Spinnaker SDK C++

No Matches
SpinStereoHelper.cpp File Reference


namespace  SpinStereo


#define ComponentEnabledAsBool


bool IsDeviceBumblebeeX (CameraPtr pCam)
gcstring GetSerialNumber (CameraPtr pCam)
bool ConfigureGVCPHeartbeat (CameraPtr pCam, bool doEnable)
 Configures the GVCP heartbeat setting.
bool ResetGVCPHeartbeat (CameraPtr pCam)
bool DisableGVCPHeartbeat (CameraPtr pCam)
 Disables the GVCP heartbeat.
bool SetAcquisitionMode (INodeMap &nodeMap)
bool SetStreamBufferHandlingMode (INodeMap &nodeMapTLDevice)
bool ConfigureStereoProcessing (INodeMap &nodeMap, StereoParameters &stereoParameters)
bool ConfigureAcquisition (CameraPtr pCam, StreamTransmitFlags &streamTransmitFlags)
bool GetScan3dCoordinateScale (INodeMap &nodeMap, float &scaleFactor)
 Retrieves the disparity scale factor (the factor to multiply to get from integer value to sub-pixel (floating point) disparity).
bool GetFloatValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, float &nodeVal)
 Gets a float value from a specified node.
bool ConfigureCameraStreams (CameraPtr pCam, StreamTransmitFlags &streamTransmitFlags)
 Configures the camera streams.
bool SetSGBM_params (CameraPtr pCam, StereoParameters &camParameters)
 Sets up the Semi-Global Block Matching algorithm parameters.
bool EnableAutoExposure (CameraPtr pCam)
 Enables automatic exposure.
bool GetExposureTime (CameraPtr pCam, double &exposureTime)
 Retrieves the current exposure time.
bool GetBooleanValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, bool &nodeVal)
 Gets a boolean value from a specified node.
bool GetIntValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, int64_t &nodeVal)
 Gets an integer value from a specified node.
bool GetMaxIntValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, int64_t &nodeVal)
 Gets the max integer value for a specified node.
bool GetMaxFloatValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, float &nodeVal)
 Gets the max float value for a specified node.
bool GetEnumValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, int64_t &enumVal)
 Gets an enumerated (int) value from a specified node.
bool GetEnumAsStringValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, int64_t &nodeValAsInt, gcstring &nodeValAsStr)
 Gets an enumerated string value from a specified node.
bool GetStringValueFromNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, string &nodeVal)
 Gets a string value from a specified node.
bool SetExposureTime (CameraPtr pCam, double exposureTime)
 Sets the exposure time.
bool EnableAutoGain (CameraPtr pCam)
 Enables automatic gain control.
bool GetGainValue (CameraPtr pCam, double &gainValue)
 Retrieves the current gain value.
bool SetGainValue (CameraPtr pCam, double gainValue)
 Sets the gain value.
bool SetBooleanValueToNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, bool isChecked)
 Sets a boolean value to a specified node.
bool SetIntValueToNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, int64_t nodeVal)
 Sets an integer value to a specified node.
bool SetFloatValueToNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, float nodeVal)
 Sets a double value to a specified node.
bool SetEnumValueToNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, const int64_t nodeVal, NodeMapType nodeMapType=NodeMapType_Camera)
 Sets an enumerated value to a specified node.
bool SetEnumAsStringValueToNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, gcstring nodeEnumValAsStr)
 Sets an enumerated string value to a specified node.
bool SetStringValueToNode (INodeMap &nodeMap, const gcstring &nodeName, string &nodeVal)
 Sets a string value to a specified node.
bool ValidateImageList (const StreamTransmitFlags &streamTransmitFlags, ImageList &imageList)
bool GetScan3dCoordinateOffset (INodeMap &nodeMap, float &coordinateOffset)
 Retrieves the coordinateOffset parameter.
bool GetScan3dInvalidDataFlag (INodeMap &nodeMap, bool &scan3dInvalidDataFlag)
 Retrieves the scan3dInvalidDataFlag parameter.
bool GetScan3dInvalidDataValue (INodeMap &nodeMap, float &scan3dInvalidDataValue)
 Retrieves the scan3dInvalidDataValue parameter.
bool GetTotalDisparity (INodeMap &nodeMap, int64_t &totalDisparity)
 Retrieves the number of disparities parameter.
bool GetSmallPenalty (Spinnaker::GenApi::INodeMap &nodeMap, int64_t &smallPenalty)
 Retrieves the small penalty parameter.
bool GetLargePenalty (Spinnaker::GenApi::INodeMap &nodeMap, int64_t &largePenalty)
 Retrieves the large penalty parameter.
bool GetUniquenessRatio (Spinnaker::GenApi::INodeMap &nodeMap, int64_t &uniquenessRatio)
 Retrieves the SGBM Uniqueness Ratio parameter.
bool PrintCameraCalibrationParams (INodeMap &nodeMap)
 Prints the camera calibration parameters.
bool PrintSGBM_params (CameraPtr pCam)
 Retrieves the camera SGBM related parameters.
bool GetScan3dFocalLength (INodeMap &nodeMap, float &focalLength)
 Retrieves the focal length of the reference camera.
bool GetScan3dPrincipalPoint (INodeMap &nodeMap, float &principalPointV, float &principalPointU)
 Retrieves the image center coordinates of the reference camera in pixels.
bool GetScan3dBaseLine (INodeMap &nodeMap, float &baseline)
 Retrieves the baseline distance between the stereo cameras in meters.
bool PrintDeviceInfo (INodeMap &nodeMap)
 Prints device information using a specific node map.
bool EnableAutoWhiteBalance (CameraPtr pCam)
 Enables Automatic White Balance (AWB).
bool SetAutoWhiteBalance (CameraPtr pCam, double redValue, double blueValue)
 Sets the Automatic White Balance (AWB) using specified red and blue values.


const unsigned int printEveryNFrames = 50
unsigned int imageGroupCounter = 0

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ComponentEnabledAsBool

#define ComponentEnabledAsBool



Variable Documentation

◆ imageGroupCounter

unsigned int imageGroupCounter = 0

◆ printEveryNFrames

const unsigned int printEveryNFrames = 50