Spinnaker SDK C++

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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CActionCommandResultAction Command Result
 CBasePtrThe base class of the SystemPtr, CameraPtr, InterfacePtr, ImagePtr and LoggingEventDataPtr objects
 CBMPOptionOptions for saving Bitmap image
 CCameraThe camera object class
 CCameraBaseThe base class for the camera object
 CCameraListUsed to hold a list of camera objects
 CCameraPtrA reference tracked pointer to a camera object
 CChunkDataThe chunk data which contains additional information about an image
 CDeviceArrivalEventHandlerAn event handler for capturing the device arrival event
 CDeviceEventExposureEndDataData Fields for Device Event payload for EventExposureEnd
 CDeviceEventHandlerA handler to device events
 CDeviceEventInferenceDataData fields for Device Event payload for EventInference
 CDeviceEventUtilityStatic helper functions for the device event object class
 CDeviceRemovalEventHandlerAn event handler for capturing the device removal event
 CEventHandlerThe base class for all event handler types
 CExceptionThe Exception object represents an error that is returned from the library
 CICameraBaseThe interface file for base class for the camera object
 CICameraListUsed to hold a list of camera objects
 CIChunkDataThe Interface file for ChunkData
 CIImageThe interface file for Image
 CIImageListThe interface file for ImageList class
 CIImageProcessorThe interface file for ImageProcessor class
 CIImageStatisticsThe interface file for image statistics
 CIInterfaceThe interface file for Interface
 CIInterfaceListThe interface file for InterfaceList class
 CImageThe image object class
 CImageEventHandlerA handler for capturing image arrival events
 CImageListUsed to hold a list of image objects
 CImageListEventHandlerA handler for capturing image list arrival events
 CImageProcessorImage post processing class for converting a source image to another pixel format
 CImagePtrA reference tracked pointer to an image object
 CImageStatisticsRepresents image statistics for an image
 CImageUtilityStatic helper functions for the image object class
 CImageUtilityCCMStatic function to create color corrected images from an image object
 CImageUtilityHeatmapStatic functions to create heatmap images from image objects of pixel format Mono8 and Mono16
 CImageUtilityPolarizationStatic functions to create polarization images from image objects of pixel format Polarized8 and BayerRGPolarized8
 CInferenceBoundingBoxResultAn inference bounding boxes object which holds information about the detected bounding boxes
 CInferenceBoxRectInference Bounding Box Type Data Structures
 CInterfaceAn interface object which holds a list of cameras
 CInterfaceArrivalEventHandlerAn event handler for capturing the interface arrival event
 CInterfaceEventHandlerA handler to device arrival and removal events on all interfaces
 CInterfaceListA list of the available interfaces on the system
 CInterfacePtrA reference tracked pointer to the interface object
 CInterfaceRemovalEventHandlerAn event handler for capturing the interface removal event
 CISpinnakerGPUThe interface file for SpinnakerGPU class
 CISystemThe interface file for System
 CJPEGOptionOptions for saving JPEG image
 CJPG2OptionOptions for saving JPEG2000 image
 CLibraryVersionProvides easier access to the current version of Spinnaker
 CLoggingEventDataThe LoggingEventData object
 CLoggingEventDataPtrA reference tracked pointer to the LoggingEvent object
 CLoggingEventHandlerAn event handler for capturing the device logging event
 CPGMOptionOptions for saving PGM images
 CPNGOptionOptions for saving PNG images
 CPPMOptionOptions for saving PPM images
 CSIOptionOptions for saving Spinnaker image
 CSpinnakerGPUProvides the functionality for the user to post process images on an NVIDIA GPU device
 CSystemThe system object is used to retrieve the list of interfaces and cameras available
 CSystemEventHandlerA handler to interface arrival and removal events on the system
 CSystemPtrA reference tracked pointer to a system object
 CTIFFOptionOptions for saving TIFF images
 CTransportLayerDevicePart of the QuickSpin API to provide access to camera information without having to first initialize the camera
 CTransportLayerInterfacePart of the QuickSpin API to provide access to camera information without having to first initialize the camera
 CTransportLayerStreamPart of the QuickSpin API to provide access to camera information without having to first initialize the camera
 CTransportLayerSystemPart of the QuickSpin API to provide access to camera information without having to first initialize the camera