You are here: Blackfly S Installation Guide BFS-GE-16S2-BD2




Blackfly S Installation Guide

Welcome to the Blackfly S camera. We offer a number of resources to assist you with the Blackfly S.

  • Release Notes—information about the current firmware release including feature additions or changes, bug fixes, and known issues.
  • Specifications—information about the camera model as it performs with the current firmware.
  • Getting Started—quick start guide for installing the camera and software.
  • Installation Guide—information about installing the camera and SDK, the physical interface and mechanical properties, troubleshooting and how to get help. This document is available as a PDF for download or as a webpage included in the firmware release package.
  • Technical Reference—information about the features supported by the camera model with the current firmware, including: image format control, acquisition control, sequencing, binning/decimation, and others. This document is available as a PDF for download or as a webpage included in the firmware release package.
  • Firmware—programming inserted into the programmable ROM of the camera that can be updated in-field. New firmware packages are available for download and include both the firmware file and documentation.
  • Spinnaker SDK—software development kit that provides GenICam-compliant controls to create applications for the camera. Spinnaker is available for download. Each installation includes API documentation for C, C++, and C#.

Our website provides additional information in our Knowledge Base and Technical Application Note library. As well, the Downloads site is the portal to access documentation and firmware updates.


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Blackfly®S BFS-GE-16S2-BD2
Camera Reference

FLIR Camera and API References