You are here: Feature Categories - BFS-U3-63S4-BD Version 1908.0.165.0
Blackfly®S BFS-U3-63S4-BD |
Feature Categories
Name | Description |
Acquisition Control | Category for acquisition and trigger control features. |
Analog Control | Category that contains the analog control features. |
Image Format Control | Category for image format control features. |
Device Control | Category for device information and control. |
Transport Layer Control | Category that contains the transport Layer control features. |
Sequencer Control | Category the features related to the control of the Sequencer for features change. |
Color Transformation Control | Category that contains the color transformation control features. |
Auto Algorithm Control | Category that contains all auto algorithm related features. |
Defective Pixel Correction | Category that contains features related to defective pixel correction. |
User Set Control | Category that contains the features related to the User Set Control to save and load the user device settings. |
Chunk Data Control | Category that contains the Chunk Data control features. |
LUT Control | Category that contains the features related to the look-up-table (LUT) control. |
Event Control | Category that contains the features related to the generation of Event notifications by the device. |
Counter And Timer Control | Category that contains the features related to the usage of programmable counters and timers. |
Test Control | Category that contains features related to the control of the test features. |
Logic Block Control | Category for the Logic Block Control features. |
Digital IO Control | Category that contains the features related to the control of the general input and output pins of the device. |
Serial Port Control | Category that contains the Serial Port control features. |
File Access | Category that contains the features related to the File that provides all the sevices necessary for generic file access of a device. |
Transfer Control | Category for the data Transfer Control features. |
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