Spinnaker SDK C++

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Spinnaker Classes


 BasePtr Class
 Camera Class
 Camera Base Class
 CameraDefs Class
 Camera List Class
 CameraPtr Class
 ChunkData Class
 Chunk Data Inference Class
 Device Event Utility Class
 Exception Class
 Image Class
 ImageList Class
 Image Processor Class
 ImagePtr Class
 ImageStatistics Class
 Image Utility Class
 Image Utility CCM Class
 Image Utility Heatmap Class
 Image Utility Polarization Class
 Image Utility Stereo Class
 Interface Class
 Camera Base Interface Class
 IChunkData Class
 IImage Class
 IImageList Class
 Image Processor Class
 IImageStatistics Class
 IInterface Class
 IInterfaceList Class
 Point Cloud Class
 Spinnaker GPU Interface
 ISystem Class
 InterfaceList Class
 InterfacePtr Class
 Image Class
 Spinnaker GPU Class
 Spinnaker Video Class
 System Class
 SystemPtr Class


class  BasePtr< T, B >
 The base class of the SystemPtr, CameraPtr, InterfacePtr, ImagePtr and LoggingEventDataPtr objects. More...
class  Camera
 The camera object class. More...
class  CameraBase
 The base class for the camera object. More...
class  CameraList
 Used to hold a list of camera objects. More...
class  CameraPtr
 A reference tracked pointer to a camera object. More...
class  ChunkData
 The chunk data which contains additional information about an image. More...
struct  InferenceBoxRect
 Inference Bounding Box Type Data Structures. More...
struct  InferenceBoxCircle
struct  InferenceBoxRotatedRect
struct  InferenceBoundingBox
 Inference Bounding Boxes data structure. More...
class  InferenceBoundingBoxResult
 An inference bounding boxes object which holds information about the detected bounding boxes. More...
class  DeviceEventUtility
 Static helper functions for the device event object class. More...
class  Exception
 The Exception object represents an error that is returned from the library. More...
class  Image
 The image object class. More...
class  ImageList
 Used to hold a list of image objects. More...
class  ImagePtr
 A reference tracked pointer to an image object. More...
class  ImageStatistics
 Represents image statistics for an image. More...
class  ImageUtility
 Static helper functions for the image object class. More...
class  ImageUtilityCCM
 Static function to create color corrected images from an image object. More...
class  ImageUtilityHeatmap
 Static functions to create heatmap images from image objects of pixel format Mono8 and Mono16. More...
class  ImageUtilityPolarization
 Static functions to create polarization images from image objects of pixel format Polarized8 and BayerRGPolarized8. More...
class  ImageUtilityStereo
 Static helper functions for stereo related computations. More...
class  Interface
 An interface object which holds a list of cameras. More...
class  ICameraBase
 The interface file for base class for the camera object. More...
class  ICameraList
 Used to hold a list of camera objects. More...
class  IChunkData
 The Interface file for ChunkData. More...
class  IImage
 The interface file for Image. More...
class  IImageList
 The interface file for ImageList class. More...
class  IImageProcessor
 The interface file for ImageProcessor class. More...
class  IImageStatistics
 The interface file for image statistics. More...
class  IInterface
 The interface file for Interface. More...
class  IInterfaceList
 The interface file for InterfaceList class. More...
class  IPointCloud
 The interface file for PointCloud class. More...
class  ISpinnakerGPU
 The interface file for SpinnakerGPU class. More...
class  ISystem
 The interface file for System. More...
class  InterfaceList
 A list of the available interfaces on the system. More...
class  InterfacePtr
 A reference tracked pointer to the interface object. More...
class  PointCloud
 The PointCloud object class. More...
class  SpinnakerGPU
 Provides the functionality for the user to post process images on an NVIDIA GPU device. More...
class  SpinVideo
 Provides the functionality for the user to record images to an AVI/MP4 file. More...
class  System
 The system object is used to retrieve the list of interfaces and cameras available. More...
class  SystemPtr
 A reference tracked pointer to a system object. More...
class  ImageProcessor
 Image post processing class for converting a source image to another pixel format. More...


 Inference Bounding Box Type. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ InferenceBoxType

Inference Bounding Box Type.
