Spinnaker SDK C++

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The camera object class. More...

#include <Camera.h>

Inheritance diagram for Camera:
CameraBase ICameraBase

Public Member Functions

 ~Camera ()
void Init ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CameraBase
virtual ~CameraBase (void)
 Virtual Destructor.
void Init ()
 Init Connects to camera with read and write access, retrieves remote device and GUI XML and generates node map references.
void DeInit ()
 DeInit Disconnects camera port, resets camera back to read access and frees GenICam node map and GUI XML.
bool IsInitialized ()
 IsInitialized Checks if camera is initialized.
bool IsValid ()
 IsValid Checks a flag to determine if camera is still valid for use.
GenApi::INodeMapGetNodeMap () const
 GetNodeMap Gets a reference to the node map that is generated from a GenICam XML file.
GenApi::INodeMapGetTLDeviceNodeMap () const
 GetTLDeviceNodeMap Gets a reference to the node map that is generated from a GenICam XML file for the GenTL Device module.
GenApi::INodeMapGetTLStreamNodeMap (uint64_t streamIndex=0) const
 GetTLStreamNodeMap Gets a reference to the node map that is generated from a GenICam XML file for the GenTL Stream module.
GenApi::EAccessMode GetAccessMode () const
 GetAccessMode Returns the access mode that the software has on the Camera.
void ReadPort (uint64_t iAddress, void *pBuffer, size_t iSize)
 ReadPort Reads a remote port on a physical Camera.
void WritePort (uint64_t iAddress, const void *pBuffer, size_t iSize)
 WritePort Writes a remote port on a physical Camera.
void BeginAcquisition ()
 BeginAcquisition Starts the image acquisition engine.
void EndAcquisition ()
 EndAcquisition Stops the image acquisition engine.
BufferOwnership GetBufferOwnership () const
 GetBufferOwnership Gets data buffer ownership.
void SetBufferOwnership (const BufferOwnership mode)
 SetBufferOwnership Sets data buffer ownership.
uint64_t GetUserBufferCount () const
 GetUserBufferCount Gets the number of user memory buffers.
uint64_t GetUserBufferSize () const
 GetUserBufferSize Gets the size of one user memory buffer (in bytes).
uint64_t GetUserBufferTotalSize () const
 GetUserBufferTotalSize Gets the total size of all the user memory buffers (in bytes).
void SetUserBuffers (void *const pMemBuffers, uint64_t totalSize)
 SetUserBuffers Specify contiguous user allocated memory to use as data buffers.
void SetUserBuffers (void **const ppMemBuffers, const uint64_t bufferCount, const uint64_t bufferSize)
 SetUserBuffers Specify non-contiguous user allocated memory to use as data buffers.
ImagePtr GetNextImage (uint64_t grabTimeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE, uint64_t streamIndex=0)
 GetNextImage Gets the next image that was received by the transport layer.
ImageList GetNextImageSync (uint64_t grabTimeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE)
 GetNextImageSync If a camera supports one or more streams, this function gets one image from each of the camera's streams, and returns the image(s) in a list.
GenICam::gcstring GetDeviceID ()
 GetDeviceID This returns a unique id string that identifies the camera; a unique string for USB devices, and MAC address for GEV devices.
 DEPRECATED_FUNC ("Use GetDeviceID() instead.", GenICam::gcstring GetUniqueID();)
 GetUniqueID This returns a unique id string that identifies the camera.
bool IsStreaming () const
 IsStreaming Returns true if the camera is currently streaming or false if it is not.
GenICam::gcstring GetGuiXml () const
 GetGuiXml Returns the GUI XML that can be passed into the Spinnaker GUI framework.
void RegisterEventHandler (EventHandler &evtHandlerToRegister)
 RegisterEventHandler(EventHandler &) Registers a generic device, image or image list event handler for the camera.
void RegisterEventHandler (DeviceEventHandler &evtHandlerToRegister, const GenICam::gcstring &eventName)
 RegisterEventHandler(DeviceEventHandler &, const GenICam::gcstring &) Registers a specific device event handler for the camera given a device event name.
void RegisterEventHandler (ImageEventHandler &evtHandlerToRegister, uint64_t streamIndex)
 RegisterEventHandler(ImageEventHandler &, uint64_t) Registers a specific stream handler for the camera given a stream index.
void UnregisterEventHandler (EventHandler &evtHandlerToUnregister)
 UnregisterEventHandler Unregisters any type of event handler for the camera.
unsigned int GetNumImagesInUse ()
 GetNumImagesInUse Returns the number of images that are currently in use.
unsigned int GetActiveNumDataStreams ()
 GetActiveNumDataStreams Returns the number of data streams that are currently active.
unsigned int GetNumDataStreams ()
 GetNumDataStreams Returns the total number of streams that the device supports.
unsigned int DiscoverMaxPacketSize ()
 DiscoverMaxPacketSize Returns the largest packet size that can be safely used on the interface that device is connected to.
void ForceIP ()
 ForceIP Forces the camera to be on the same subnet as its corresponding interface.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ICameraBase
virtual ~ICameraBase (void)
virtual void Init ()=0
virtual void DeInit ()=0
virtual bool IsInitialized ()=0
virtual bool IsValid ()=0
virtual GenApi::INodeMapGetNodeMap () const =0
virtual GenApi::INodeMapGetTLDeviceNodeMap () const =0
virtual GenApi::INodeMapGetTLStreamNodeMap (uint64_t streamIndex) const =0
virtual GenApi::EAccessMode GetAccessMode () const =0
virtual void ReadPort (uint64_t iAddress, void *pBuffer, size_t iSize)=0
virtual void WritePort (uint64_t iAddress, const void *pBuffer, size_t iSize)=0
virtual void BeginAcquisition ()=0
virtual void EndAcquisition ()=0
virtual BufferOwnership GetBufferOwnership () const =0
virtual void SetBufferOwnership (const BufferOwnership mode)=0
virtual uint64_t GetUserBufferCount () const =0
virtual uint64_t GetUserBufferSize () const =0
virtual uint64_t GetUserBufferTotalSize () const =0
virtual void SetUserBuffers (void *const pMemBuffers, uint64_t totalSize)=0
virtual void SetUserBuffers (void **const ppMemBuffers, const uint64_t bufferCount, const uint64_t bufferSize)=0
virtual ImagePtr GetNextImage (uint64_t grabTimeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE, uint64_t streamIndex=0)=0
virtual ImageList GetNextImageSync (uint64_t grabTimeout=EVENT_TIMEOUT_INFINITE)=0
virtual GenICam::gcstring GetDeviceID ()=0
virtual GenICam::gcstring GetUniqueID ()=0
virtual bool IsStreaming () const =0
virtual GenICam::gcstring GetGuiXml () const =0
virtual void RegisterEventHandler (EventHandler &evtHandlerToRegister)=0
virtual void RegisterEventHandler (DeviceEventHandler &evtHandlerToRegister, const GenICam::gcstring &eventName)=0
virtual void RegisterEventHandler (ImageEventHandler &evtHandlerToRegister, uint64_t streamIndex)=0
virtual void UnregisterEventHandler (EventHandler &evtHandlerToUnregister)=0
virtual unsigned int GetNumImagesInUse ()=0
virtual unsigned int GetActiveNumDataStreams ()=0
virtual unsigned int GetNumDataStreams ()=0
virtual unsigned int DiscoverMaxPacketSize ()=0
virtual void ForceIP ()=0

Public Attributes

 Description: Controls the rate (in Hertz) at which the Lines in a Frame are captured.
 Description: This command starts the acquisition of images.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ExposureModeEnums > & ExposureMode
 Description: Sets the operation mode of the Exposure.
 Description: Resulting frame rate in Hertz.
 Description: Generates an internal trigger if Trigger Source is set to Software.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TriggerActivationEnums > & TriggerActivation
 Description: Specifies the activation mode of the trigger.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TriggerSelectorEnums > & TriggerSelector
 Description: Selects the type of trigger to configure.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AcquisitionModeEnums > & AcquisitionMode
 Description: Sets the acquisition mode of the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TriggerSourceEnums > & TriggerSource
 Description: Specifies the internal signal or physical input line to use as the trigger source.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ExposureAutoEnums > & ExposureAuto
 Description: Sets the automatic exposure mode Visibility:
 Description: Number of images that can be acquired in buffered burst mode without transfer overflow.
 Description: If enabled, AcquisitionFrameRate can be used to manually control the frame rate.
 Description: This command stops the acquisition of images.
 Description: Number of images to acquire during a multi frame acquisition.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SensorShutterModeEnums > & SensorShutterMode
 Description: Sets the shutter mode of the device.
 Description: If enabled, sensor is able to be triggered at sensor maximum frame rate.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TriggerOverlapEnums > & TriggerOverlap
 Description: Specifies the overlap mode of the trigger.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TriggerModeEnums > & TriggerMode
 Description: Controls whether or not trigger is active.
 Description: If enabled, the camera will try to preserve the frame rate to what is entered when changed by other features.
 Description: Transfer frame rate in Hertz.
 Description: Specifies the delay in microseconds (µs) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it.
 Description: User controlled acquisition frame rate in Hertz Visibility:
 Description: This feature is used only if the FrameBurstStart trigger is enabled and the FrameBurstEnd trigger is disabled.
 Description: Indicates the number of seperate action commands supported by this device.
 Description: Removes all action commands in the queue.
 Description: Provides the key that the device will use to validate the action on reception of the action protocol message.
 Description: Indicates the size of the scheduled action commands queue.
 Description: Provides the mask that the device will use to validate the action on reception of the action protocol message.
 Description: Provides the device key that allows the device to check the validity of action commands.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ActionUnconditionalModeEnums > & ActionUnconditionalMode
 Description: Enables the unconditional action command mode where action commands are processed even when the primary control channel is closed.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ActionSelectorEnums > & ActionSelector
 Description: Selects to which Action Signal further Action settings apply.
 Description: Enable the black level auto clamping feature which performs dark current compensation.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BalanceWhiteAutoEnums > & BalanceWhiteAuto
 Description: White Balance compensates for color shifts caused by different lighting conditions.
 Description: Controls the minimum intensity gradient change to invoke sharpening.
 Description: Enables/disables the auto sharpening feature.
 Description: Controls the amount to sharpen a signal.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BalanceRatioSelectorEnums > & BalanceRatioSelector
 Description: Selects a balance ratio to configure once a balance ratio control has been selected.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GainConversionEnums > & GainConversion
 Description: Selects which gain conversion mode to use.
 Description: Controls the offset of the video signal in camera specific units.
 Description: Controls the gamma correction of pixel intensity.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GainAutoEnums > & GainAuto
 Description: Sets the automatic gain mode.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BlackLevelSelectorEnums > & BlackLevelSelector
 Description: Selects which black level to control.
 Description: Enables/disables gamma correction.
 Description: Controls the balance ratio of the selected color relative to green.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GainSelectorEnums > & GainSelector
 Description: Selects which gain to control.
 Description: Controls the offset of the video signal in percent.
 Description: Enables/disables the sharpening feature.
 Description: Controls the y-offset of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.
 Description: Controls the x-offset of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AutoExposureControlPriorityEnums > & AutoExposureControlPriority
 Description: Selects whether to adjust gain or exposure first.
 Description: Controls the minimum value Auto White Balance can set for the Red/Blue BalanceRatio.
 Description: Controls how quickly 'BalanceWhiteAuto' adjusts the values for Red and Blue BalanceRatio in response to changing conditions.
 Description: Controls the width of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.
 Description: The highest value in percentage that the target mean may reach.
 Description: This is the user-specified target grey level (image mean) to apply to the current image.
 Description: The smallest gain that auto exposure can set.
 Description: The lowest value in percentage that the target mean may reach.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AutoExposureMeteringModeEnums > & AutoExposureMeteringMode
 Description: Selects a metering mode: average, spot, or partial metering.
 Description: The largest exposure time that auto exposure can set.
 Description: The largest gain that auto exposure can set.
 Description: It controls how fast the exposure and gain get settled.
 Description: The EV compensation value used in the exposure compensation.
 Description: The smallest exposure time that auto exposure can set.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BalanceWhiteAutoProfileEnums > & BalanceWhiteAutoProfile
 Description: Selects the profile used by BalanceWhiteAuto.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AutoAlgorithmSelectorEnums > & AutoAlgorithmSelector
 Description: Selects which Auto Algorithm is controlled by the RoiEnable, OffsetX, OffsetY, Width, Height features.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AutoExposureTargetGreyValueAutoEnums > & AutoExposureTargetGreyValueAuto
 Description: This indicates whether the target image grey level is automatically set by the camera or manually set by the user.
 Description: Controls whether a user-specified ROI is used for auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AutoExposureLightingModeEnums > & AutoExposureLightingMode
 Description: Selects a lighting mode: Backlight, Frontlight or Normal (default).
 Description: Controls the width of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.
 Description: Controls the maximum value Auto White Balance can set the Red/Blue BalanceRatio.
 Description: Returns the black level used to capture the image.
 Description: Returns the image frame ID.
 Description: Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the start of exposure event.
 Description: Returns the serial data that was received.
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Returns the exposure time used to capture the image.
 Description: Returns the status of the chunk serial receive overflow.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the image.
 Description: Activates the inclusion of Chunk data in the payload of the image.
 Description: Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the end of exposure event.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkGainSelectorEnums > & ChunkGainSelector
 Description: Selects which gain to retrieve Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkSelectorEnums > & ChunkSelector
 Description: Selects which chunk data to enable or disable.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkBlackLevelSelectorEnums > & ChunkBlackLevelSelector
 Description: Selects which black level to retrieve Visibility:
 Description: Returns the width of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the image payload.
 Description: Returns the height of the image included in the payload.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkPixelFormatEnums > & ChunkPixelFormat
 Description: Format of the pixel provided by the camera Visibility:
 Description: Returns the gain used to capture the image.
 Description: Returns the index of the active set of the running sequencer included in the payload.
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Returns the CRC of the image payload.
 Description: Returns the Offset X of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the Offset Y of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Enables the inclusion of the selected Chunk data in the payload of the image.
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Returns the length of the received serial data that was included in the payload.
 Description: Represents the value of the selected Gain factor or Offset inside the Transformation matrix in floating point precision.
 Description: Enables/disables the color transform selected with ColorTransformationSelector.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ColorTransformationSelectorEnums > & ColorTransformationSelector
 Description: Selects which Color Transformation module is controlled by the various Color Transformation features Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< RgbTransformLightSourceEnums > & RgbTransformLightSource
 Description: Used to select from a set of RGBtoRGB transform matricies calibrated for different light sources.
 Description: Controls the color saturation.
 Description: Enables/disables Saturation adjustment.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ColorTransformationValueSelectorEnums > & ColorTransformationValueSelector
 Description: Selects the Gain factor or Offset of the Transformation matrix to access in the selected Color Transformation module Visibility:
 Description: Value of the selected Counter when it was reset by a trigger.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterTriggerSourceEnums > & CounterTriggerSource
 Description: Selects the source of the trigger to start the counter Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterEventActivationEnums > & CounterEventActivation
 Description: Selects the activation mode of the event to increment the Counter.
 Description: Sets the duration (or number of events) before the CounterEnd event is generated.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterResetActivationEnums > & CounterResetActivation
 Description: Selects the Activation mode of the Counter Reset Source signal.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterTriggerActivationEnums > & CounterTriggerActivation
 Description: Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Counter.
 Description: Current counter value Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterSelectorEnums > & CounterSelector
 Description: Selects which counter to configure Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterStatusEnums > & CounterStatus
 Description: Returns the current status of the Counter.
 Description: Sets the delay (or number of events) before the CounterStart event is generated.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterResetSourceEnums > & CounterResetSource
 Description: Selects the signal that will be the source to reset the Counter.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CounterEventSourceEnums > & CounterEventSource
 Description: Selects the event that will increment the counter Visibility:
 Description: Controls the offset of the element to access in the defective pixel location table.
 Description: Restores the Defective Pixel Table to its factory default state, which was calibrated during manufacturing.
 Description: Returns the Y coordinate of the defective pixel at DefectTableIndex within the defective pixel table.
 Description: Saves the current defective pixel table non-volatile memory, so that it is preserved when the camera boots up.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DefectCorrectionModeEnums > & DefectCorrectionMode
 Description: Controls the method used for replacing defective pixels.
 Description: Returns the X coordinate of the defective pixel at DefectTableIndex within the defective pixel table.
 Description: The number of defective pixel locations in the current table.
 Description: Each sensor has its own defect table in volatile memory.
 Description: Enables/Disables table-based defective pixel correction.
 Description: Applies the current defect table, so that any changes made affect images captured by the camera.
 Description: Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.
 Description: Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.
 Description: User-programmable device identifier.
 Description: Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).
 Description: Time to wait until device reset complete (ms).
 Description: Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
 Description: Device's serial number.
 Description: Name of the manufacturer of the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceRegistersEndiannessEnums > & DeviceRegistersEndianness
 Description: Endianess of the registers of the device.
 Description: Manufacturer information about the device.
 Description: Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.
 Description: Time since the last phy negotiation (enumeration).
 Description: Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.
 Description: Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceScanTypeEnums > & DeviceScanType
 Description: Scan type of the sensor of the device.
 Description: This is a command that immediately resets and reboots the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceCharacterSetEnums > & DeviceCharacterSet
 Description: Character set used by the strings of the device`s bootstrap registers.
 Description: Limits the maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link.
 Description: Version of the firmware on the device.
 Description: Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.
 Description: Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceTLTypeEnums > & DeviceTLType
 Description: Transport Layer type of the device.
 Description: Version of the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DevicePowerSupplySelectorEnums > & DevicePowerSupplySelector
 Description: Selects the power supply source to control or read.
 Description: Returns Sensor Description Visibility:
 Description: Model of the device.
 Description: Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums > & DeviceTemperatureSelector
 Description: Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.
 Description: Indicates the timestamp increment in ns/tick.
 Description: Number of enumerations since uptime.
 Description: Indicates the output current of the selected power supply (A).
 Description: Device identifier (serial number).
 Description: Total time since the device was powered up in seconds.
 Description: Current bandwidth(in bps) of streamed data.
 Description: Maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that can be streamed out of the device.
 Description: Reserved device link bandwidth(in bps) for control data.
 Description: Returns all user tables to factory default Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceSensorChromaEnums > & DeviceSensorChroma
 Description: Indicates whether the camera is polarized mono, mono or color.
 Description: Indicates the current voltage of the selected power supply (V).
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceIndicatorModeEnums > & DeviceIndicatorMode
 Description: Controls the LED behaviour: Inactive (off), Active (current status), or Error Status (off unless an error occurs).
 Description: Percentage of streamed data bandwidth reserved for packet resend.
 Description: Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LineModeEnums > & LineMode
 Description: Controls if the physical Line is used to Input or Output a signal.
 Description: Value of the selected user output, either logic high (enabled) or logic low (disabled).
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ExternalVoltageSelectorEnums > & ExternalVoltageSelector
 Description: Selects the kind of generated output voltage: 3.3V, 5.0V, Adjustable (0-10V) Visibility:
 Description: Configures the adjustable voltage rail between 0.0 - 10.0V.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LineFormatEnums > & LineFormat
 Description: Displays the current electrical format of the selected physical input or output Line.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ExposureActiveModeEnums > & ExposureActiveMode
 Description: Control sensor active exposure mode.
 Description: Controls the inversion of the signal of the selected input or output line.
 Description: Filter width in microseconds for the selected line and filter combination Visibility:
 Description: Internally generated 3.3V rail.
 Description: Internally generated output voltage rail.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LineSourceEnums > & LineSource
 Description: Selects which internal acquisition or I/O source signal to output on the selected line.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LineInputFilterSelectorEnums > & LineInputFilterSelector
 Description: Selects the kind of input filter to configure: Deglitch or Debounce.
 Description: Returns the current status of all the user output status bits in a hexadecimal representation (UserOutput 0 status corresponds to bit 0, UserOutput 1 status with bit 1, etc).
 Description: Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LineSelectorEnums > & LineSelector
 Description: Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector to configure Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< UserOutputSelectorEnums > & UserOutputSelector
 Description: Selects which bit of the User Output register is set by UserOutputValue.
 Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Test type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Test Event.
 Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Exposure End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Exposure End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Exposure End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Error type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Error Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Error Event.
 Description: Returns the error code for the error that happened Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EventSelectorEnums > & EventSelector
 Description: Selects which Event to enable or disable.
 Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Serial Port Receive type of Event.
 Description: Returns the serial data that was received.
 Description: Returns the length of the received serial data that was included in the event payload.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Serial Port Receive Event.
 Description: Returns the status of the event serial receive overflow.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EventNotificationEnums > & EventNotification
 Description: Enables/Disables the selected event.
 Description: Controls the Offset of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.
 Description: Controls the Length of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< FileOperationStatusEnums > & FileOperationStatus
 Description: Represents the file operation execution status.
 Description: This is a command that executes the selected file operation on the selected file.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< FileOpenModeEnums > & FileOpenMode
 Description: The mode of the file when it is opened.
 Description: Represents the file operation result.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< FileOperationSelectorEnums > & FileOperationSelector
 Description: Sets operation to execute on the selected file when the execute command is given.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< FileSelectorEnums > & FileSelector
 Description: Selects which file is being operated on.
 Description: Represents the size of the selected file in bytes.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelectorEnums > & BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelector
 Description: Selects which pixel position has its correction gain controlled by the BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain feature.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAutoEnums > & BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto
 Description: Sets the auto BSI flat field correction mode.
 Description: Controls how quickly BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto adjusts the values of BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< FfcModeEnums > & FfcMode
 Description: Selects flat field correction mode.
 Description: Enables flat field correction for Back Size Illuminated sensors that have fixed pattern noise across 2x2 groups of pixels.
 Description: The value of user flat field gain correction for the current pixel.
 Description: Controls the pixel X coordinate of the user flat field correction coefficients.
 Description: The value of user flat field offset correction for the current pixel.
 Description: Saves the current User flat field correction table into the camera, which means the table is still available after a power cycle.
 Description: Resets the user flat field correction table to the last saved values loaded from the camera.
 Description: Controls the flat field correction gain of the pixel location specified by BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelector.
 Description: Enable or disable flat field correction.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BinningSelectorEnums > & BinningSelector
 Description: Selects which binning engine is controlled by the BinningHorizontal and BinningVertical features.
 Description: Minimum value that can be returned during the digitization process.
 Description: Maximum desired datarate (B/s) for the compressed stream.
 Description: This reflects the current Region of interest.
 Description: Maximum value that can be returned during the digitization process.
 Description: Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells to combine together.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TestPatternGeneratorSelectorEnums > & TestPatternGeneratorSelector
 Description: Selects which test pattern generator is controlled by the TestPattern feature.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< MultiRoiSelectorEnums > & MultiRoiSelector
 Description: Selects the Region of interest to control.
 Description: Horizontally flips the image sent by the device.
 Description: Vertically flips the image sent by the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TestPatternEnums > & TestPattern
 Description: Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.
 Description: Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).
 Description: Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).
GenApi::IEnumerationT< PixelColorFilterEnums > & PixelColorFilter
 Description: Type of color filter that is applied to the image.
 Description: Maximum width of the image (in pixels).
 Description: This reflects the total number of regions output from sensor.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< PixelFormatEnums > & PixelFormat
 Description: Format of the pixel provided by the camera.
 Description: Reports how many frames dropped to keep the datarate below the max threshold.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CompressionSaturationPriorityEnums > & CompressionSaturationPriority
 Description: When FrameRate is enabled, camera drops frames if datarate is saturated.
 Description: Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells to combine together.
 Description: This reflects the current Region of interest.
 Description: Represents the reason for invalid multiple ROI configuration.
 Description: Controls whether a Multiple ROI feature is used.
 Description: If selected, allows dynamic updates to the compression tables to achieve better compression ratio.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AdcBitDepthEnums > & AdcBitDepth
 Description: Selects which ADC bit depth to use.
 Description: Displays the number of active streams based on the number of components enabled.
 Description: Maximum height of the image (in pixels).
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ComponentSelectorEnums > & ComponentSelector
 Description: Control for selecting the component of a source (i.e.
 Description: Controls if the selected Region of interest is enabled.
 Description: Horizontal decimation of the image.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< PixelSizeEnums > & PixelSize
 Description: Total size in bits of a pixel of the image.
 Description: Effective height of the sensor in pixels.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DecimationSelectorEnums > & DecimationSelector
 Description: Selects which decimation layer is controlled by the DecimationHorizontal and DecimationVertical features.
 Description: Controls whether the image processing core is used for optional pixel format mode (i.e.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DecimationHorizontalModeEnums > & DecimationHorizontalMode
 Description: The mode used to reduce the horizontal resolution when DecimationHorizontal is used.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ImageCompressionModeEnums > & ImageCompressionMode
 Description: Enabling lowers bandwidth usage or increases frame rate for typical scenes.
 Description: Vertical decimation of the image.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BinningHorizontalModeEnums > & BinningHorizontalMode
 Description: Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReasonEnums > & MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReason
 Description: Displays the reason for invalid multiple ROI configuration.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ComponentDestinationEnums > & ComponentDestination
 Description: Displays the destination of the selected component that is enabled (For example: stream 0/1/2 etc).
 Description: Effective width of the sensor in pixels.
 Description: Control for enabling or disabling the selected component.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DecimationVerticalModeEnums > & DecimationVerticalMode
 Description: The mode used to reduce the vertical resolution when DecimationVertical is used.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BinningVerticalModeEnums > & BinningVerticalMode
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: The version number of the lens shading algorithm on the camera.
 Description: The grid step size for the lens shading algorithm on the camera.
 Description: Set up the camera parameters needed to be set for shading correction calibration.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LensShadingCoefficientActiveSetEnums > & LensShadingCoefficientActiveSet
 Description: Facilitates selection of on camera shading correction calibration files.
 Description: Returns the current status of the Calibration.
 Description: Maximum gain value set for the lens shading algorithm on the camera.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LensShadingCorrectionModeEnums > & LensShadingCorrectionMode
 Description: Activates Lens Shading Correction with the selected Lens Shading Coefficient Active Set.
 Description: Performs the shading correction calibration on the last image transmitted to the host in memory.
 Description: Controls the row of the truth table to access in the selected LUT.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LogicBlockSelectorEnums > & LogicBlockSelector
 Description: Selects which LogicBlock to configure Visibility:
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LogicBlockLUTInputActivationEnums > & LogicBlockLUTInputActivation
 Description: Selects the activation mode of the Logic Input Source signal.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LogicBlockLUTInputSelectorEnums > & LogicBlockLUTInputSelector
 Description: Controls which LogicBlockLUT Input Source & Activation to access.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LogicBlockLUTInputSourceEnums > & LogicBlockLUTInputSource
 Description: Selects the source for the input into the Logic LUT.
 Description: Controls the output column of the truth table for the selected LogicBlockLUTRowIndex.
 Description: Sets the value of all the output bits in the selected LUT.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LogicBlockLUTSelectorEnums > & LogicBlockLUTSelector
 Description: Selects which LogicBlock LUT to configure Visibility:
 Description: Control the index (offset) of the coefficient to access in the selected LUT.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< LUTSelectorEnums > & LUTSelector
 Description: Selects which LUT to control.
 Description: Activates the selected LUT.
 Description: Returns the Value at entry LUTIndex of the LUT selected by LUTSelector.
 Description: Value which identifies a non-valid pixel if Scan3dInvalidDataFlag is enabled.
 Description: Displays the focal length of the camera in pixels.
 Description: Offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.
 Description: Displays the baseline in meters as the physical distance of two image sensors in the stereo camera.
 Description: Displays the value of the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.
 Description: Displays the value of the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.
 Description: Enables the definition of a non-valid flag value in the data stream.
 Description: Displays the Scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.
 Description: Selects branching path to be used for subsequent settings.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SequencerTriggerActivationEnums > & SequencerTriggerActivation
 Description: Specifies the activation mode of the sequencer trigger.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SequencerConfigurationModeEnums > & SequencerConfigurationMode
 Description: Controls whether or not a sequencer is in configuration mode.
 Description: Specifies the next sequencer set.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SequencerSetValidEnums > & SequencerSetValid
 Description: Displays whether the currently selected sequencer set's register contents are valid to use.
 Description: Sets the first sequencer set to be used.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SequencerModeEnums > & SequencerMode
 Description: Controls whether or not a sequencer is active.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SequencerConfigurationValidEnums > & SequencerConfigurationValid
 Description: Display whether the current sequencer configuration is valid to run.
 Description: Selects the sequencer set to which subsequent settings apply.
 Description: Saves the current device configuration to the currently selected sequencer set.
 Description: Loads currently selected sequencer to the current device configuration.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SequencerTriggerSourceEnums > & SequencerTriggerSource
 Description: Specifies the internal signal or physical input line to use as the sequencer trigger source.
 Description: Enables the selected feature and makes it active in all sequencer sets.
 Description: Resets the sequencer configuration by erasing all saved sequencer sets.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SerialPortStopBitsEnums > & SerialPortStopBits
 Description: This feature controls the number of stop bits used by the selected serial port.
 Description: >Returns the maximum number of characters in the serial port transmit queue.
 Description: Returns the number of framing errors that have occurred on the serial port.
 Description: This is a command that clears the device serial port receive queue.
 Description: Returns the number of characters currently in the serial port transmit queue.
 Description: Returns the number of parity errors that have occurred on the serial port.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SerialPortBaudRateEnums > & SerialPortBaudRate
 Description: This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.
 Description: This feature controls the number of data bits used by the selected serial port.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SerialPortParityEnums > & SerialPortParity
 Description: This feature controls the parity used by the selected serial port.
 Description: Returns the number of characters currently in the serial port receive queue.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SerialPortSelectorEnums > & SerialPortSelector
 Description: Selects which serial port of the device to control.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SerialPortSourceEnums > & SerialPortSource
 Description: Specifies the physical input Line on which to receive serial data.
 Description: >Returns the maximum number of characters in the serial port receive queue.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SourceSelectorEnums > & SourceSelector
 Description: Control for selecting the source of the stream (i.e.
 Description: Returns the number of sources supported by the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< StereoResolutionEnums > & StereoResolution
 Description: Selects the resolution output of the stereo engine.
 Description: Displays the penalty when the change of Disparity Change is more than 1.
 Description: Displays the difference between the best matching disparity and the second-best matching disparity.
 Description: Height of the image after stereo processing by the device (in pixels).
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Width of the image after stereo processing by the device (in pixels).
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Displays the search range for the stereo algorithm.
 Description: Displays the penalty when the change of Disparity Change is plus or minus 1.
 Description: Test PENDING_ACK feature.
 Description: This command generates a test event and sends it to the host.
 Description: Location of the GUI XML manifest table.
 Description: For testing only.
 Description: This command generates a test event and sends it to the host.
 Description: Specifies the number of data blocks (images) that the device should stream before stopping.
 Description: Starts the streaming of data blocks (images) out of the device.
 Description: Returns the maximum number of data blocks (images) in the transfer queue Visibility:
 Description: Returns number of data blocks (images) currently in the transfer queue.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferQueueModeEnums > & TransferQueueMode
 Description: Specifies the operation mode of the transfer queue.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferOperationModeEnums > & TransferOperationMode
 Description: Selects the operation mode of the transfer.
 Description: Stops the streaming of data block (images).
 Description: Returns number of images that have been lost before being transmitted because the transmit queue hasn't been cleared fast enough.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferControlModeEnums > & TransferControlMode
 Description: Selects the control method for the transfers.
 Description: Controls whether the DHCP IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link.
 Description: Selects which logical link to control.
 Description: Port identity of the current best master.
 Description: Controls the delay (in GEV timestamp counter unit) to insert between each packet for this stream channel.
 Description: Specifies the stream packet size (in bytes) to send on this channel.
 Description: Enables the camera to continue to stream, for this stream channel, if its control channel is closed or regardless of the reception of any ICMP messages (such as destination unreachable messages).
 Description: Indicates the transmission timeout of the message channel.
 Description: The state of this feature is copied into the "do not fragment" bit of the IP header of each stream packet.
 Description: Reports the subnet mask of the given logical link.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevIEEE1588ClockAccuracyEnums > & GevIEEE1588ClockAccuracy
 Description: Indicates the expected accuracy of the device clock when it is the grandmaster, or in the event it becomes the grandmaster.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevIEEE1588StatusEnums > & GevIEEE1588Status
 Description: Provides the status of the IEEE 1588 clock.
 Description: Controls the destination IP address of the message channel Visibility:
 Description: Index of the logical link to use.
 Description: Returns if the selected GEV option is supported.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevIEEE1588ModeEnums > & GevIEEE1588Mode
 Description: Provides the mode of the IEEE 1588 clock.
 Description: Indicates the source port of the stream channel.
 Description: Enables the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol to control the timestamp register.
 Description: Enables cameras to use the extended chunk data payload type for this stream channel.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelectorEnums > & GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelector
 Description: Selects the GigE Vision version to control extended status codes for.
 Description: Indicates the current heartbeat timeout in milliseconds.
 Description: Controls the persistent default gateway for this logical link.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevCCPEnums > & GevCCP
 Description: Controls the device access privilege of an application.
 Description: Indicates the physical link configuration supported by this device.
 Description: Controls the destination IP address of the selected stream channel to which a GVSP transmitter must send data stream or the destination IP address from which a GVSP receiver may receive data stream.
 Description: Disables the GVCP heartbeat.
 Description: IEEE 1588 Latched Parent ID Visibility:
 Description: Indicates the number of physical network interfaces supported by this device.
 Description: Indicates the number of active links supported by this device.
 Description: Indicates the number of timestamp ticks in 1 second (frequency in Hz).
 Description: Reports the default gateway IP address to be used on the given logical link.
 Description: Selects the stream channel to control.
 Description: Reports the IP address for the given logical link.
 Description: Controls whether the Pause Frame is activated on the given logical link.
 Description: Enables the generation of extended status codes.
 Description: Indicates the source port of the message channel.
 Description: Indicates the longest GVCP command execution time before the device returns a PENDING_ACK in milliseconds.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevIEEE1588StatusLatchedEnums > & GevIEEE1588StatusLatched
 Description: IEEE 1588 Latched Status Visibility:
 Description: The first choice of URL for the XML device description file.
 Description: MAC address of the logical link.
 Description: Controls the Persistent subnet mask associated with the Persistent IP address on this logical link.
 Description: The port to which the device must send messages Visibility:
 Description: Controls the port of the selected channel to which a GVSP transmitter must send data stream or the port from which a GVSP receiver may receive data stream.
 Description: Enables the generation of PENDING_ACK.
 Description: Controls the Persistent IP address for this logical link.
 Description: Latches the current IEEE 1588 dataset Visibility:
 Description: Dynamically returns the 64-bit value of the PTP offset with the master, in nanoseconds.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevSCPDirectionEnums > & GevSCPDirection
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Controls whether the Link Local Address IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link.
 Description: Controls whether the PersistentIP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums > & GevPhysicalLinkConfiguration
 Description: Indicates the principal physical link configuration currently enabled on this device.
 Description: Sends a test packet.
 Description: The second choice of URL to the XML device description file.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevSupportedOptionSelectorEnums > & GevSupportedOptionSelector
 Description: Selects the GEV option to interrogate for existing support.
 Description: Indicates the number of retries of the message channel.
 Description: Endianess of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.
 Description: Max Resonse Time in ms.
 Description: Number of Stream Channels and its Corresponding Streaming Interface Register Maps.
 Description: Set if the device supports at least one device streaming interface.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< U3VCurrentSpeedEnums > & U3VCurrentSpeed
 Description: Specifies the current speed of the USB link.
 Description: Set if the device supports IIDC2 register map.
 Description: Indicates additional features on the control channel.
 Description: Access Privilege.
 Description: Specifies the max suuported ack transfer length of the device.
 Description: Channel ID Used For The Message Channel.
 Description: Set if the device supports at least one device event interface.
 Description: Specifies the max suuported command transfer length of the device.
 Description: U3V Version.
 Description: U3V Version.
 Description: Counts the number of error on the link.
 Description: Provides the number of bytes transferred for each image or chunk on the stream channel.
 Description: Counts the number of resend requests received from the host.
 Description: Counts the number of times the USB link has recovered.
 Description: Maximum delay in us from image acquisition to image transmission in the current acquisition session.
 Description: Number of pause frame requests received for the image tranmission interface in the current acquisition session.
 Description: Average delay in us from image acquisition to image transmission.
 Description: Counts the number of resend requests that were not processed due to an error condition.
 Description: Visibility:
 Description: Delay in us from image acquisition to image transmission.
 Description: Whether or not the selected feature is saved to user sets.
 Description: Saves the User Set specified by UserSetSelector to the non-volatile memory of the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< UserSetSelectorEnums > & UserSetSelector
 Description: Selects the feature User Set to load, save or configure.
 Description: Loads the User Set specified by UserSetSelector to the device and makes it active.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceTypeEnums > & DeviceType
 Description: Returns the device type.
 Description: Identifier of the product family of the device.
 Description: Major version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.
 Description: Minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.
 Description: Sub minor version of Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.
 Description: Selects the manifest entry to reference.
 Description: Indicates the major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Indicates the minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Indicates the subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Indicates the major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Indicates the minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Indicates the first URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Indicates the second URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.
 Description: Sub minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.
 Description: Selects which Connection of the device to control.
 Description: Indicates the speed of transmission of the specified Connection Visibility: Expert.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceConnectionStatusEnums > & DeviceConnectionStatus
 Description: Indicates the status of the specified Connection.
 Description: Selects which Link of the device to control.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeEnums > & DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode
 Description: Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active.
 Description: Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceLinkHeartbeatModeEnums > & DeviceLinkHeartbeatMode
 Description: Activate or deactivate the Link's heartbeat.
 Description: Controls the current heartbeat timeout of the specific Link.
 Description: Indicates the command timeout of the specified Link.
 Description: Selects the stream channel to control.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceStreamChannelTypeEnums > & DeviceStreamChannelType
 Description: Reports the type of the stream channel.
 Description: Index of device's Link to use for streaming the specifed stream channel.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceStreamChannelEndiannessEnums > & DeviceStreamChannelEndianness
 Description: Endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.
 Description: Specifies the stream packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for a Transmitter or specifies the maximum packet size supported by a receiver.
 Description: Indicate to the device and GenICam XML to get ready for persisting of all streamable features.
 Description: Indicate to the device the end of feature persistence.
 Description: Prepare the device for registers streaming without checking for consistency.
 Description: Announce the end of registers streaming.
 Description: Perform the validation of the current register set for consistency.
 Description: Returns if the current register set is valid and consistent.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceClockSelectorEnums > & DeviceClockSelector
 Description: Selects the clock frequency to access from the device.
 Description: Returns the frequency of the selected Clock.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceSerialPortSelectorEnums > & DeviceSerialPortSelector
 Description: Selects which serial port of the device to control.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceSerialPortBaudRateEnums > & DeviceSerialPortBaudRate
 Description: This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.
 Description: Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SensorTapsEnums > & SensorTaps
 Description: Number of taps of the camera sensor.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SensorDigitizationTapsEnums > & SensorDigitizationTaps
 Description: Number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< RegionSelectorEnums > & RegionSelector
 Description: Selects the Region of interest to control.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< RegionModeEnums > & RegionMode
 Description: Controls if the selected Region of interest is active and streaming.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< RegionDestinationEnums > & RegionDestination
 Description: Control the destination of the selected region.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ImageComponentSelectorEnums > & ImageComponentSelector
 Description: Selects a component to activate data streaming from.
 Description: Controls if the selected component streaming is active.
 Description: Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).
 Description: Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).
 Description: Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).
 Description: Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).
 Description: Total number of bytes between 2 successive lines.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< PixelFormatInfoSelectorEnums > & PixelFormatInfoSelector
 Description: Select the pixel format for which the information will be returned.
 Description: Returns the value used by the streaming channels to identify the selected pixel format.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeinterlacingEnums > & Deinterlacing
 Description: Controls how the device performs de-interlacing.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ImageCompressionRateOptionEnums > & ImageCompressionRateOption
 Description: Two rate controlling options are offered: fixed bit rate or fixed quality.
 Description: Control the quality of the produced compressed stream.
 Description: Control the rate of the produced compressed stream.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ImageCompressionJPEGFormatOptionEnums > & ImageCompressionJPEGFormatOption
 Description: When JPEG is selected as the compression format, a device might optionally offer better control over JPEG-specific options through this feature.
 Description: Aborts the Acquisition immediately.
 Description: Arms the device before an AcquisitionStart command.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< AcquisitionStatusSelectorEnums > & AcquisitionStatusSelector
 Description: Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.
 Description: Reads the state of the internal acquisition signal selected using AcquisitionStatusSelector.
 Description: Specifies a division factor for the incoming trigger pulses.
 Description: Specifies a multiplication factor for the incoming trigger pulses.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ExposureTimeModeEnums > & ExposureTimeMode
 Description: Sets the configuration mode of the ExposureTime feature.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ExposureTimeSelectorEnums > & ExposureTimeSelector
 Description: Selects which exposure time is controlled by the ExposureTime feature.
 Description: Sets the Exposure time when ExposureMode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off.
 Description: Controls the selected gain as an absolute physical value.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GainAutoBalanceEnums > & GainAutoBalance
 Description: Sets the mode for automatic gain balancing between the sensor color channels or taps.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BlackLevelAutoEnums > & BlackLevelAuto
 Description: Controls the mode for automatic black level adjustment.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< BlackLevelAutoBalanceEnums > & BlackLevelAutoBalance
 Description: Controls the mode for automatic black level balancing between the sensor color channels or taps.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< WhiteClipSelectorEnums > & WhiteClipSelector
 Description: Selects which White Clip to control.
 Description: Controls the maximal intensity taken by the video signal before being clipped as an absolute physical value.
 Description: Accesses all the LUT coefficients in a single access without using individual LUTIndex.
 Description: Returns the current status of all available Line signals at time of polling in a single bitfield.
 Description: Sets the write mask to apply to the value specified by UserOutputValueAll before writing it in the User Output register.
 Description: Does a software reset of the selected Counter and starts it.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TimerSelectorEnums > & TimerSelector
 Description: Selects which Timer to configure.
 Description: Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Timer pulse.
 Description: Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay to apply at the reception of a trigger before starting the Timer.
 Description: Does a software reset of the selected timer and starts it.
 Description: Reads or writes the current value (in microseconds) of the selected Timer.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TimerStatusEnums > & TimerStatus
 Description: Returns the current status of the Timer.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TimerTriggerSourceEnums > & TimerTriggerSource
 Description: Selects the source of the trigger to start the Timer.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TimerTriggerActivationEnums > & TimerTriggerActivation
 Description: Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderSelectorEnums > & EncoderSelector
 Description: Selects which Encoder to configure.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderSourceAEnums > & EncoderSourceA
 Description: Selects the signal which will be the source of the A input of the Encoder.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderSourceBEnums > & EncoderSourceB
 Description: Selects the signal which will be the source of the B input of the Encoder.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderModeEnums > & EncoderMode
 Description: Selects if the count of encoder uses FourPhase mode with jitter filtering or the HighResolution mode without jitter filtering.
 Description: Sets how many Encoder increment/decrements that are needed generate an Encoder output pulse signal.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderOutputModeEnums > & EncoderOutputMode
 Description: Selects the conditions for the Encoder interface to generate a valid Encoder output signal.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderStatusEnums > & EncoderStatus
 Description: Returns the motion status of the encoder.
 Description: Sets the maximum time interval between encoder counter increments before the status turns to static.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderResetSourceEnums > & EncoderResetSource
 Description: Selects the signals that will be the source to reset the Encoder.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< EncoderResetActivationEnums > & EncoderResetActivation
 Description: Selects the Activation mode of the Encoder Reset Source signal.
 Description: Does a software reset of the selected Encoder and starts it.
 Description: Reads or writes the current value of the position counter of the selected Encoder.
 Description: Reads the value of the of the position counter of the selected Encoder when it was reset by a signal or by an explicit EncoderReset command.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< SoftwareSignalSelectorEnums > & SoftwareSignalSelector
 Description: Selects which Software Signal features to control.
 Description: Generates a pulse signal that can be used as a software trigger.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Trigger type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Trigger Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Trigger Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Transfer Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Transfer Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Transfer Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Transfer End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Transfer End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Transfer End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Error type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Error Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Error Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the FrameTrigger type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the FrameTrigger Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the FrameTrigger Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Burst Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Burst Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Burst End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Burst End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Burst End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Transfer Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Transfer Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Transfer Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Transfer End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Transfer End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Transfer End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Exposure Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Exposure Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Exposure Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Pause type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Pause Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Pause Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Resume type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Resume Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Resume Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Block Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Block End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Block End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Block End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Burst End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Overflow type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Overflow Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Overflow Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Sequencer Set Change type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Sequencer Set Change Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Sequencer Set Change Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 0 Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 0 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 0 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 1 Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 1 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 1 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 0 End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 0 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 0 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 1 End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 1 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 1 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 0 Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 0 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 0 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 1 Start type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 1 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 1 Start Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 0 End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 0 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 0 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 1 End type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 1 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 1 End Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 0 Stopped type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 0 Stopped Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 0 Stopped Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 1 Stopped type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 1 Stopped Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 1 Stopped Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 0 Restarted type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 0 Restarted Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 0 Restarted Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 1 Restarted type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 1 Restarted Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 1 Restarted Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 0 Rising Edge type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 0 Rising Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 0 Rising Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 1 Rising Edge type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 1 Rising Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 1 Rising Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 0 Falling Edge type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 0 Falling Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 0 Falling Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 1 Falling Edge type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 1 Falling Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 1 Falling Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 0 Any Edge type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 0 Any Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 0 Any Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 1 Any Edge type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 1 Any Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 1 Any Edge Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Link Trigger 0 type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Link Trigger 0 Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Link Trigger 0 Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Link Trigger 1 type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Link Trigger 1 Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Link Trigger 1 Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Action Late type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Action Late Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Action Late Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Link Speed Change type of Event.
 Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Link Speed Change Event.
 Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Link Speed Change Event.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< UserSetDefaultEnums > & UserSetDefault
 Description: Selects the feature User Set to load and make active by default when the device is reset.
 Description: Contains the currently active sequencer set.
 Description: Defines the intermediate access buffer that allows the exchange of data between the device file storage and the application.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferSelectorEnums > & TransferSelector
 Description: Selects which stream transfers are currently controlled by the selected Transfer features.
 Description: Number of Block(s) to transfer for each TransferBurstStart trigger.
 Description: Aborts immediately the streaming of data block(s).
 Description: Pauses the streaming of data Block(s).
 Description: Resumes a data Blocks streaming that was previously paused by a TransferPause command.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferTriggerSelectorEnums > & TransferTriggerSelector
 Description: Selects the type of transfer trigger to configure.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferTriggerModeEnums > & TransferTriggerMode
 Description: Controls if the selected trigger is active.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferTriggerSourceEnums > & TransferTriggerSource
 Description: Specifies the signal to use as the trigger source for transfers.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferTriggerActivationEnums > & TransferTriggerActivation
 Description: Specifies the activation mode of the transfer control trigger.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferStatusSelectorEnums > & TransferStatusSelector
 Description: Selects which status of the transfer module to read.
 Description: Reads the status of the Transfer module signal selected by TransferStatusSelector.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< TransferComponentSelectorEnums > & TransferComponentSelector
 Description: Selects the color component for the control of the TransferStreamChannel feature.
 Description: Selects the streaming channel that will be used to transfer the selected stream of data.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dDistanceUnitEnums > & Scan3dDistanceUnit
 Description: Specifies the unit used when delivering (calibrated) distance data.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dCoordinateSystemEnums > & Scan3dCoordinateSystem
 Description: Specifies the Coordinate system to use for the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dOutputModeEnums > & Scan3dOutputMode
 Description: Controls the Calibration and data organization of the device and the coordinates transmitted.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums > & Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference
 Description: Defines coordinate system reference location.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums > & Scan3dCoordinateSelector
 Description: Selects the individual coordinates in the vectors for 3D information/transformation.
 Description: Minimum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis.
 Description: Maximum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums > & Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelector
 Description: Sets the index to read/write a coordinate transform value.
 Description: Specifies the transform value selected.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< Scan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums > & Scan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector
 Description: Sets the index to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from the current (Anchor or Transformed) system to the reference system.
 Description: Returns the reference value selected.
 Description: Selects the part to access in chunk data in a multipart transmission.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkImageComponentEnums > & ChunkImageComponent
 Description: Returns the component of the payload image.
 Description: Returns the minimum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the maximum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the last Timestamp latched with the TimestampLatch command.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkCounterSelectorEnums > & ChunkCounterSelector
 Description: Selects which counter to retrieve data from.
 Description: Returns the value of the selected Chunk counter at the time of the FrameStart event.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkTimerSelectorEnums > & ChunkTimerSelector
 Description: Selects which Timer to retrieve data from.
 Description: Returns the value of the selected Timer at the time of the FrameStart internal event.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkEncoderSelectorEnums > & ChunkEncoderSelector
 Description: Selects which Encoder to retrieve data from.
 Description: Index for vector representation of one chunk value per line in an image.
 Description: Returns the counter's value of the selected Encoder at the time of the FrameStart in area scan mode or the counter's value at the time of the LineStart selected by ChunkScanLineSelector in LineScan mode.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkEncoderStatusEnums > & ChunkEncoderStatus
 Description: Returns the motion status of the selected encoder.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkExposureTimeSelectorEnums > & ChunkExposureTimeSelector
 Description: Selects which exposure time is read by the ChunkExposureTime feature.
 Description: Returns the LinePitch of the image included in the payload.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkSourceIDEnums > & ChunkSourceID
 Description: Returns the identifier of Source that the image comes from.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkRegionIDEnums > & ChunkRegionID
 Description: Returns the identifier of Region that the image comes from.
 Description: Returns the unique identifier of the transfer block used to transport the payload.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkTransferStreamIDEnums > & ChunkTransferStreamID
 Description: Returns identifier of the stream that generated this block.
 Description: Returns the current number of blocks in the transfer queue.
 Description: Returns identifier of the stream channel used to carry the block.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dDistanceUnitEnums > & ChunkScan3dDistanceUnit
 Description: Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dOutputModeEnums > & ChunkScan3dOutputMode
 Description: Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemEnums > & ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystem
 Description: Returns the Coordinate System of the image included in the payload.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums > & ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReference
 Description: Returns the Coordinate System Position of the image included in the payload.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums > & ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector
 Description: Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.
 Description: Returns the Scale for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the Offset for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the data stream.
 Description: Returns the Invalid Data Value used for the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the Minimum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
 Description: Returns the Maximum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums > & ChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelector
 Description: Selector for transform values.
 Description: Returns the transform value.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums > & ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector
 Description: Selector to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from one system to the other.
 Description: Reads the value of a position or pose coordinate for the anchor or transformed coordinate systems relative to the reference point.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< DeviceTapGeometryEnums > & DeviceTapGeometry
 Description: This device tap geometry feature describes the geometrical properties characterizing the taps of a camera as presented at the output of the device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums > & GevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfiguration
 Description: Indicates the current physical link configuration of the device.
 Description: Indicates the current number of active logical links.
 Description: Controls whether PAUSE Frames can be generated on the given logical link.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevIPConfigurationStatusEnums > & GevIPConfigurationStatus
 Description: Reports the current IP configuration status.
 Description: Indicates the maximum randomized delay the device will wait to acknowledge a discovery command.
 Description: Controls the key to use to authenticate primary application switchover requests.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< GevGVSPExtendedIDModeEnums > & GevGVSPExtendedIDMode
 Description: Enables the extended IDs mode.
 Description: Returns the UDP source port of the primary application.
 Description: Returns the address of the primary application.
 Description: Enables the alternate IP destination for stream packets resent due to a packet resend request.
 Description: Enables the selected GVSP transmitter to use the single packet per data block All-in Transmission mode.
 Description: Reports the number of zones per block transmitted on the selected stream channel.
 Description: Reports the transmission direction of each zone transmitted on the selected stream channel.
 Description: Controls whether the selected stream channel multi-zone configuration is locked.
 Description: Reports the number of transmitted PAUSE frames.
 Description: Reports the number of received PAUSE frames.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ClConfigurationEnums > & ClConfiguration
 Description: This Camera Link specific feature describes the configuration used by the camera.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< ClTimeSlotsCountEnums > & ClTimeSlotsCount
 Description: This Camera Link specific feature describes the time multiplexing of the camera link connection to transfer more than the configuration allows, in one single clock.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CxpLinkConfigurationStatusEnums > & CxpLinkConfigurationStatus
 Description: This feature indicates the current and active Link configuration used by the Device.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CxpLinkConfigurationPreferredEnums > & CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred
 Description: Provides the Link configuration that allows the Transmitter Device to operate in its default mode.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CxpLinkConfigurationEnums > & CxpLinkConfiguration
 Description: This feature allows specifying the Link configuration for the communication between the Receiver and Transmitter Device.
 Description: Selects the CoaXPress physical connection to control.
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CxpConnectionTestModeEnums > & CxpConnectionTestMode
 Description: Enables the test mode for an individual physical connection of the Device.
 Description: Reports the current connection error count for test packets recieved by the device on the connection selected by CxpConnectionSelector.
 Description: Reports the current count for test packets recieved by the device on the connection selected by CxpConnectionSelector.
 Description: Activate automatic control of the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) for the Link.
 Description: Disable Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) for the Link.
 Description: Reset the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) Link after an over-current trip on the Device connection(s).
GenApi::IEnumerationT< CxpPoCxpStatusEnums > & CxpPoCxpStatus
 Description: Returns the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) status of the Device.
 Description: Returns the frame ID associated with the most recent inference result.
 Description: Returns the chunk data inference result.
 Description: Returns the chunk data inference confidence percentage.
 Description: Returns the chunk inference bounding box result data.
- Public Attributes inherited from ICameraBase
TransportLayerDevice TLDevice
 Gets vital camera information by connecting to the camera's bootstrap registers.
TransportLayerStream TLStream
 Gets information about the stream data by connecting to the camera's bootstrap registers.

Protected Member Functions

 Camera ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CameraBase
 CameraBase (void)
 Default constructor.
 CameraBase (const CameraBase &)
 Copy constructor.
CameraBaseoperator= (const CameraBase &)
 Assignment operator.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ICameraBase
 ICameraBase ()
 ICameraBase (const ICameraBase &)
ICameraBaseoperator= (const ICameraBase &)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ICameraBase
CameraBaseData * m_pCameraBaseData

Detailed Description

The camera object class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~Camera()

~Camera ( )

◆ Camera()

Camera ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Init()

void Init ( )

Implements ICameraBase.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AasRoiEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& AasRoiEnable

Description: Controls whether a user-specified ROI is used for auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.


◆ AasRoiHeight

GenApi::IInteger& AasRoiHeight

Description: Controls the width of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.


◆ AasRoiOffsetX

GenApi::IInteger& AasRoiOffsetX

Description: Controls the x-offset of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.


◆ AasRoiOffsetY

GenApi::IInteger& AasRoiOffsetY

Description: Controls the y-offset of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.


◆ AasRoiWidth

GenApi::IInteger& AasRoiWidth

Description: Controls the width of the ROI used by the auto algorithm that is currently selected by the AutoAlgorithmSelector feature.


◆ AcquisitionAbort

GenApi::ICommand& AcquisitionAbort

Description: Aborts the Acquisition immediately.

This will end the capture without completing the current Frame or waiting on a trigger. If no Acquisition is in progress, the command is ignored. Visibility: Expert

◆ AcquisitionArm

GenApi::ICommand& AcquisitionArm

Description: Arms the device before an AcquisitionStart command.

This optional command validates all the current features for consistency and prepares the device for a fast start of the Acquisition. Visibility: Expert

◆ AcquisitionBurstFrameCount

GenApi::IInteger& AcquisitionBurstFrameCount

Description: This feature is used only if the FrameBurstStart trigger is enabled and the FrameBurstEnd trigger is disabled.

Note that the total number of frames captured is also conditioned by AcquisitionFrameCount if AcquisitionMode is MultiFrame and ignored if AcquisitionMode is Single. Visibility:

◆ AcquisitionFrameCount

GenApi::IInteger& AcquisitionFrameCount

Description: Number of images to acquire during a multi frame acquisition.


◆ AcquisitionFrameRate

GenApi::IFloat& AcquisitionFrameRate

Description: User controlled acquisition frame rate in Hertz Visibility:

◆ AcquisitionFrameRateEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& AcquisitionFrameRateEnable

Description: If enabled, AcquisitionFrameRate can be used to manually control the frame rate.


◆ AcquisitionFrameRatePersistence

GenApi::IBoolean& AcquisitionFrameRatePersistence

Description: If enabled, the camera will try to preserve the frame rate to what is entered when changed by other features.


◆ AcquisitionLineRate

GenApi::IFloat& AcquisitionLineRate

Description: Controls the rate (in Hertz) at which the Lines in a Frame are captured.


◆ AcquisitionMode

Description: Sets the acquisition mode of the device.

Continuous: acquires images continuously. Multi Frame: acquires a specified number of images before stopping acquisition. Single Frame: acquires 1 image before stopping acquisition. Visibility:

◆ AcquisitionResultingFrameRate

GenApi::IFloat& AcquisitionResultingFrameRate

Description: Resulting frame rate in Hertz.

If this does not equal the Acquisition Frame Rate it is because the Exposure Time is greater than the frame time. Visibility:

◆ AcquisitionStart

GenApi::ICommand& AcquisitionStart

Description: This command starts the acquisition of images.


◆ AcquisitionStatus

GenApi::IBoolean& AcquisitionStatus

Description: Reads the state of the internal acquisition signal selected using AcquisitionStatusSelector.

Visibility: Expert

◆ AcquisitionStatusSelector

Description: Selects the internal acquisition signal to read using AcquisitionStatus.

Visibility: Expert

◆ AcquisitionStop

GenApi::ICommand& AcquisitionStop

Description: This command stops the acquisition of images.


◆ AcquisitionTransferFrameRate

GenApi::IFloat& AcquisitionTransferFrameRate

Description: Transfer frame rate in Hertz.

If this does not equal the Acquisition Frame Rate it is because the Exposure Time is greater than the frame time. Visibility:

◆ ActionDeviceKey

GenApi::IInteger& ActionDeviceKey

Description: Provides the device key that allows the device to check the validity of action commands.

The device internal assertion of an action signal is only authorized if the ActionDeviceKey and the action device key value in the protocol message are equal. Visibility:

◆ ActionGroupKey

GenApi::IInteger& ActionGroupKey

Description: Provides the key that the device will use to validate the action on reception of the action protocol message.


◆ ActionGroupMask

GenApi::IInteger& ActionGroupMask

Description: Provides the mask that the device will use to validate the action on reception of the action protocol message.


◆ ActionQueueEmpty

GenApi::ICommand& ActionQueueEmpty

Description: Removes all action commands in the queue.


◆ ActionQueueSize

GenApi::IInteger& ActionQueueSize

Description: Indicates the size of the scheduled action commands queue.

This number represents the maximum number of scheduled action commands that can be pending at a given point in time. Visibility:

◆ ActionSelector

Description: Selects to which Action Signal further Action settings apply.


◆ ActionSignalSize

GenApi::IInteger& ActionSignalSize

Description: Indicates the number of seperate action commands supported by this device.


◆ ActionUnconditionalMode

Description: Enables the unconditional action command mode where action commands are processed even when the primary control channel is closed.


◆ AdaptiveCompressionEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& AdaptiveCompressionEnable

Description: If selected, allows dynamic updates to the compression tables to achieve better compression ratio.

If deselected, a fixed encoding table is used. Visibility:

◆ AdcBitDepth

Description: Selects which ADC bit depth to use.

A higher ADC bit depth results in better image quality but slower maximum frame rate. Visibility:

◆ aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived

GenApi::IInteger& aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived

Description: Reports the number of received PAUSE frames.

Visibility: Guru

◆ aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted

GenApi::IInteger& aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted

Description: Reports the number of transmitted PAUSE frames.

Visibility: Guru

◆ AutoAlgorithmSelector

Description: Selects which Auto Algorithm is controlled by the RoiEnable, OffsetX, OffsetY, Width, Height features.


◆ AutoExposureControlLoopDamping

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureControlLoopDamping

Description: It controls how fast the exposure and gain get settled.

If the value is too small, it may cause the system to be unstable. Range is from 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.2. Visibility:

◆ AutoExposureControlPriority

Description: Selects whether to adjust gain or exposure first.

When gain priority is selected, the camera fixes the gain to 0 dB, and the exposure is adjusted according to the target grey level. If the maximum exposure is reached before the target grey level is hit, the gain starts to change to meet the target. This mode is used to have the minimum noise. When exposure priority is selected, the camera sets the exposure to a small value (default is 5 ms). The gain is adjusted according to the target grey level. If maximum gain is reached before the target grey level is hit, the exposure starts to change to meet the target. This mode is used to capture fast motion. Visibility:

◆ AutoExposureEVCompensation

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureEVCompensation

Description: The EV compensation value used in the exposure compensation.

This allows you to adjust the resultant image intensity with one control. A positive value makes the image brighter. A negative value makes the image darker. Range from -3 to 3 with a step of 1/3. Default = 0. Visibility:

◆ AutoExposureExposureTimeLowerLimit

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureExposureTimeLowerLimit

Description: The smallest exposure time that auto exposure can set.


◆ AutoExposureExposureTimeUpperLimit

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureExposureTimeUpperLimit

Description: The largest exposure time that auto exposure can set.


◆ AutoExposureGainLowerLimit

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureGainLowerLimit

Description: The smallest gain that auto exposure can set.


◆ AutoExposureGainUpperLimit

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureGainUpperLimit

Description: The largest gain that auto exposure can set.


◆ AutoExposureGreyValueLowerLimit

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureGreyValueLowerLimit

Description: The lowest value in percentage that the target mean may reach.


◆ AutoExposureGreyValueUpperLimit

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureGreyValueUpperLimit

Description: The highest value in percentage that the target mean may reach.


◆ AutoExposureLightingMode

Description: Selects a lighting mode: Backlight, Frontlight or Normal (default).

a. Backlight compensation: used when a strong light is coming from the back of the object. b. Frontlight compensation: used when a strong light is shining in the front of the object while the background is dark. c. Normal lighting: used when the object is not under backlight or frontlight conditions. When normal lighting is selected, metering modes are available. Visibility:

◆ AutoExposureMeteringMode

Description: Selects a metering mode: average, spot, or partial metering.

a. Average: Measures the light from the entire scene uniformly to determine the final exposure value. Every portion of the exposed area has the same contribution. b. Spot: Measures a small area (about 3%) in the center of the scene while the rest of the scene is ignored. This mode is used when the scene has a high contrast and the object of interest is relatively small. c. Partial: Measures the light from a larger area (about 11%) in the center of the scene. This mode is used when very dark or bright regions appear at the edge of the frame. Note: Metering mode is available only when Lighting Mode Selector is Normal. Visibility:

◆ AutoExposureTargetGreyValue

GenApi::IFloat& AutoExposureTargetGreyValue

Description: This is the user-specified target grey level (image mean) to apply to the current image.

Note that the target grey level is in the linear domain before gamma correction is applied. Visibility:

◆ AutoExposureTargetGreyValueAuto

Description: This indicates whether the target image grey level is automatically set by the camera or manually set by the user.

Note that the target grey level is in the linear domain before gamma correction is applied. Visibility:

◆ BalanceRatio

GenApi::IFloat& BalanceRatio

Description: Controls the balance ratio of the selected color relative to green.

Used for white balancing. Visibility:

◆ BalanceRatioSelector

Description: Selects a balance ratio to configure once a balance ratio control has been selected.


◆ BalanceWhiteAuto

Description: White Balance compensates for color shifts caused by different lighting conditions.

It can be automatically or manually controlled. For manual control, set to Off. For automatic control, set to Once or Continuous. Visibility:

◆ BalanceWhiteAutoDamping

GenApi::IFloat& BalanceWhiteAutoDamping

Description: Controls how quickly 'BalanceWhiteAuto' adjusts the values for Red and Blue BalanceRatio in response to changing conditions.

Higher damping means the changes are more gradual. Visibility:

◆ BalanceWhiteAutoLowerLimit

GenApi::IFloat& BalanceWhiteAutoLowerLimit

Description: Controls the minimum value Auto White Balance can set for the Red/Blue BalanceRatio.


◆ BalanceWhiteAutoProfile

Description: Selects the profile used by BalanceWhiteAuto.


◆ BalanceWhiteAutoUpperLimit

GenApi::IFloat& BalanceWhiteAutoUpperLimit

Description: Controls the maximum value Auto White Balance can set the Red/Blue BalanceRatio.


◆ BinningHorizontal

GenApi::IInteger& BinningHorizontal

Description: Number of horizontal photo-sensitive cells to combine together.

This reduces the horizontal resolution (width) of the image. A value of 1 indicates that no horizontal binning is performed by the camera. This value must be 1 for decimation to be active. Visibility:

◆ BinningHorizontalMode

Description: Visibility:

◆ BinningSelector

Description: Selects which binning engine is controlled by the BinningHorizontal and BinningVertical features.


◆ BinningVertical

GenApi::IInteger& BinningVertical

Description: Number of vertical photo-sensitive cells to combine together.

This reduces the vertical resolution (height) of the image. A value of 1 indicates that no vertical binning is performed by the camera. This value must be 1 for decimation to be active. Visibility:

◆ BinningVerticalMode

Description: Visibility:

◆ BlackLevel

GenApi::IFloat& BlackLevel

Description: Controls the offset of the video signal in percent.


◆ BlackLevelAuto

Description: Controls the mode for automatic black level adjustment.

The exact algorithm used to implement this adjustment is device-specific. Visibility: Expert

◆ BlackLevelAutoBalance

Description: Controls the mode for automatic black level balancing between the sensor color channels or taps.

The black level coefficients of each channel are adjusted so they are matched. Visibility: Expert

◆ BlackLevelClampingEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& BlackLevelClampingEnable

Description: Enable the black level auto clamping feature which performs dark current compensation.

This feature is not supported by rolling shutter sensors. Visibility:

◆ BlackLevelRaw

GenApi::IInteger& BlackLevelRaw

Description: Controls the offset of the video signal in camera specific units.


◆ BlackLevelSelector

Description: Selects which black level to control.

Only All can be set by the user. Analog and Digital are read-only. Visibility:

◆ BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto

Description: Sets the auto BSI flat field correction mode.

Set to Off to manually set the correction gains. Set to Continuous to automaticaly adjust the gains continually based on the current image content. Set to Once for a one-time admatic adjustment of the gains. Visibility:

◆ BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAutoDamping

GenApi::IFloat& BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAutoDamping

Description: Controls how quickly BsiFlatFieldCorrectionAuto adjusts the values of BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain.

Higher damping means the gains are changed more gradually. Visibility:

◆ BsiFlatFieldCorrectionEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& BsiFlatFieldCorrectionEnable

Description: Enables flat field correction for Back Size Illuminated sensors that have fixed pattern noise across 2x2 groups of pixels.


◆ BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain

GenApi::IFloat& BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain

Description: Controls the flat field correction gain of the pixel location specified by BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelector.

This is a linear multiplier applied to the pixel value. Visibility:

◆ BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelector

GenApi::IEnumerationT<BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelectorEnums>& BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGainSelector

Description: Selects which pixel position has its correction gain controlled by the BsiFlatFieldCorrectionGain feature.


◆ BufferedBurstFrameCountMax

GenApi::IInteger& BufferedBurstFrameCountMax

Description: Number of images that can be acquired in buffered burst mode without transfer overflow.


◆ BufferedBurstMode

GenApi::IBoolean& BufferedBurstMode

Description: If enabled, sensor is able to be triggered at sensor maximum frame rate.

Device link throughtput will be ignored in calculating sensor maximum frame rate. Visibility:

◆ ChunkBlackLevel

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkBlackLevel

Description: Returns the black level used to capture the image.


◆ ChunkBlackLevelSelector

Description: Selects which black level to retrieve Visibility:

◆ ChunkCompressionMode

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkCompressionMode

Description: Visibility:

◆ ChunkCompressionRatio

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkCompressionRatio

Description: Visibility:

◆ ChunkCounterSelector

Description: Selects which counter to retrieve data from.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkCounterValue

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkCounterValue

Description: Returns the value of the selected Chunk counter at the time of the FrameStart event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkCRC

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkCRC

Description: Returns the CRC of the image payload.


◆ ChunkCurrentDatarate

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkCurrentDatarate

Description: Visibility:

◆ ChunkEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& ChunkEnable

Description: Enables the inclusion of the selected Chunk data in the payload of the image.


◆ ChunkEncoderSelector

Description: Selects which Encoder to retrieve data from.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkEncoderStatus

Description: Returns the motion status of the selected encoder.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkEncoderValue

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkEncoderValue

Description: Returns the counter's value of the selected Encoder at the time of the FrameStart in area scan mode or the counter's value at the time of the LineStart selected by ChunkScanLineSelector in LineScan mode.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkExposureEndLineStatusAll

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkExposureEndLineStatusAll

Description: Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the end of exposure event.


◆ ChunkExposureTime

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkExposureTime

Description: Returns the exposure time used to capture the image.


◆ ChunkExposureTimeSelector

Description: Selects which exposure time is read by the ChunkExposureTime feature.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkFrameID

Description: Returns the image frame ID.


◆ ChunkGain

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkGain

Description: Returns the gain used to capture the image.


◆ ChunkGainSelector

Description: Selects which gain to retrieve Visibility:

◆ ChunkHeight

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkHeight

Description: Returns the height of the image included in the payload.


◆ ChunkImage

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkImage

Description: Returns the image payload.


◆ ChunkImageComponent

Description: Returns the component of the payload image.

This can be used to identify the image component of a generic part in a multipart transfer. Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkInferenceBoundingBoxResult

GenApi::IRegister& ChunkInferenceBoundingBoxResult

Description: Returns the chunk inference bounding box result data.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkInferenceConfidence

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkInferenceConfidence

Description: Returns the chunk data inference confidence percentage.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkInferenceFrameId

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkInferenceFrameId

Description: Returns the frame ID associated with the most recent inference result.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkInferenceResult

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkInferenceResult

Description: Returns the chunk data inference result.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkLinePitch

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkLinePitch

Description: Returns the LinePitch of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkLineStatusAll

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkLineStatusAll

Description: Returns the status of all the I/O lines at the start of exposure event.


◆ ChunkModeActive

GenApi::IBoolean& ChunkModeActive

Description: Activates the inclusion of Chunk data in the payload of the image.


◆ ChunkOffsetX

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkOffsetX

Description: Returns the Offset X of the image included in the payload.


◆ ChunkOffsetY

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkOffsetY

Description: Returns the Offset Y of the image included in the payload.


◆ ChunkPartSelector

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkPartSelector

Description: Selects the part to access in chunk data in a multipart transmission.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax

Description: Returns the maximum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin

Description: Returns the minimum value of dynamic range of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkPixelFormat

Description: Format of the pixel provided by the camera Visibility:

◆ ChunkRegionID

Description: Returns the identifier of Region that the image comes from.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dAxisMax

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dAxisMax

Description: Returns the Maximum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dAxisMin

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dAxisMin

Description: Returns the Minimum Axis value for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateOffset

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dCoordinateOffset

Description: Returns the Offset for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector

GenApi::IEnumerationT<ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelectorEnums>& ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector

Description: Selector to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from one system to the other.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceValue

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dCoordinateReferenceValue

Description: Reads the value of a position or pose coordinate for the anchor or transformed coordinate systems relative to the reference point.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateScale

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dCoordinateScale

Description: Returns the Scale for the selected coordinate axis of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

Description: Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystem

Description: Returns the Coordinate System of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReference

GenApi::IEnumerationT<ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums>& ChunkScan3dCoordinateSystemReference

Description: Returns the Coordinate System Position of the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelector

GenApi::IEnumerationT<ChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelectorEnums>& ChunkScan3dCoordinateTransformSelector

Description: Selector for transform values.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dDistanceUnit

Description: Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag

GenApi::IBoolean& ChunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag

Description: Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the data stream.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dInvalidDataValue

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dInvalidDataValue

Description: Returns the Invalid Data Value used for the image included in the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dOutputMode

Description: Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScan3dTransformValue

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkScan3dTransformValue

Description: Returns the transform value.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkScanLineSelector

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkScanLineSelector

Description: Index for vector representation of one chunk value per line in an image.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkSelector

Description: Selects which chunk data to enable or disable.


◆ ChunkSequencerSetActive

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkSequencerSetActive

Description: Returns the index of the active set of the running sequencer included in the payload.


◆ ChunkSerialData

GenApi::IString& ChunkSerialData

Description: Returns the serial data that was received.


◆ ChunkSerialDataLength

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkSerialDataLength

Description: Returns the length of the received serial data that was included in the payload.


◆ ChunkSerialReceiveOverflow

GenApi::IBoolean& ChunkSerialReceiveOverflow

Description: Returns the status of the chunk serial receive overflow.


◆ ChunkSourceID

Description: Returns the identifier of Source that the image comes from.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkStreamChannelID

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkStreamChannelID

Description: Returns identifier of the stream channel used to carry the block.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkTimerSelector

Description: Selects which Timer to retrieve data from.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkTimerValue

GenApi::IFloat& ChunkTimerValue

Description: Returns the value of the selected Timer at the time of the FrameStart internal event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the image.


◆ ChunkTimestampLatchValue

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkTimestampLatchValue

Description: Returns the last Timestamp latched with the TimestampLatch command.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkTransferBlockID

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkTransferBlockID

Description: Returns the unique identifier of the transfer block used to transport the payload.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkTransferQueueCurrentBlockCount

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkTransferQueueCurrentBlockCount

Description: Returns the current number of blocks in the transfer queue.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkTransferStreamID

Description: Returns identifier of the stream that generated this block.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ChunkWidth

GenApi::IInteger& ChunkWidth

Description: Returns the width of the image included in the payload.


◆ ClConfiguration

Description: This Camera Link specific feature describes the configuration used by the camera.

It helps especially when a camera is capable of operation in a non-standard configuration, and when the features PixelSize, SensorDigitizationTaps, and DeviceTapGeometry do not provide enough information for interpretation of the image data provided by the camera. Visibility: Beginner

◆ ClTimeSlotsCount

Description: This Camera Link specific feature describes the time multiplexing of the camera link connection to transfer more than the configuration allows, in one single clock.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ColorTransformationEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& ColorTransformationEnable

Description: Enables/disables the color transform selected with ColorTransformationSelector.

For RGB to YUV this is read-only. Enabling/disabling RGB to YUV can only be done by changing pixel format. Visibility:

◆ ColorTransformationSelector

Description: Selects which Color Transformation module is controlled by the various Color Transformation features Visibility:

◆ ColorTransformationValue

GenApi::IFloat& ColorTransformationValue

Description: Represents the value of the selected Gain factor or Offset inside the Transformation matrix in floating point precision.


◆ ColorTransformationValueSelector

Description: Selects the Gain factor or Offset of the Transformation matrix to access in the selected Color Transformation module Visibility:

◆ ComponentActiveCount

GenApi::IInteger& ComponentActiveCount

Description: Displays the number of active streams based on the number of components enabled.


◆ ComponentDestination

Description: Displays the destination of the selected component that is enabled (For example: stream 0/1/2 etc).


◆ ComponentEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& ComponentEnable

Description: Control for enabling or disabling the selected component.


◆ ComponentSelector

Description: Control for selecting the component of a source (i.e.

Raw/Rectified/Disparity). Visibility:

◆ CompressedFrameDropCount

GenApi::IInteger& CompressedFrameDropCount

Description: Reports how many frames dropped to keep the datarate below the max threshold.


◆ CompressionSaturationPriority

Description: When FrameRate is enabled, camera drops frames if datarate is saturated.

If FrameRate is disabled, camera adjusts the framerate to match the maximum achievable datarate. Visibility:

◆ ControlPacketsReservedBandwidth

GenApi::IInteger& ControlPacketsReservedBandwidth

Description: Reserved device link bandwidth(in bps) for control data.


◆ CounterDelay

GenApi::IInteger& CounterDelay

Description: Sets the delay (or number of events) before the CounterStart event is generated.


◆ CounterDuration

GenApi::IInteger& CounterDuration

Description: Sets the duration (or number of events) before the CounterEnd event is generated.


◆ CounterEventActivation

Description: Selects the activation mode of the event to increment the Counter.


◆ CounterEventSource

Description: Selects the event that will increment the counter Visibility:

◆ CounterReset

GenApi::ICommand& CounterReset

Description: Does a software reset of the selected Counter and starts it.

The counter starts counting events immediately after the reset unless a Counter trigger is active. CounterReset can be used to reset the Counter independently from the CounterResetSource. To disable the counter temporarily, set CounterEventSource to Off. Visibility: Expert

◆ CounterResetActivation

Description: Selects the Activation mode of the Counter Reset Source signal.


◆ CounterResetSource

Description: Selects the signal that will be the source to reset the Counter.


◆ CounterSelector

Description: Selects which counter to configure Visibility:

◆ CounterStatus

Description: Returns the current status of the Counter.


◆ CounterTriggerActivation

Description: Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Counter.


◆ CounterTriggerSource

Description: Selects the source of the trigger to start the counter Visibility:

◆ CounterValue

GenApi::IInteger& CounterValue

Description: Current counter value Visibility:

◆ CounterValueAtReset

GenApi::IInteger& CounterValueAtReset

Description: Value of the selected Counter when it was reset by a trigger.


◆ CxpConnectionSelector

GenApi::IInteger& CxpConnectionSelector

Description: Selects the CoaXPress physical connection to control.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpConnectionTestErrorCount

GenApi::IInteger& CxpConnectionTestErrorCount

Description: Reports the current connection error count for test packets recieved by the device on the connection selected by CxpConnectionSelector.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpConnectionTestMode

Description: Enables the test mode for an individual physical connection of the Device.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpConnectionTestPacketCount

GenApi::IInteger& CxpConnectionTestPacketCount

Description: Reports the current count for test packets recieved by the device on the connection selected by CxpConnectionSelector.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpLinkConfiguration

Description: This feature allows specifying the Link configuration for the communication between the Receiver and Transmitter Device.

In most cases this feature does not need to be written because automatic discovery will set configuration correctly to the value returned by CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred. Note that the currently active configuration of the Link can be read using CxpLinkConfigurationStatus. Visibility: Beginner

◆ CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred

Description: Provides the Link configuration that allows the Transmitter Device to operate in its default mode.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpLinkConfigurationStatus

Description: This feature indicates the current and active Link configuration used by the Device.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ CxpPoCxpAuto

GenApi::ICommand& CxpPoCxpAuto

Description: Activate automatic control of the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) for the Link.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpPoCxpStatus

Description: Returns the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) status of the Device.

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpPoCxpTripReset

GenApi::ICommand& CxpPoCxpTripReset

Description: Reset the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) Link after an over-current trip on the Device connection(s).

Visibility: Expert

◆ CxpPoCxpTurnOff

GenApi::ICommand& CxpPoCxpTurnOff

Description: Disable Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) for the Link.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DecimationHorizontal

GenApi::IInteger& DecimationHorizontal

Description: Horizontal decimation of the image.

This reduces the horizontal resolution (width) of the image by only retaining a single pixel within a window whose size is the decimation factor specified here. A value of 1 indicates that no horizontal decimation is performed by the camera. This value must be 1 for binning to be active. Visibility:

◆ DecimationHorizontalMode

Description: The mode used to reduce the horizontal resolution when DecimationHorizontal is used.

The current implementation only supports a single decimation mode: Discard. Average should be achieved via Binning. Visibility:

◆ DecimationSelector

Description: Selects which decimation layer is controlled by the DecimationHorizontal and DecimationVertical features.


◆ DecimationVertical

GenApi::IInteger& DecimationVertical

Description: Vertical decimation of the image.

This reduces the vertical resolution (height) of the image by only retaining a single pixel within a window whose size is the decimation factor specified here. A value of 1 indicates that no vertical decimation is performed by the camera. This value must be 1 for binning to be active. Visibility:

◆ DecimationVerticalMode

Description: The mode used to reduce the vertical resolution when DecimationVertical is used.

The current implementation only supports a single decimation mode: Discard. Average should be achieved via Binning. Visibility:

◆ DefectCorrectionMode

Description: Controls the method used for replacing defective pixels.


◆ DefectCorrectStaticEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& DefectCorrectStaticEnable

Description: Enables/Disables table-based defective pixel correction.


◆ DefectTableApply

GenApi::ICommand& DefectTableApply

Description: Applies the current defect table, so that any changes made affect images captured by the camera.

This writes the table to volatile memory, so changes to the table are lost if the camera loses power. To save the table to non-volatile memory, use DefectTableSave. Visibility:

◆ DefectTableCoordinateX

GenApi::IInteger& DefectTableCoordinateX

Description: Returns the X coordinate of the defective pixel at DefectTableIndex within the defective pixel table.

Changes made do not take effect in captured images until the command DefectTableApply is written. Visibility:

◆ DefectTableCoordinateY

GenApi::IInteger& DefectTableCoordinateY

Description: Returns the Y coordinate of the defective pixel at DefectTableIndex within the defective pixel table.

Changes made do not take effect in captured images until the command DefectTableApply is written. Visibility:

◆ DefectTableFactoryRestore

GenApi::ICommand& DefectTableFactoryRestore

Description: Restores the Defective Pixel Table to its factory default state, which was calibrated during manufacturing.

This permanently overwrites any changes made to the defect table. Visibility:

◆ DefectTableIndex

GenApi::IInteger& DefectTableIndex

Description: Controls the offset of the element to access in the defective pixel location table.


◆ DefectTablePixelCount

GenApi::IInteger& DefectTablePixelCount

Description: The number of defective pixel locations in the current table.


◆ DefectTableSave

GenApi::ICommand& DefectTableSave

Description: Saves the current defective pixel table non-volatile memory, so that it is preserved when the camera boots up.

This overwrites the existing defective pixel table. The new table is loaded whenever the camera powers up. Visibility:

◆ DefectTableSensor

GenApi::IInteger& DefectTableSensor

Description: Each sensor has its own defect table in volatile memory.

This selector controls which sensor's defect table is being accessed. Visibility:

◆ Deinterlacing

Description: Controls how the device performs de-interlacing.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceCharacterSet

Description: Character set used by the strings of the device`s bootstrap registers.


◆ DeviceClockFrequency

GenApi::IFloat& DeviceClockFrequency

Description: Returns the frequency of the selected Clock.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceClockSelector

Description: Selects the clock frequency to access from the device.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceConnectionSelector

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceConnectionSelector

Description: Selects which Connection of the device to control.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceConnectionSpeed

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceConnectionSpeed

Description: Indicates the speed of transmission of the specified Connection Visibility: Expert.

◆ DeviceConnectionStatus

Description: Indicates the status of the specified Connection.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceEventChannelCount

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceEventChannelCount

Description: Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.


◆ DeviceFamilyName

GenApi::IString& DeviceFamilyName

Description: Identifier of the product family of the device.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd

GenApi::ICommand& DeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd

Description: Indicate to the device the end of feature persistence.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceFeaturePersistenceStart

GenApi::ICommand& DeviceFeaturePersistenceStart

Description: Indicate to the device and GenICam XML to get ready for persisting of all streamable features.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceFirmwareVersion

GenApi::IString& DeviceFirmwareVersion

Description: Version of the firmware on the device.


◆ DeviceGenCPVersionMajor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceGenCPVersionMajor

Description: Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.


◆ DeviceGenCPVersionMinor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceGenCPVersionMinor

Description: Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.


◆ DeviceID

GenApi::IString& DeviceID

Description: Device identifier (serial number).


◆ DeviceIndicatorMode

Description: Controls the LED behaviour: Inactive (off), Active (current status), or Error Status (off unless an error occurs).


◆ DeviceLinkBandwidthReserve

GenApi::IFloat& DeviceLinkBandwidthReserve

Description: Percentage of streamed data bandwidth reserved for packet resend.


◆ DeviceLinkCommandTimeout

GenApi::IFloat& DeviceLinkCommandTimeout

Description: Indicates the command timeout of the specified Link.

This corresponds to the maximum response time of the device for a command sent on that link. Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceLinkConnectionCount

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceLinkConnectionCount

Description: Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput

Description: Current bandwidth(in bps) of streamed data.


◆ DeviceLinkHeartbeatMode

Description: Activate or deactivate the Link's heartbeat.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceLinkHeartbeatTimeout

GenApi::IFloat& DeviceLinkHeartbeatTimeout

Description: Controls the current heartbeat timeout of the specific Link.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceLinkSelector

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceLinkSelector

Description: Selects which Link of the device to control.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceLinkSpeed

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceLinkSpeed

Description: Indicates the speed of transmission negotiated on the specified Link.

(Bps) Visibility:

◆ DeviceLinkThroughputLimit

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceLinkThroughputLimit

Description: Limits the maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that will be streamed out by the device on the selected Link.

If necessary, delays will be uniformly inserted between transport layer packets in order to control the peak bandwidth. Visibility:

◆ DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode

Description: Controls if the DeviceLinkThroughputLimit is active.

When disabled, lower level TL specific features are expected to control the throughput. When enabled, DeviceLinkThroughputLimit controls the overall throughput. Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceManifestEntrySelector

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceManifestEntrySelector

Description: Selects the manifest entry to reference.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestPrimaryURL

GenApi::IString& DeviceManifestPrimaryURL

Description: Indicates the first URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion

Description: Indicates the major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion

Description: Indicates the minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestSecondaryURL

GenApi::IString& DeviceManifestSecondaryURL

Description: Indicates the second URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion

Description: Indicates the major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion

Description: Indicates the minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion

Description: Indicates the subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceManufacturerInfo

GenApi::IString& DeviceManufacturerInfo

Description: Manufacturer information about the device.


◆ DeviceMaxThroughput

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceMaxThroughput

Description: Maximum bandwidth(in bps) of the data that can be streamed out of the device.

This can be used to estimate if the physical connection(s) can sustain transfer of free-running images from the camera at its maximum speed. Visibility:

◆ DeviceModelName

GenApi::IString& DeviceModelName

Description: Model of the device.


◆ DevicePowerSupplySelector

Description: Selects the power supply source to control or read.


◆ DeviceRegistersCheck

GenApi::ICommand& DeviceRegistersCheck

Description: Perform the validation of the current register set for consistency.

This will update the DeviceRegistersValid flag. Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceRegistersEndianness

Description: Endianess of the registers of the device.


◆ DeviceRegistersStreamingEnd

GenApi::ICommand& DeviceRegistersStreamingEnd

Description: Announce the end of registers streaming.

This will do a register set validation for consistency and activate it. This will also update the DeviceRegistersValid flag. Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceRegistersStreamingStart

GenApi::ICommand& DeviceRegistersStreamingStart

Description: Prepare the device for registers streaming without checking for consistency.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceRegistersValid

GenApi::IBoolean& DeviceRegistersValid

Description: Returns if the current register set is valid and consistent.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceReset

GenApi::ICommand& DeviceReset

Description: This is a command that immediately resets and reboots the device.


◆ DeviceScanType

Description: Scan type of the sensor of the device.


◆ DeviceSensorChroma

Description: Indicates whether the camera is polarized mono, mono or color.


◆ DeviceSerialNumber

GenApi::IString& DeviceSerialNumber

Description: Device's serial number.

This string is a unique identifier of the device. Visibility:

◆ DeviceSerialPortBaudRate

Description: This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceSerialPortSelector

Description: Selects which serial port of the device to control.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceSFNCVersionMajor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceSFNCVersionMajor

Description: Major version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceSFNCVersionMinor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceSFNCVersionMinor

Description: Minor version of the Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor

Description: Sub minor version of Standard Features Naming Convention that was used to create the device's GenICam XML.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceStreamChannelCount

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceStreamChannelCount

Description: Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.


◆ DeviceStreamChannelEndianness

Description: Endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceStreamChannelLink

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceStreamChannelLink

Description: Index of device's Link to use for streaming the specifed stream channel.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceStreamChannelPacketSize

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceStreamChannelPacketSize

Description: Specifies the stream packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for a Transmitter or specifies the maximum packet size supported by a receiver.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceStreamChannelSelector

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceStreamChannelSelector

Description: Selects the stream channel to control.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceStreamChannelType

Description: Reports the type of the stream channel.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceTapGeometry

Description: This device tap geometry feature describes the geometrical properties characterizing the taps of a camera as presented at the output of the device.

Visibility: Expert

◆ DeviceTemperature

GenApi::IFloat& DeviceTemperature

Description: Device temperature in degrees Celsius (C).


◆ DeviceTemperatureSelector

Description: Selects the location within the device, where the temperature will be measured.


◆ DeviceTLType

Description: Transport Layer type of the device.


◆ DeviceTLVersionMajor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceTLVersionMajor

Description: Major version of the Transport Layer of the device.


◆ DeviceTLVersionMinor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceTLVersionMinor

Description: Minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.


◆ DeviceTLVersionSubMinor

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceTLVersionSubMinor

Description: Sub minor version of the Transport Layer of the device.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ DeviceType

Description: Returns the device type.

Visibility: Guru

◆ DeviceUptime

GenApi::IInteger& DeviceUptime

Description: Total time since the device was powered up in seconds.


◆ DeviceUserID

GenApi::IString& DeviceUserID

Description: User-programmable device identifier.


◆ DeviceVendorName

GenApi::IString& DeviceVendorName

Description: Name of the manufacturer of the device.


◆ DeviceVersion

GenApi::IString& DeviceVersion

Description: Version of the device.


◆ EncoderDivider

GenApi::IInteger& EncoderDivider

Description: Sets how many Encoder increment/decrements that are needed generate an Encoder output pulse signal.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderMode

Description: Selects if the count of encoder uses FourPhase mode with jitter filtering or the HighResolution mode without jitter filtering.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderOutputMode

Description: Selects the conditions for the Encoder interface to generate a valid Encoder output signal.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderReset

GenApi::ICommand& EncoderReset

Description: Does a software reset of the selected Encoder and starts it.

The Encoder starts counting events immediately after the reset. EncoderReset can be used to reset the Encoder independently from the EncoderResetSource. Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderResetActivation

Description: Selects the Activation mode of the Encoder Reset Source signal.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderResetSource

Description: Selects the signals that will be the source to reset the Encoder.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderSelector

Description: Selects which Encoder to configure.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderSourceA

Description: Selects the signal which will be the source of the A input of the Encoder.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderSourceB

Description: Selects the signal which will be the source of the B input of the Encoder.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderStatus

Description: Returns the motion status of the encoder.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderTimeout

GenApi::IFloat& EncoderTimeout

Description: Sets the maximum time interval between encoder counter increments before the status turns to static.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderValue

GenApi::IInteger& EncoderValue

Description: Reads or writes the current value of the position counter of the selected Encoder.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EncoderValueAtReset

GenApi::IInteger& EncoderValueAtReset

Description: Reads the value of the of the position counter of the selected Encoder when it was reset by a signal or by an explicit EncoderReset command.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EnumerationCount

GenApi::IInteger& EnumerationCount

Description: Number of enumerations since uptime.


◆ EventAcquisitionEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionError

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionError

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Error type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionErrorFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionErrorFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Error Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionErrorTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionErrorTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Error Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTransferEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTransferEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Transfer End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTransferEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTransferEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Transfer End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTransferEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTransferEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Transfer End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTransferStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTransferStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Transfer Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTransferStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTransferStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Transfer Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTransferStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTransferStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Transfer Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTrigger

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTrigger

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Acquisition Trigger type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTriggerFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTriggerFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Acquisition Trigger Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventAcquisitionTriggerTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventAcquisitionTriggerTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Acquisition Trigger Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventActionLate

GenApi::IInteger& EventActionLate

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Action Late type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventActionLateFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventActionLateFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Action Late Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventActionLateTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventActionLateTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Action Late Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter0End

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter0End

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 0 End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter0EndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter0EndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 0 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter0EndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter0EndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 0 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter0Start

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter0Start

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 0 Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter0StartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter0StartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 0 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter0StartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter0StartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 0 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter1End

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter1End

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 1 End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter1EndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter1EndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 1 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter1EndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter1EndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 1 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter1Start

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter1Start

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Counter 1 Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter1StartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter1StartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Counter 1 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventCounter1StartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventCounter1StartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Counter 1 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder0Restarted

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder0Restarted

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 0 Restarted type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder0RestartedFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder0RestartedFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 0 Restarted Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder0RestartedTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder0RestartedTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 0 Restarted Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder0Stopped

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder0Stopped

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 0 Stopped type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder0StoppedFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder0StoppedFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 0 Stopped Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder0StoppedTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder0StoppedTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 0 Stopped Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder1Restarted

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder1Restarted

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 1 Restarted type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder1RestartedFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder1RestartedFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 1 Restarted Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder1RestartedTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder1RestartedTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 1 Restarted Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder1Stopped

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder1Stopped

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Encoder 1 Stopped type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder1StoppedFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder1StoppedFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Encoder 1 Stopped Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventEncoder1StoppedTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventEncoder1StoppedTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Encoder 1 Stopped Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventError

GenApi::IInteger& EventError

Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Error type of Event.


◆ EventErrorCode

GenApi::IInteger& EventErrorCode

Description: Returns the error code for the error that happened Visibility:

◆ EventErrorFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventErrorFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Error Event.


◆ EventErrorTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventErrorTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Error Event.


◆ EventExposureEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventExposureEnd

Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Exposure End type of Event.


◆ EventExposureEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventExposureEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Exposure End Event.


◆ EventExposureEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventExposureEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Exposure End Event.


◆ EventExposureStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventExposureStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Exposure Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventExposureStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventExposureStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Exposure Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventExposureStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventExposureStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Exposure Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameBurstEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameBurstEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Burst End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameBurstEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameBurstEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Burst End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameBurstEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameBurstEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Burst End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameBurstStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameBurstStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Burst Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameBurstStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameBurstStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Burst Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameBurstStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameBurstStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTransferEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTransferEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Transfer End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTransferEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTransferEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Transfer End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTransferEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTransferEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Transfer End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTransferStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTransferStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame Transfer Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTransferStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTransferStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Frame Transfer Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTransferStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTransferStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Frame Transfer Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTrigger

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTrigger

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the FrameTrigger type of Event.

It can be used to register a callback function to be notified of the event occurrence. Its value uniquely identifies the type event received. Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTriggerFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTriggerFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the FrameTrigger Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventFrameTriggerTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventFrameTriggerTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the FrameTrigger Event.

It can be used to determine precisely when the event occurred. Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0AnyEdge

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0AnyEdge

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 0 Any Edge type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0AnyEdgeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0AnyEdgeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 0 Any Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0AnyEdgeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0AnyEdgeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 0 Any Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0FallingEdge

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0FallingEdge

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 0 Falling Edge type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0FallingEdgeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0FallingEdgeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 0 Falling Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0FallingEdgeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0FallingEdgeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 0 Falling Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0RisingEdge

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0RisingEdge

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 0 Rising Edge type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0RisingEdgeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0RisingEdgeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 0 Rising Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine0RisingEdgeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine0RisingEdgeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 0 Rising Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1AnyEdge

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1AnyEdge

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 1 Any Edge type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1AnyEdgeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1AnyEdgeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 1 Any Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1AnyEdgeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1AnyEdgeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 1 Any Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1FallingEdge

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1FallingEdge

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 1 Falling Edge type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1FallingEdgeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1FallingEdgeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 1 Falling Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1FallingEdgeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1FallingEdgeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 1 Falling Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1RisingEdge

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1RisingEdge

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Line 1 Rising Edge type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1RisingEdgeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1RisingEdgeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Line 1 Rising Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLine1RisingEdgeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLine1RisingEdgeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Line 1 Rising Edge Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkSpeedChange

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkSpeedChange

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Link Speed Change type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkSpeedChangeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkSpeedChangeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Link Speed Change Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkSpeedChangeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkSpeedChangeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Link Speed Change Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkTrigger0

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkTrigger0

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Link Trigger 0 type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkTrigger0FrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkTrigger0FrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Link Trigger 0 Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkTrigger0Timestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkTrigger0Timestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Link Trigger 0 Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkTrigger1

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkTrigger1

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Link Trigger 1 type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkTrigger1FrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkTrigger1FrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Link Trigger 1 Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventLinkTrigger1Timestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventLinkTrigger1Timestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Link Trigger 1 Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventNotification

Description: Enables/Disables the selected event.


◆ EventSelector

Description: Selects which Event to enable or disable.


◆ EventSequencerSetChange

GenApi::IInteger& EventSequencerSetChange

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Sequencer Set Change type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventSequencerSetChangeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventSequencerSetChangeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Sequencer Set Change Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventSequencerSetChangeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventSequencerSetChangeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Sequencer Set Change Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventSerialData

GenApi::IString& EventSerialData

Description: Returns the serial data that was received.


◆ EventSerialDataLength

GenApi::IInteger& EventSerialDataLength

Description: Returns the length of the received serial data that was included in the event payload.


◆ EventSerialPortReceive

GenApi::IInteger& EventSerialPortReceive

Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Serial Port Receive type of Event.


◆ EventSerialPortReceiveTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventSerialPortReceiveTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Serial Port Receive Event.


◆ EventSerialReceiveOverflow

GenApi::IBoolean& EventSerialReceiveOverflow

Description: Returns the status of the event serial receive overflow.


◆ EventStream0TransferBlockEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Block End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Block End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Block End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Block Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockTrigger

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockTrigger

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockTriggerFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockTriggerFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBlockTriggerTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBlockTriggerTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Block Trigger Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBurstEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBurstEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBurstEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBurstEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Burst End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBurstEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBurstEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBurstStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBurstStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBurstStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBurstStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferBurstStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferBurstStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Burst Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferEnd

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferEnd

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferEndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferEndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferEndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferEndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferOverflow

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferOverflow

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Overflow type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferOverflowFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferOverflowFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Overflow Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferOverflowTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferOverflowTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Overflow Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferPause

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferPause

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Pause type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferPauseFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferPauseFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Pause Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferPauseTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferPauseTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Pause Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferResume

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferResume

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Resume type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferResumeFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferResumeFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Resume Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferResumeTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferResumeTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Resume Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferStart

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferStart

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Stream 0 Transfer Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferStartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferStartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Stream 0 Transfer Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventStream0TransferStartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventStream0TransferStartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Stream 0 Transfer Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTest

GenApi::IInteger& EventTest

Description: Returns the unique identifier of the Test type of Event.


◆ EventTestTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventTestTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Test Event.


◆ EventTimer0End

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer0End

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 0 End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer0EndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer0EndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 0 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer0EndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer0EndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 0 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer0Start

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer0Start

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 0 Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer0StartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer0StartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 0 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer0StartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer0StartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 0 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer1End

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer1End

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 1 End type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer1EndFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer1EndFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 1 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer1EndTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer1EndTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 1 End Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer1Start

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer1Start

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Timer 1 Start type of Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer1StartFrameID

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer1StartFrameID

Description: Returns the unique Identifier of the Frame (or image) that generated the Timer 1 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ EventTimer1StartTimestamp

GenApi::IInteger& EventTimer1StartTimestamp

Description: Returns the Timestamp of the Timer 1 Start Event.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ExposureActiveMode

Description: Control sensor active exposure mode.


◆ ExposureAuto

Description: Sets the automatic exposure mode Visibility:

◆ ExposureMode

Description: Sets the operation mode of the Exposure.


◆ ExposureTime

GenApi::IFloat& ExposureTime

Description: Sets the Exposure time when ExposureMode is Timed and ExposureAuto is Off.

This controls the duration where the photosensitive cells are exposed to light. Visibility: Beginner

◆ ExposureTimeMode

Description: Sets the configuration mode of the ExposureTime feature.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ ExposureTimeSelector

Description: Selects which exposure time is controlled by the ExposureTime feature.

This allows for independent control over the exposure components. Visibility: Beginner

◆ ExternalVoltageEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& ExternalVoltageEnable

Description: Internally generated output voltage rail.

Enable to supply external circuits with power. This is different than standard logic outputs in that it is comparatively slow to switch but can supply a more significant amount of power. Visibility:

◆ ExternalVoltageSelector

Description: Selects the kind of generated output voltage: 3.3V, 5.0V, Adjustable (0-10V) Visibility:

◆ ExternalVoltageValue

GenApi::IFloat& ExternalVoltageValue

Description: Configures the adjustable voltage rail between 0.0 - 10.0V.

Values are uniformly scaled from user input to maximum DAC values. Visibility:

◆ FactoryReset

GenApi::ICommand& FactoryReset

Description: Returns all user tables to factory default Visibility:

◆ FfcEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& FfcEnable

Description: Enable or disable flat field correction.


◆ FfcMode

Description: Selects flat field correction mode.

Note that flat field correction parameters are accessible only in Calibration mode. When switching modes from Calibration to User or Factory, it is recommended to stop image streaming to give the camera enough time to load the corresponding table. Visibility:

◆ FfcUserGain

GenApi::IFloat& FfcUserGain

Description: The value of user flat field gain correction for the current pixel.


◆ FfcUserOffset

GenApi::IInteger& FfcUserOffset

Description: The value of user flat field offset correction for the current pixel.


◆ FfcUserTableReset

GenApi::ICommand& FfcUserTableReset

Description: Resets the user flat field correction table to the last saved values loaded from the camera.

If nothing has been previously saved, this resets to the default values which is the equivalent of disabling FFC. Visibility:

◆ FfcUserTableSave

GenApi::ICommand& FfcUserTableSave

Description: Saves the current User flat field correction table into the camera, which means the table is still available after a power cycle.

Note that this overwrites the existing saved User table. Visibility:

◆ FfcUserTableXCoordinate

GenApi::IInteger& FfcUserTableXCoordinate

Description: Controls the pixel X coordinate of the user flat field correction coefficients.


◆ FileAccessBuffer

GenApi::IRegister& FileAccessBuffer

Description: Defines the intermediate access buffer that allows the exchange of data between the device file storage and the application.

Visibility: Guru

◆ FileAccessLength

GenApi::IInteger& FileAccessLength

Description: Controls the Length of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.


◆ FileAccessOffset

GenApi::IInteger& FileAccessOffset

Description: Controls the Offset of the mapping between the device file storage and the FileAccessBuffer.


◆ FileOpenMode

Description: The mode of the file when it is opened.

The file can be opened for reading, writting or both. This must be set before opening the file. Visibility:

◆ FileOperationExecute

GenApi::ICommand& FileOperationExecute

Description: This is a command that executes the selected file operation on the selected file.


◆ FileOperationResult

GenApi::IInteger& FileOperationResult

Description: Represents the file operation result.

For Read or Write operations, the number of successfully read/written bytes is returned. Visibility:

◆ FileOperationSelector

Description: Sets operation to execute on the selected file when the execute command is given.


◆ FileOperationStatus

Description: Represents the file operation execution status.


◆ FileSelector

Description: Selects which file is being operated on.

This must be set before performing any file operations. Visibility:

◆ FileSize

GenApi::IInteger& FileSize

Description: Represents the size of the selected file in bytes.


◆ Gain

Description: Controls the selected gain as an absolute physical value.

This is an amplification factor applied to the video signal. Visibility: Beginner

◆ GainAuto

Description: Sets the automatic gain mode.

Set to Off for manual control. Set to Once for a single automatic adjustment then return to Off. Set to Continuous for constant adjustment. In automatic modes, the camera adjusts the gain to maximize the dynamic range. Visibility:

◆ GainAutoBalance

Description: Sets the mode for automatic gain balancing between the sensor color channels or taps.

The gain coefficients of each channel or tap are adjusted so they are matched. Visibility: Beginner

◆ GainConversion

Description: Selects which gain conversion mode to use.


◆ GainSelector

Description: Selects which gain to control.

The All selection is a total amplification across all channels (or taps). Visibility:

◆ Gamma

Description: Controls the gamma correction of pixel intensity.


◆ GammaEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& GammaEnable

Description: Enables/disables gamma correction.


◆ GevActiveLinkCount

GenApi::IInteger& GevActiveLinkCount

Description: Indicates the current number of active logical links.

Visibility: Expert

◆ GevCCP

Description: Controls the device access privilege of an application.


◆ GevCurrentDefaultGateway

GenApi::IInteger& GevCurrentDefaultGateway

Description: Reports the default gateway IP address to be used on the given logical link.


◆ GevCurrentIPAddress

GenApi::IInteger& GevCurrentIPAddress

Description: Reports the IP address for the given logical link.


◆ GevCurrentIPConfigurationDHCP

GenApi::IBoolean& GevCurrentIPConfigurationDHCP

Description: Controls whether the DHCP IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link.


◆ GevCurrentIPConfigurationLLA

GenApi::IBoolean& GevCurrentIPConfigurationLLA

Description: Controls whether the Link Local Address IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link.


◆ GevCurrentIPConfigurationPersistentIP

GenApi::IBoolean& GevCurrentIPConfigurationPersistentIP

Description: Controls whether the PersistentIP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link.


◆ GevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfiguration

GenApi::IEnumerationT<GevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfigurationEnums>& GevCurrentPhysicalLinkConfiguration

Description: Indicates the current physical link configuration of the device.

Visibility: Expert

◆ GevCurrentSubnetMask

GenApi::IInteger& GevCurrentSubnetMask

Description: Reports the subnet mask of the given logical link.


◆ GevDiscoveryAckDelay

GenApi::IInteger& GevDiscoveryAckDelay

Description: Indicates the maximum randomized delay the device will wait to acknowledge a discovery command.

Visibility: Expert

◆ GevFirstURL

GenApi::IString& GevFirstURL

Description: The first choice of URL for the XML device description file.


◆ GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodes

GenApi::IBoolean& GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodes

Description: Enables the generation of extended status codes.


◆ GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelector

GenApi::IEnumerationT<GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelectorEnums>& GevGVCPExtendedStatusCodesSelector

Description: Selects the GigE Vision version to control extended status codes for.


◆ GevGVCPHeartbeatDisable

GenApi::IBoolean& GevGVCPHeartbeatDisable

Description: Disables the GVCP heartbeat.


◆ GevGVCPPendingAck

GenApi::IBoolean& GevGVCPPendingAck

Description: Enables the generation of PENDING_ACK.


◆ GevGVCPPendingTimeout

GenApi::IInteger& GevGVCPPendingTimeout

Description: Indicates the longest GVCP command execution time before the device returns a PENDING_ACK in milliseconds.


◆ GevGVSPExtendedIDMode

Description: Enables the extended IDs mode.

Visibility: Expert

◆ GevHeartbeatTimeout

GenApi::IInteger& GevHeartbeatTimeout

Description: Indicates the current heartbeat timeout in milliseconds.


◆ GevIEEE1588

GenApi::IBoolean& GevIEEE1588

Description: Enables the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol to control the timestamp register.


◆ GevIEEE1588ClockAccuracy

Description: Indicates the expected accuracy of the device clock when it is the grandmaster, or in the event it becomes the grandmaster.


◆ GevIEEE1588ClockId

GenApi::IInteger& GevIEEE1588ClockId

Description: Port identity of the current best master.

The clock ID is an Extended Unique Identifier (EUI)-64 64-bit ID. Visibility:

◆ GevIEEE1588DataSetLatch

GenApi::ICommand& GevIEEE1588DataSetLatch

Description: Latches the current IEEE 1588 dataset Visibility:

◆ GevIEEE1588Mode

Description: Provides the mode of the IEEE 1588 clock.


◆ GevIEEE1588OffsetFromMasterLatched

GenApi::IInteger& GevIEEE1588OffsetFromMasterLatched

Description: Dynamically returns the 64-bit value of the PTP offset with the master, in nanoseconds.

This value is the input for clock corrections for the slave device clock servo algorithms. Visibility:

◆ GevIEEE1588ParentClockIdLatched

GenApi::IInteger& GevIEEE1588ParentClockIdLatched

Description: IEEE 1588 Latched Parent ID Visibility:

◆ GevIEEE1588Status

Description: Provides the status of the IEEE 1588 clock.


◆ GevIEEE1588StatusLatched

Description: IEEE 1588 Latched Status Visibility:

◆ GevInterfaceSelector

GenApi::IInteger& GevInterfaceSelector

Description: Selects which logical link to control.


◆ GevIPConfigurationStatus

Description: Reports the current IP configuration status.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ GevMACAddress

GenApi::IInteger& GevMACAddress

Description: MAC address of the logical link.



GenApi::IInteger& GevMCDA

Description: Controls the destination IP address of the message channel Visibility:

◆ GevMCPHostPort

GenApi::IInteger& GevMCPHostPort

Description: The port to which the device must send messages Visibility:


GenApi::IInteger& GevMCRC

Description: Indicates the number of retries of the message channel.



GenApi::IInteger& GevMCSP

Description: Indicates the source port of the message channel.



GenApi::IInteger& GevMCTT

Description: Indicates the transmission timeout of the message channel.


◆ GevNumberOfActiveLinks

GenApi::IInteger& GevNumberOfActiveLinks

Description: Indicates the number of active links supported by this device.


◆ GevNumberOfInterfaces

GenApi::IInteger& GevNumberOfInterfaces

Description: Indicates the number of physical network interfaces supported by this device.


◆ GevPAUSEFrameReception

GenApi::IBoolean& GevPAUSEFrameReception

Description: Controls whether the Pause Frame is activated on the given logical link.


◆ GevPAUSEFrameTransmission

GenApi::IBoolean& GevPAUSEFrameTransmission

Description: Controls whether PAUSE Frames can be generated on the given logical link.

Visibility: Expert

◆ GevPersistentDefaultGateway

GenApi::IInteger& GevPersistentDefaultGateway

Description: Controls the persistent default gateway for this logical link.


◆ GevPersistentIPAddress

GenApi::IInteger& GevPersistentIPAddress

Description: Controls the Persistent IP address for this logical link.


◆ GevPersistentSubnetMask

GenApi::IInteger& GevPersistentSubnetMask

Description: Controls the Persistent subnet mask associated with the Persistent IP address on this logical link.


◆ GevPhysicalLinkConfiguration

Description: Indicates the principal physical link configuration currently enabled on this device.


◆ GevPhysicalLinkConfigurationCapability

GenApi::IInteger& GevPhysicalLinkConfigurationCapability

Description: Indicates the physical link configuration supported by this device.


◆ GevPrimaryApplicationIPAddress

GenApi::IInteger& GevPrimaryApplicationIPAddress

Description: Returns the address of the primary application.

Visibility: Guru

◆ GevPrimaryApplicationSocket

GenApi::IInteger& GevPrimaryApplicationSocket

Description: Returns the UDP source port of the primary application.

Visibility: Guru

◆ GevPrimaryApplicationSwitchoverKey

GenApi::IInteger& GevPrimaryApplicationSwitchoverKey

Description: Controls the key to use to authenticate primary application switchover requests.

Visibility: Guru

◆ GevSCCFGAllInTransmission

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCCFGAllInTransmission

Description: Enables the selected GVSP transmitter to use the single packet per data block All-in Transmission mode.

Visibility: Guru

◆ GevSCCFGExtendedChunkData

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCCFGExtendedChunkData

Description: Enables cameras to use the extended chunk data payload type for this stream channel.


◆ GevSCCFGPacketResendDestination

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCCFGPacketResendDestination

Description: Enables the alternate IP destination for stream packets resent due to a packet resend request.

When True, the source IP address provided in the packet resend command packet is used. When False, the value set in the GevSCDA[GevStreamChannelSelector] feature is used. Visibility: Guru

◆ GevSCCFGUnconditionalStreaming

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCCFGUnconditionalStreaming

Description: Enables the camera to continue to stream, for this stream channel, if its control channel is closed or regardless of the reception of any ICMP messages (such as destination unreachable messages).



GenApi::IInteger& GevSCDA

Description: Controls the destination IP address of the selected stream channel to which a GVSP transmitter must send data stream or the destination IP address from which a GVSP receiver may receive data stream.



GenApi::IInteger& GevSCPD

Description: Controls the delay (in GEV timestamp counter unit) to insert between each packet for this stream channel.

This can be used as a crude flow-control mechanism if the application or the network infrastructure cannot keep up with the packets coming from the device. Visibility:

◆ GevSCPDirection

Description: Visibility:

◆ GevSCPHostPort

GenApi::IInteger& GevSCPHostPort

Description: Controls the port of the selected channel to which a GVSP transmitter must send data stream or the port from which a GVSP receiver may receive data stream.


◆ GevSCPInterfaceIndex

GenApi::IInteger& GevSCPInterfaceIndex

Description: Index of the logical link to use.


◆ GevSCPSBigEndian

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCPSBigEndian

Description: Endianess of multi-byte pixel data for this stream.


◆ GevSCPSDoNotFragment

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCPSDoNotFragment

Description: The state of this feature is copied into the "do not fragment" bit of the IP header of each stream packet.


◆ GevSCPSFireTestPacket

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCPSFireTestPacket

Description: Sends a test packet.


◆ GevSCPSPacketSize

GenApi::IInteger& GevSCPSPacketSize

Description: Specifies the stream packet size (in bytes) to send on this channel.



GenApi::IInteger& GevSCSP

Description: Indicates the source port of the stream channel.


◆ GevSCZoneConfigurationLock

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSCZoneConfigurationLock

Description: Controls whether the selected stream channel multi-zone configuration is locked.

When locked, the GVSP transmitter is not allowed to change the number of zones and their direction during block acquisition and transmission. Visibility: Guru

◆ GevSCZoneCount

GenApi::IInteger& GevSCZoneCount

Description: Reports the number of zones per block transmitted on the selected stream channel.

Visibility: Guru

◆ GevSCZoneDirectionAll

GenApi::IInteger& GevSCZoneDirectionAll

Description: Reports the transmission direction of each zone transmitted on the selected stream channel.

Visibility: Guru

◆ GevSecondURL

GenApi::IString& GevSecondURL

Description: The second choice of URL to the XML device description file.


◆ GevStreamChannelSelector

GenApi::IInteger& GevStreamChannelSelector

Description: Selects the stream channel to control.


◆ GevSupportedOption

GenApi::IBoolean& GevSupportedOption

Description: Returns if the selected GEV option is supported.


◆ GevSupportedOptionSelector

Description: Selects the GEV option to interrogate for existing support.


◆ GevTimestampTickFrequency

GenApi::IInteger& GevTimestampTickFrequency

Description: Indicates the number of timestamp ticks in 1 second (frequency in Hz).


◆ GuiXmlManifestAddress

GenApi::IInteger& GuiXmlManifestAddress

Description: Location of the GUI XML manifest table.


◆ Height

Description: Height of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

Visibility: Beginner

◆ HeightMax

GenApi::IInteger& HeightMax

Description: Maximum height of the image (in pixels).

This dimension is calculated after vertical binning. HeightMax does not take into account the current Region of interest (Height or OffsetY). Visibility:

◆ ImageComponentEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& ImageComponentEnable

Description: Controls if the selected component streaming is active.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ ImageComponentSelector

Description: Selects a component to activate data streaming from.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ ImageCompressionBitrate

GenApi::IFloat& ImageCompressionBitrate

Description: Control the rate of the produced compressed stream.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ImageCompressionJPEGFormatOption

Description: When JPEG is selected as the compression format, a device might optionally offer better control over JPEG-specific options through this feature.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ImageCompressionMode

Description: Enabling lowers bandwidth usage or increases frame rate for typical scenes.

For Lossless, ISP must be off and Pixel format must be Mono8 or BayerRG8. Visibility:

◆ ImageCompressionQuality

GenApi::IInteger& ImageCompressionQuality

Description: Control the quality of the produced compressed stream.

Visibility: Expert

◆ ImageCompressionRateOption

Description: Two rate controlling options are offered: fixed bit rate or fixed quality.

The exact implementation to achieve one or the other is vendor-specific. Visibility: Expert

◆ IspEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& IspEnable

Description: Controls whether the image processing core is used for optional pixel format mode (i.e.

mono). Visibility:

◆ LargePenalty

GenApi::IInteger& LargePenalty

Description: Displays the penalty when the change of Disparity Change is more than 1.


◆ LensShadingCoefficientActiveSet

Description: Facilitates selection of on camera shading correction calibration files.


◆ LensShadingCorrectionCalibration

GenApi::ICommand& LensShadingCorrectionCalibration

Description: Performs the shading correction calibration on the last image transmitted to the host in memory.


◆ LensShadingCorrectionCalibrationGainLimit

GenApi::IInteger& LensShadingCorrectionCalibrationGainLimit

Description: Maximum gain value set for the lens shading algorithm on the camera.


◆ LensShadingCorrectionCalibrationSetup

GenApi::ICommand& LensShadingCorrectionCalibrationSetup

Description: Set up the camera parameters needed to be set for shading correction calibration.

At least one image must be acquired after the setup for proper calibration. Visibility:

◆ LensShadingCorrectionCalibrationStatus

GenApi::IString& LensShadingCorrectionCalibrationStatus

Description: Returns the current status of the Calibration.


◆ LensShadingCorrectionMode

Description: Activates Lens Shading Correction with the selected Lens Shading Coefficient Active Set.


◆ LensShadingCorrectionStepSize

GenApi::IInteger& LensShadingCorrectionStepSize

Description: The grid step size for the lens shading algorithm on the camera.


◆ LensShadingCorrectionVersion

GenApi::IInteger& LensShadingCorrectionVersion

Description: The version number of the lens shading algorithm on the camera.


◆ LineFilterWidth

GenApi::IFloat& LineFilterWidth

Description: Filter width in microseconds for the selected line and filter combination Visibility:

◆ LineFormat

Description: Displays the current electrical format of the selected physical input or output Line.


◆ LineInputFilterSelector

Description: Selects the kind of input filter to configure: Deglitch or Debounce.


◆ LineInverter

GenApi::IBoolean& LineInverter

Description: Controls the inversion of the signal of the selected input or output line.


◆ LineMode

Description: Controls if the physical Line is used to Input or Output a signal.


◆ LinePitch

GenApi::IInteger& LinePitch

Description: Total number of bytes between 2 successive lines.

This feature is used to facilitate alignment of image data. Visibility: Expert

◆ LineSelector

Description: Selects the physical line (or pin) of the external device connector to configure Visibility:

◆ LineSource

Description: Selects which internal acquisition or I/O source signal to output on the selected line.

LineMode must be Output. Visibility:

◆ LineStatus

GenApi::IBoolean& LineStatus

Description: Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line Visibility:

◆ LineStatusAll

GenApi::IInteger& LineStatusAll

Description: Returns the current status of all available Line signals at time of polling in a single bitfield.

Visibility: Expert

◆ LinkErrorCount

GenApi::IInteger& LinkErrorCount

Description: Counts the number of error on the link.


◆ LinkRecoveryCount

GenApi::IInteger& LinkRecoveryCount

Description: Counts the number of times the USB link has recovered.


◆ LinkUptime

GenApi::IInteger& LinkUptime

Description: Time since the last phy negotiation (enumeration).


◆ LogicBlockLUTInputActivation

Description: Selects the activation mode of the Logic Input Source signal.


◆ LogicBlockLUTInputSelector

Description: Controls which LogicBlockLUT Input Source & Activation to access.


◆ LogicBlockLUTInputSource

Description: Selects the source for the input into the Logic LUT.


◆ LogicBlockLUTOutputValue

GenApi::IBoolean& LogicBlockLUTOutputValue

Description: Controls the output column of the truth table for the selected LogicBlockLUTRowIndex.


◆ LogicBlockLUTOutputValueAll

GenApi::IInteger& LogicBlockLUTOutputValueAll

Description: Sets the value of all the output bits in the selected LUT.


◆ LogicBlockLUTRowIndex

GenApi::IInteger& LogicBlockLUTRowIndex

Description: Controls the row of the truth table to access in the selected LUT.


◆ LogicBlockLUTSelector

Description: Selects which LogicBlock LUT to configure Visibility:

◆ LogicBlockSelector

Description: Selects which LogicBlock to configure Visibility:

◆ LUTEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& LUTEnable

Description: Activates the selected LUT.


◆ LUTIndex

GenApi::IInteger& LUTIndex

Description: Control the index (offset) of the coefficient to access in the selected LUT.


◆ LUTSelector

Description: Selects which LUT to control.


◆ LUTValue

GenApi::IInteger& LUTValue

Description: Returns the Value at entry LUTIndex of the LUT selected by LUTSelector.


◆ LUTValueAll

GenApi::IRegister& LUTValueAll

Description: Accesses all the LUT coefficients in a single access without using individual LUTIndex.

Visibility: Guru

◆ MaxDatarateThreshold

GenApi::IInteger& MaxDatarateThreshold

Description: Maximum desired datarate (B/s) for the compressed stream.

If this is exceeded, then compression saturation priority type determines how the camera handles the payload. Visibility:

◆ MaxDeviceResetTime

GenApi::IInteger& MaxDeviceResetTime

Description: Time to wait until device reset complete (ms).


◆ MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReason

GenApi::IEnumerationT<MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReasonEnums>& MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReason

Description: Displays the reason for invalid multiple ROI configuration.


◆ MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReasonAll

GenApi::IInteger& MultiRoiConfigurationInvalidReasonAll

Description: Represents the reason for invalid multiple ROI configuration.


◆ MultiRoiEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& MultiRoiEnable

Description: Controls if the selected Region of interest is enabled.

This can only be enabled if the Multiple ROI configuration is valid. Visibility:

◆ MultiRoiFeatureEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& MultiRoiFeatureEnable

Description: Controls whether a Multiple ROI feature is used.


◆ MultiRoiHeight

GenApi::IInteger& MultiRoiHeight

Description: This reflects the current Region of interest.


◆ MultiRoiOffsetX

GenApi::IInteger& MultiRoiOffsetX

Description: Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).


◆ MultiRoiOffsetY

GenApi::IInteger& MultiRoiOffsetY

Description: Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).


◆ MultiRoiSelector

Description: Selects the Region of interest to control.

The RegionSelector feature allows devices that are able to extract multiple regions out of an image. Visibility:

◆ MultiRoiWidth

GenApi::IInteger& MultiRoiWidth

Description: This reflects the current Region of interest.


◆ MultiRoiWindows

GenApi::IInteger& MultiRoiWindows

Description: This reflects the total number of regions output from sensor.


◆ NumDirections

GenApi::IInteger& NumDirections

Description: Visibility:

◆ OffsetX

GenApi::IInteger& OffsetX

Description: Horizontal offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).

Visibility: Beginner

◆ OffsetY

GenApi::IInteger& OffsetY

Description: Vertical offset from the origin to the region of interest (in pixels).

Visibility: Beginner

◆ PacketResendRequestCount

GenApi::IInteger& PacketResendRequestCount

Description: Counts the number of resend requests received from the host.


◆ PacketResendRequestsDroppedCount

GenApi::IInteger& PacketResendRequestsDroppedCount

Description: Counts the number of resend requests that were not processed due to an error condition.


◆ PauseFrameCount

GenApi::IInteger& PauseFrameCount

Description: Number of pause frame requests received for the image tranmission interface in the current acquisition session.


◆ PayloadSize

GenApi::IInteger& PayloadSize

Description: Provides the number of bytes transferred for each image or chunk on the stream channel.


◆ PixelColorFilter

Description: Type of color filter that is applied to the image.

Only applies to Bayer pixel formats. All others have no color filter. Visibility:

◆ PixelDynamicRangeMax

GenApi::IInteger& PixelDynamicRangeMax

Description: Maximum value that can be returned during the digitization process.

This corresponds to the brightest value of the camera. For color cameras, this returns the biggest value that each color component can take. Visibility:

◆ PixelDynamicRangeMin

GenApi::IInteger& PixelDynamicRangeMin

Description: Minimum value that can be returned during the digitization process.

This corresponds to the darkest value of the camera. For color cameras, this returns the smallest value that each color component can take. Visibility:

◆ PixelFormat

Description: Format of the pixel provided by the camera.


◆ PixelFormatInfoID

GenApi::IInteger& PixelFormatInfoID

Description: Returns the value used by the streaming channels to identify the selected pixel format.

Visibility: Guru

◆ PixelFormatInfoSelector

Description: Select the pixel format for which the information will be returned.

Visibility: Guru

◆ PixelSize

Description: Total size in bits of a pixel of the image.


◆ PowerSupplyCurrent

GenApi::IFloat& PowerSupplyCurrent

Description: Indicates the output current of the selected power supply (A).


◆ PowerSupplyVoltage

GenApi::IFloat& PowerSupplyVoltage

Description: Indicates the current voltage of the selected power supply (V).


◆ RegionDestination

Description: Control the destination of the selected region.

Visibility: Expert

◆ RegionMode

Description: Controls if the selected Region of interest is active and streaming.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ RegionSelector

Description: Selects the Region of interest to control.

The RegionSelector feature allows devices that are able to extract multiple regions out of an image, to configure the features of those individual regions independently. Visibility: Beginner

◆ ReverseX

GenApi::IBoolean& ReverseX

Description: Horizontally flips the image sent by the device.

The region of interest is applied after flipping. For color cameras the bayer pixel format is affected. For example, BayerRG16 changes to BayerGR16. Visibility:

◆ ReverseY

GenApi::IBoolean& ReverseY

Description: Vertically flips the image sent by the device.

The region of interest is applied after flipping. For color cameras the bayer pixel format is affected. For example, BayerRG16 changes to BayerGB16. Visibility:

◆ RgbTransformLightSource

Description: Used to select from a set of RGBtoRGB transform matricies calibrated for different light sources.

Selecting a value also sets the white balance ratios (BalanceRatioRed and BalanceRatioBlue), but those can be overwritten through manual or auto white balance. Visibility:

◆ Saturation

GenApi::IFloat& Saturation

Description: Controls the color saturation.


◆ SaturationEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& SaturationEnable

Description: Enables/disables Saturation adjustment.


◆ Scan3dAxisMax

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dAxisMax

Description: Maximum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dAxisMin

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dAxisMin

Description: Minimum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dBaseline

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dBaseline

Description: Displays the baseline in meters as the physical distance of two image sensors in the stereo camera.


◆ Scan3dCoordinateOffset

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dCoordinateOffset

Description: Offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.

In terms of disparity computation, it is equivalent to minimum disparity. Visibility:

◆ Scan3dCoordinateReferenceSelector

Description: Sets the index to read a coordinate system reference value defining the transform of a point from the current (Anchor or Transformed) system to the reference system.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dCoordinateReferenceValue

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dCoordinateReferenceValue

Description: Returns the reference value selected.

Reads the value of a rotation or translation value for the current (Anchor or Transformed) coordinate system transformation to the Reference system. Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dCoordinateScale

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dCoordinateScale

Description: Displays the Scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.


◆ Scan3dCoordinateSelector

Description: Selects the individual coordinates in the vectors for 3D information/transformation.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dCoordinateSystem

Description: Specifies the Coordinate system to use for the device.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference

Description: Defines coordinate system reference location.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelector

Description: Sets the index to read/write a coordinate transform value.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dDistanceUnit

Description: Specifies the unit used when delivering (calibrated) distance data.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dFocalLength

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dFocalLength

Description: Displays the focal length of the camera in pixels.


◆ Scan3dInvalidDataFlag

GenApi::IBoolean& Scan3dInvalidDataFlag

Description: Enables the definition of a non-valid flag value in the data stream.


◆ Scan3dInvalidDataValue

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dInvalidDataValue

Description: Value which identifies a non-valid pixel if Scan3dInvalidDataFlag is enabled.


◆ Scan3dOutputMode

Description: Controls the Calibration and data organization of the device and the coordinates transmitted.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Scan3dPrincipalPointU

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dPrincipalPointU

Description: Displays the value of the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.

OffsetX . Visibility:

◆ Scan3dPrincipalPointV

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dPrincipalPointV

Description: Displays the value of the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e.

OffsetY. Visibility:

◆ Scan3dTransformValue

GenApi::IFloat& Scan3dTransformValue

Description: Specifies the transform value selected.

For translations (Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelector = TranslationX/Y/Z) it is expressed in the distance unit of the system, for rotations (Scan3dCoordinateTransformSelector =RotationX/Y/Z) in degrees. Visibility: Expert

◆ SensorDescription

GenApi::IString& SensorDescription

Description: Returns Sensor Description Visibility:

◆ SensorDigitizationTaps

Description: Number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.

Visibility: Expert

◆ SensorHeight

GenApi::IInteger& SensorHeight

Description: Effective height of the sensor in pixels.


◆ SensorShutterMode

Description: Sets the shutter mode of the device.


◆ SensorTaps

Description: Number of taps of the camera sensor.

Visibility: Expert

◆ SensorWidth

GenApi::IInteger& SensorWidth

Description: Effective width of the sensor in pixels.


◆ SequencerConfigurationMode

Description: Controls whether or not a sequencer is in configuration mode.


◆ SequencerConfigurationReset

GenApi::ICommand& SequencerConfigurationReset

Description: Resets the sequencer configuration by erasing all saved sequencer sets.


◆ SequencerConfigurationValid

Description: Display whether the current sequencer configuration is valid to run.


◆ SequencerFeatureEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& SequencerFeatureEnable

Description: Enables the selected feature and makes it active in all sequencer sets.


◆ SequencerMode

Description: Controls whether or not a sequencer is active.


◆ SequencerPathSelector

GenApi::IInteger& SequencerPathSelector

Description: Selects branching path to be used for subsequent settings.


◆ SequencerSetActive

GenApi::IInteger& SequencerSetActive

Description: Contains the currently active sequencer set.

Visibility: Expert

◆ SequencerSetLoad

GenApi::ICommand& SequencerSetLoad

Description: Loads currently selected sequencer to the current device configuration.


◆ SequencerSetNext

GenApi::IInteger& SequencerSetNext

Description: Specifies the next sequencer set.


◆ SequencerSetSave

GenApi::ICommand& SequencerSetSave

Description: Saves the current device configuration to the currently selected sequencer set.


◆ SequencerSetSelector

GenApi::IInteger& SequencerSetSelector

Description: Selects the sequencer set to which subsequent settings apply.


◆ SequencerSetStart

GenApi::IInteger& SequencerSetStart

Description: Sets the first sequencer set to be used.


◆ SequencerSetValid

Description: Displays whether the currently selected sequencer set's register contents are valid to use.


◆ SequencerTriggerActivation

Description: Specifies the activation mode of the sequencer trigger.


◆ SequencerTriggerSource

Description: Specifies the internal signal or physical input line to use as the sequencer trigger source.


◆ SerialPortBaudRate

Description: This feature controls the baud rate used by the selected serial port.


◆ SerialPortDataBits

GenApi::IInteger& SerialPortDataBits

Description: This feature controls the number of data bits used by the selected serial port.

Possible values that can be used are between 5 and 9. Visibility:

◆ SerialPortParity

Description: This feature controls the parity used by the selected serial port.


◆ SerialPortSelector

Description: Selects which serial port of the device to control.


◆ SerialPortSource

Description: Specifies the physical input Line on which to receive serial data.


◆ SerialPortStopBits

Description: This feature controls the number of stop bits used by the selected serial port.


◆ SerialReceiveFramingErrorCount

GenApi::IInteger& SerialReceiveFramingErrorCount

Description: Returns the number of framing errors that have occurred on the serial port.


◆ SerialReceiveParityErrorCount

GenApi::IInteger& SerialReceiveParityErrorCount

Description: Returns the number of parity errors that have occurred on the serial port.


◆ SerialReceiveQueueClear

GenApi::ICommand& SerialReceiveQueueClear

Description: This is a command that clears the device serial port receive queue.


◆ SerialReceiveQueueCurrentCharacterCount

GenApi::IInteger& SerialReceiveQueueCurrentCharacterCount

Description: Returns the number of characters currently in the serial port receive queue.


◆ SerialReceiveQueueMaxCharacterCount

GenApi::IInteger& SerialReceiveQueueMaxCharacterCount

Description: >Returns the maximum number of characters in the serial port receive queue.


◆ SerialTransmitQueueCurrentCharacterCount

GenApi::IInteger& SerialTransmitQueueCurrentCharacterCount

Description: Returns the number of characters currently in the serial port transmit queue.


◆ SerialTransmitQueueMaxCharacterCount

GenApi::IInteger& SerialTransmitQueueMaxCharacterCount

Description: >Returns the maximum number of characters in the serial port transmit queue.


◆ Sharpening

GenApi::IFloat& Sharpening

Description: Controls the amount to sharpen a signal.

The sharpened amount is proportional to the difference between a pixel and its neighbors. A negative value smooths out the difference, while a positive value amplifies the difference. You can boost by a maximum of 8x, but smoothing is limited to 1x (in float). Default value: 2.0 Visibility:

◆ SharpeningAuto

GenApi::IBoolean& SharpeningAuto

Description: Enables/disables the auto sharpening feature.

When enabled, the camera automatically determines the sharpening threshold based on the noise level of the camera. Visibility:

◆ SharpeningEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& SharpeningEnable

Description: Enables/disables the sharpening feature.

Sharpening is disabled by default. Visibility:

◆ SharpeningThreshold

GenApi::IFloat& SharpeningThreshold

Description: Controls the minimum intensity gradient change to invoke sharpening.

When "Sharpening Auto" is enabled, this is determined automatically by the device. The threshold is specified as a fraction of the total intensity range, and ranges from 0 to 0.25. A threshold higher than 25% produces little to no difference than 25%. High thresholds sharpen only areas with significant intensity changes. Low thresholds sharpen more areas. Visibility:

◆ SmallPenalty

GenApi::IInteger& SmallPenalty

Description: Displays the penalty when the change of Disparity Change is plus or minus 1.


◆ SoftwareSignalPulse

GenApi::ICommand& SoftwareSignalPulse

Description: Generates a pulse signal that can be used as a software trigger.

This command can be used to trigger other modules that accept a SoftwareSignal as trigger source. Visibility: Beginner

◆ SoftwareSignalSelector

Description: Selects which Software Signal features to control.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ SourceCount

GenApi::IInteger& SourceCount

Description: Returns the number of sources supported by the device.


◆ SourceSelector

Description: Control for selecting the source of the stream (i.e.

Sensor 1 or Sensor 2). Component disparity uses the selected source as master and other source as slave for calcluating disparity. Visibility:

◆ StereoHeight

GenApi::IInteger& StereoHeight

Description: Height of the image after stereo processing by the device (in pixels).


◆ StereoResolution

Description: Selects the resolution output of the stereo engine.

Stereo resolution can be viewed through Stereo Width and Stereo Height. Visibility:

◆ StereoWidth

GenApi::IInteger& StereoWidth

Description: Width of the image after stereo processing by the device (in pixels).


◆ Test0001

GenApi::IInteger& Test0001

Description: For testing only.


◆ TestEventGenerate

GenApi::ICommand& TestEventGenerate

Description: This command generates a test event and sends it to the host.


◆ TestPattern

Description: Selects the type of test pattern that is generated by the device as image source.


◆ TestPatternGeneratorSelector

Description: Selects which test pattern generator is controlled by the TestPattern feature.


◆ TestPendingAck

GenApi::IInteger& TestPendingAck

Description: Test PENDING_ACK feature.


◆ TimerDelay

GenApi::IFloat& TimerDelay

Description: Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the delay to apply at the reception of a trigger before starting the Timer.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerDuration

GenApi::IFloat& TimerDuration

Description: Sets the duration (in microseconds) of the Timer pulse.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerReset

GenApi::ICommand& TimerReset

Description: Does a software reset of the selected timer and starts it.

The timer starts immediately after the reset unless a timer trigger is active. Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerSelector

Description: Selects which Timer to configure.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerStatus

Description: Returns the current status of the Timer.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerTriggerActivation

Description: Selects the activation mode of the trigger to start the Timer.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerTriggerSource

Description: Selects the source of the trigger to start the Timer.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimerValue

GenApi::IFloat& TimerValue

Description: Reads or writes the current value (in microseconds) of the selected Timer.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Timestamp

GenApi::IInteger& Timestamp

Description: Reports the current value of the device timestamp counter.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TimestampIncrement

GenApi::IInteger& TimestampIncrement

Description: Indicates the timestamp increment in ns/tick.


◆ TimestampLatch

GenApi::ICommand& TimestampLatch

Description: Latches the current timestamp counter into TimestampLatchValue.


◆ TimestampLatchValue

GenApi::IInteger& TimestampLatchValue

Description: Returns the latched value of the timestamp counter.


◆ TimestampReset

GenApi::ICommand& TimestampReset

Description: Resets the current value of the device timestamp counter.


◆ TLParamsLocked

GenApi::IInteger& TLParamsLocked

Description: Visibility:

◆ TotalDisparity

GenApi::IInteger& TotalDisparity

Description: Displays the search range for the stereo algorithm.


◆ TransferAbort

GenApi::ICommand& TransferAbort

Description: Aborts immediately the streaming of data block(s).

Aborting the transfer will result in the lost of the data that is present or currently entering in the block queue. However, the next new block received will be stored in the queue and transferred to the host when the streaming is restarted. If implemented, this feature should be available when the TransferControlMode is set to "UserControlled". Visibility: Expert

◆ TransferBlockCount

GenApi::IInteger& TransferBlockCount

Description: Specifies the number of data blocks (images) that the device should stream before stopping.

This feature is only active if the Transfer Operation Mode is set to Multi Block. Visibility:

◆ TransferBurstCount

GenApi::IInteger& TransferBurstCount

Description: Number of Block(s) to transfer for each TransferBurstStart trigger.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TransferComponentSelector

Description: Selects the color component for the control of the TransferStreamChannel feature.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferControlMode

Description: Selects the control method for the transfers.

Basic and Automatic start transmitting data as soon as there is enough data to fill a link layer packet. User Controlled allows you to directly control the transfer of blocks. Visibility:

◆ TransferOperationMode

Description: Selects the operation mode of the transfer.

Continuous is similar to Basic/Automatic but you can start/stop the transfer while acquisition runs independently. Multi Block transmits a specified number of blocks and then stops. Visibility:

◆ TransferPause

GenApi::ICommand& TransferPause

Description: Pauses the streaming of data Block(s).

Pausing the streaming will immediately suspend the ongoing data transfer even if a block is partially transfered. The device will resume its transmission at the reception of a TransferResume command. Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferQueueCurrentBlockCount

GenApi::IInteger& TransferQueueCurrentBlockCount

Description: Returns number of data blocks (images) currently in the transfer queue.


◆ TransferQueueMaxBlockCount

GenApi::IInteger& TransferQueueMaxBlockCount

Description: Returns the maximum number of data blocks (images) in the transfer queue Visibility:

◆ TransferQueueMode

Description: Specifies the operation mode of the transfer queue.


◆ TransferQueueOverflowCount

GenApi::IInteger& TransferQueueOverflowCount

Description: Returns number of images that have been lost before being transmitted because the transmit queue hasn't been cleared fast enough.


◆ TransferResume

GenApi::ICommand& TransferResume

Description: Resumes a data Blocks streaming that was previously paused by a TransferPause command.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferSelector

Description: Selects which stream transfers are currently controlled by the selected Transfer features.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TransferStart

GenApi::ICommand& TransferStart

Description: Starts the streaming of data blocks (images) out of the device.

This feature is available when the Transfer Control Mode is set to User Controlled. Visibility:

◆ TransferStatus

GenApi::IBoolean& TransferStatus

Description: Reads the status of the Transfer module signal selected by TransferStatusSelector.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferStatusSelector

Description: Selects which status of the transfer module to read.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferStop

GenApi::ICommand& TransferStop

Description: Stops the streaming of data block (images).

The current block transmission is completed. This feature is available when the Transfer Control Mode is set to User Controlled. Visibility:

◆ TransferStreamChannel

GenApi::IInteger& TransferStreamChannel

Description: Selects the streaming channel that will be used to transfer the selected stream of data.

In general, this feature can be omitted and the default streaming channel will be used. Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferTriggerActivation

Description: Specifies the activation mode of the transfer control trigger.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferTriggerMode

Description: Controls if the selected trigger is active.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferTriggerSelector

Description: Selects the type of transfer trigger to configure.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransferTriggerSource

Description: Specifies the signal to use as the trigger source for transfers.

Visibility: Guru

◆ TransmissionDelay

GenApi::IInteger& TransmissionDelay

Description: Delay in us from image acquisition to image transmission.


◆ TransmissionDelayAverage

GenApi::IInteger& TransmissionDelayAverage

Description: Average delay in us from image acquisition to image transmission.


◆ TransmissionDelayMax

GenApi::IInteger& TransmissionDelayMax

Description: Maximum delay in us from image acquisition to image transmission in the current acquisition session.


◆ TriggerActivation

Description: Specifies the activation mode of the trigger.


◆ TriggerDelay

GenApi::IFloat& TriggerDelay

Description: Specifies the delay in microseconds (µs) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it.


◆ TriggerDivider

GenApi::IInteger& TriggerDivider

Description: Specifies a division factor for the incoming trigger pulses.

Visibility: Expert

◆ TriggerEventTest

GenApi::ICommand& TriggerEventTest

Description: This command generates a test event and sends it to the host.


◆ TriggerMode

Description: Controls whether or not trigger is active.


◆ TriggerMultiplier

GenApi::IInteger& TriggerMultiplier

Description: Specifies a multiplication factor for the incoming trigger pulses.

It is used generally used in conjunction with TriggerDivider to control the ratio of triggers that are accepted. Visibility: Expert

◆ TriggerOverlap

Description: Specifies the overlap mode of the trigger.


◆ TriggerSelector

Description: Selects the type of trigger to configure.


◆ TriggerSoftware

GenApi::ICommand& TriggerSoftware

Description: Generates an internal trigger if Trigger Source is set to Software.


◆ TriggerSource

Description: Specifies the internal signal or physical input line to use as the trigger source.


◆ U3VAccessPrivilege

GenApi::IInteger& U3VAccessPrivilege

Description: Access Privilege.


◆ U3VCPCapability

GenApi::IInteger& U3VCPCapability

Description: Indicates additional features on the control channel.


◆ U3VCPEIRMAvailable

GenApi::IBoolean& U3VCPEIRMAvailable

Description: Set if the device supports at least one device event interface.


◆ U3VCPIIDC2Available

GenApi::IBoolean& U3VCPIIDC2Available

Description: Set if the device supports IIDC2 register map.


◆ U3VCPSIRMAvailable

GenApi::IBoolean& U3VCPSIRMAvailable

Description: Set if the device supports at least one device streaming interface.


◆ U3VCurrentSpeed

Description: Specifies the current speed of the USB link.


◆ U3VMaxAcknowledgeTransferLength

GenApi::IInteger& U3VMaxAcknowledgeTransferLength

Description: Specifies the max suuported ack transfer length of the device.


◆ U3VMaxCommandTransferLength

GenApi::IInteger& U3VMaxCommandTransferLength

Description: Specifies the max suuported command transfer length of the device.


◆ U3VMaxDeviceResponseTime

GenApi::IInteger& U3VMaxDeviceResponseTime

Description: Max Resonse Time in ms.


◆ U3VMessageChannelID

GenApi::IInteger& U3VMessageChannelID

Description: Channel ID Used For The Message Channel.


◆ U3VNumberOfStreamChannels

GenApi::IInteger& U3VNumberOfStreamChannels

Description: Number of Stream Channels and its Corresponding Streaming Interface Register Maps.


◆ U3VVersionMajor

GenApi::IInteger& U3VVersionMajor

Description: U3V Version.


◆ U3VVersionMinor

GenApi::IInteger& U3VVersionMinor

Description: U3V Version.


◆ UniquenessRatio

GenApi::IInteger& UniquenessRatio

Description: Displays the difference between the best matching disparity and the second-best matching disparity.


◆ UserOutputSelector

Description: Selects which bit of the User Output register is set by UserOutputValue.


◆ UserOutputValue

GenApi::IBoolean& UserOutputValue

Description: Value of the selected user output, either logic high (enabled) or logic low (disabled).


◆ UserOutputValueAll

GenApi::IInteger& UserOutputValueAll

Description: Returns the current status of all the user output status bits in a hexadecimal representation (UserOutput 0 status corresponds to bit 0, UserOutput 1 status with bit 1, etc).

This allows simultaneous reading of all user output statuses at once. Visibility:

◆ UserOutputValueAllMask

GenApi::IInteger& UserOutputValueAllMask

Description: Sets the write mask to apply to the value specified by UserOutputValueAll before writing it in the User Output register.

If the UserOutputValueAllMask feature is present, setting the user Output register using UserOutputValueAll will only change the bits that have a corresponding bit in the mask set to one. Visibility: Expert

◆ UserSetDefault

Description: Selects the feature User Set to load and make active by default when the device is reset.

Visibility: Beginner

◆ UserSetFeatureEnable

GenApi::IBoolean& UserSetFeatureEnable

Description: Whether or not the selected feature is saved to user sets.


◆ UserSetLoad

GenApi::ICommand& UserSetLoad

Description: Loads the User Set specified by UserSetSelector to the device and makes it active.


◆ UserSetSave

GenApi::ICommand& UserSetSave

Description: Saves the User Set specified by UserSetSelector to the non-volatile memory of the device.


◆ UserSetSelector

Description: Selects the feature User Set to load, save or configure.


◆ V3_3Enable

GenApi::IBoolean& V3_3Enable

Description: Internally generated 3.3V rail.

Enable to supply external circuits with power. This is different than standard logic outputs in that it is comparatively slow to switch but can supply a more significant amount of power. This is only available on some pins. Visibility:

◆ WhiteClip

GenApi::IFloat& WhiteClip

Description: Controls the maximal intensity taken by the video signal before being clipped as an absolute physical value.

The video signal will never exceed the white clipping point: it will saturate at that level. Visibility: Expert

◆ WhiteClipSelector

Description: Selects which White Clip to control.

Visibility: Expert

◆ Width

Description: Width of the image provided by the device (in pixels).

Visibility: Beginner

◆ WidthMax

GenApi::IInteger& WidthMax

Description: Maximum width of the image (in pixels).

The dimension is calculated after horizontal binning. WidthMax does not take into account the current Region of interest (Width or OffsetX). Visibility:

◆ WindowSizeH

GenApi::IInteger& WindowSizeH

Description: Visibility:

◆ WindowSizeW

GenApi::IInteger& WindowSizeW

Description: Visibility:

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