometry do not provide enough information for interpretation of the image data provided by the camera.
Enumerator | |
ClConfiguration_Base | Standard base configuration described by the Camera Link standard. |
ClConfiguration_Medium | Standard medium configuration described by the Camera Link standard. |
ClConfiguration_Full | Standard full configuration described by the Camera Link standard. |
ClConfiguration_DualBase | The camera streams the data from multiple taps (that do not fit in the standard base configuration) through two Camera Link base ports. It is responsibility of the application or frame grabber to reconstruct the full image. Only one of the ports (fixed) serves as the "master" for serial communication and triggering. |
ClConfiguration_EightyBit | Standard 80-bit configuration with 10 taps of 8 bits or 8 taps of 10 bits, as described by the Camera Link standard. |
< This Camera Link specific feature describes the time multiplexing of the camera link connection to transfer more than the configuration allows, in one single clock.
Enumerator | |
ClTimeSlotsCount_One | One |
ClTimeSlotsCount_Two | Two |
ClTimeSlotsCount_Three | Three |
< Selects the Gain factor or Offset of the Transformation matrix to access in the selected Color Transformation module
< When FrameRate is enabled, camera drops frames if datarate is saturated. If FrameRate is disabled, camera adjusts the framerate to match the maximum achievable datarate.
< Selects the event that will increment the counter
< Selects the signal that will be the source to reset the Counter.
enum CounterSelectorEnums |
enum CounterStatusEnums |
< Returns the current status of the Counter.
< Selects the source of the trigger to start the counter
< This feature allows specifying the Link configuration for the communication between the Receiver and Transmitter Device. In most cases this feature does not need to be written because automatic discovery will set configuration correctly to the value returned by CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred. Note that the currently active configuration of the Link can be read using CxpLinkConfigurationStatus.
< Provides the Link configuration that allows the Transmitter Device to operate in its default mode.
< This feature indicates the current and active Link configuration used by the Device.
enum CxpPoCxpStatusEnums |
< The mode used to reduce the horizontal resolution when DecimationHorizontal is used. The current implementation only supports a single decimation mode: Discard. Average should be achieved via Binning.
Enumerator | |
DecimationHorizontalMode_Discard | The value of every Nth pixel is kept, others are discarded. |
< Selects which decimation layer is controlled by the DecimationHorizontal and DecimationVertical features.
< The mode used to reduce the vertical resolution when DecimationVertical is used. The current implementation only supports a single decimation mode: Discard. Average should be achieved via Binning.
Enumerator | |
DecimationVerticalMode_Discard | The value of every Nth pixel is kept, others are discarded. |
< Controls the method used for replacing defective pixels.
enum DeinterlacingEnums |
< Controls how the device performs de-interlacing.
< Selects the clock frequency to access from the device.
Enumerator | |
DeviceClockSelector_Sensor | Clock frequency of the image sensor of the camera. |
DeviceClockSelector_SensorDigitization | Clock frequency of the camera A/D conversion stage. |
DeviceClockSelector_CameraLink | Frequency of the Camera Link clock. |
< Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active. When disabled, lower level TL specific features are expected to control the throughput. When enabled, DeviceLinkThroughputLimit controls the overall throughput.
enum DeviceScanTypeEnums |
< This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.
< Selects which serial port of the device to control.
Enumerator | |
DeviceSerialPortSelector_CameraLink | Serial port associated to the Camera link connection. |
< This device tap geometry feature describes the geometrical properties characterizing the taps of a camera as presented at the output of the device.
enum DeviceTLTypeEnums |
enum DeviceTypeEnums |
enum EncoderModeEnums |
< Selects if the count of encoder uses FourPhase mode with jitter filtering or the HighResolution mode without jitter filtering.
< Selects the conditions for the Encoder interface to generate a valid Encoder output signal.
< Selects the Activation mode of the Encoder Reset Source signal.
< Selects the signals that will be the source to reset the Encoder.
enum EncoderSelectorEnums |
enum EncoderSourceAEnums |
< Selects the signal which will be the source of the A input of the Encoder.
enum EncoderSourceBEnums |
< Selects the signal which will be the source of the B input of the Encoder.
enum EncoderStatusEnums |
< Returns the motion status of the encoder.
enum EventSelectorEnums |
enum ExposureAutoEnums |
< Sets the automatic exposure mode
enum ExposureModeEnums |
The enum definitions for camera nodes from the Standard Feature Naming Convention (SFNC) .xml files.
< Sets the operation mode of the Exposure.
< Sets the configuration mode of the ExposureTime feature.
< Selects which exposure time is controlled by the ExposureTime feature. This allows for independent control over the exposure components.
enum FfcModeEnums |
< Selects flat field correction mode. Note that flat field correction parameters are accessible only in Calibration mode. When switching modes from Calibration to User or Factory, it is recommended to stop image streaming to give the camera enough time to load the corresponding table.
Enumerator | |
FfcMode_Factory | |
FfcMode_User | |
FfcMode_Calibration | |
enum FileOpenModeEnums |
enum FileSelectorEnums |
< Selects which file is being operated on. This must be set before performing any file operations.
enum GainAutoBalanceEnums |
< Sets the mode for automatic gain balancing between the sensor color channels or taps. The gain coefficients of each channel or tap are adjusted so they are matched.
enum GainAutoEnums |
< Sets the automatic gain mode. Set to Off for manual control. Set to Once for a single automatic adjustment then return to Off. Set to Continuous for constant adjustment. In automatic modes, the camera adjusts the gain to maximize the dynamic range.
enum GainConversionEnums |
enum GainSelectorEnums |
enum GevCCPEnums |
< Indicates the current physical link configuration of the device.
enum GevIEEE1588ModeEnums |
< Provides the status of the IEEE 1588 clock.
< IEEE 1588 Latched Status
enum GevSCPDirectionEnums |
< Selects the GEV option to interrogate for existing support.
< Selects a component to activate data streaming from.
< When JPEG is selected as the compression format, a device might optionally offer better control over JPEG-specific options through this feature.
< Enabling lowers bandwidth usage or increases frame rate for typical scenes. For Lossless, ISP must be off and Pixel format must be Mono8 or BayerRG8.
Enumerator | |
ImageCompressionMode_Off | No image compression. |
ImageCompressionMode_Lossless | The image is compressed for transmission with a proprietary lossless format. |
< Two rate controlling options are offered: fixed bit rate or fixed quality. The exact implementation to achieve one or the other is vendor-specific.
enum LineFormatEnums |
enum LineModeEnums |
enum LineSelectorEnums |
enum LineSourceEnums |
< Selects which internal acquisition or I/O source signal to output on the selected line. LineMode must be Output.
< Selects the activation mode of the Logic Input Source signal.
< Selects the source for the input into the Logic LUT.
enum LUTSelectorEnums |
< Displays the reason for invalid multiple ROI configuration.
< Selects the Region of interest to control. The RegionSelector feature allows devices that are able to extract multiple regions out of an image.
< Type of color filter that is applied to the image. Only applies to Bayer pixel formats. All others have no color filter.
enum PixelFormatEnums |
< Format of the pixel provided by the camera.
< Select the pixel format for which the information will be returned.
enum PixelSizeEnums |
< Total size in bits of a pixel of the image.
< Control the destination of the selected region.
enum RegionModeEnums |
enum RegionSelectorEnums |
< Selects the Region of interest to control. The RegionSelector feature allows devices that are able to extract multiple regions out of an image, to configure the features of those individual regions independently.
< Used to select from a set of RGBtoRGB transform matricies calibrated for different light sources. Selecting a value also sets the white balance ratios (BalanceRatioRed and BalanceRatioBlue), but those can be overwritten through manual or auto white balance.
< Sets the index to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from the current (Anchor or Transformed) system to the reference system.
< Selects the individual coordinates in the vectors for 3D information/transformation.
< Specifies the Coordinate system to use for the device.
< Defines coordinate system reference location.
< Sets the index to read/write a coordinate transform value.
< Specifies the unit used when delivering (calibrated) distance data.
< Controls the Calibration and data organization of the device and the coordinates transmitted.
< Number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.
< Sets the shutter mode of the device.
enum SensorTapsEnums |
enum SequencerModeEnums |
< This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.
< Selects which Software Signal features to control.
enum SourceSelectorEnums |
enum TestPatternEnums |
< Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.
< Selects which test pattern generator is controlled by the TestPattern feature.
enum TimerSelectorEnums |
enum TimerStatusEnums |
< Returns the current status of the Timer.
< Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer.
< Selects the source of the trigger to start the Timer.
< Selects the color component for the control of the TransferStreamChannel feature.
< Selects the control method for the transfers. Basic and Automatic start transmitting data as soon as there is enough data to fill a link layer packet. User Controlled allows you to directly control the transfer of blocks.
Enumerator | |
TransferControlMode_Basic | Basic |
TransferControlMode_Automatic | Automatic |
TransferControlMode_UserControlled | User Controlled |
< Selects the operation mode of the transfer. Continuous is similar to Basic/Automatic but you can start/stop the transfer while acquisition runs independently. Multi Block transmits a specified number of blocks and then stops.
Enumerator | |
TransferOperationMode_Continuous | Continuous |
TransferOperationMode_MultiBlock | Multi Block |
< Selects which stream transfers are currently controlled by the selected Transfer features.
< Selects which status of the transfer module to read.
< Specifies the activation mode of the transfer control trigger.
< Selects the type of transfer trigger to configure.
< Specifies the signal to use as the trigger source for transfers.
enum TriggerModeEnums |
enum TriggerOverlapEnums |
enum TriggerSelectorEnums |
enum TriggerSourceEnums |
< Specifies the internal signal or physical input line to use as the trigger source.
enum U3VCurrentSpeedEnums |
enum UserSetDefaultEnums |
enum UserSetSelectorEnums |
< Selects which White Clip to control.